Tell her that most Brits are very good - when they see a foreign face or name, they will make allowance for 'bad' English and some will even say your English is very good.
Yep, I told her that before. I mean, most people who I meet for the first time would try to speak... really... slowly and I'll be like "you know I'm from the north, aye?"
Still she has panic attacks every now and then: "oh shit what if I can't find a job?" "what if no one wants to hire an Asian?" "what if they don't accept me into the grad schools?"
British people are nice in general, except for those drunk wankers who steal wallets during viewings

"what if they don't accept me into the grad schools?" - easy answer for you - she will get into grad school without too much problem as long as she had an upper second class degree. British university will welcome her with open arms - she will be an international student paying overseas fees!
"oh shit what if I can't find a job?" "what if no one wants to hire an Asian?" - tell her that if she is willing to do any work, she should get a job without too much difficulties - afterall the current unemployment rate in the UK is below 5%. She can always get a weekend part time job at the local Chinese restaurant or take away!