[歐美H game]推介(11)


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赤色之瞳 2024-09-30 19:54:30
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:28:37
Artemis DevLog CH6
It's a new week!
I was inserting more renders into the code and saw two shots that I could have done a little better with. I was using camera tricks to try to hide the name of the asset. Because well, when I started working on Artemis, I only had played like 2 or 3 AVNs by that time I think. So, thought it was harmless to add Cafe Luca, heh. Anywho, fast forward to now. I try my best to either tweak assets or just work my magic on bringing whole new ones to work with. In this case, I just wanted to keep it simple and quick, so just a little removal of the previous sign and created this in its place. Made for a nice photo-op for June too for this scene.
I also wanted to touch on Artemis' Discernment Protocol mechanic again. I took your guys feedback from CH5 regarding the two choices. And this chapter's choices focus more on your actions and suggestions rather than scolding. For example:
"Artemis, there are a few ways to open a door. One example being is simply turning the handle and opening it. Or you could just kool-aid man your way in".
So you can expect more situations like that when it comes to influencing her Discernment Protocol. I also want to mention it's not a morality system, you're essentially guiding her on how to approach certain situations. As her mind develops more, this mechanic will come into play on how she handles situations on her own. You can certainly play the game pouring points one-sided, but key situations will require conditions to be met for her to get a "positive" response from others. It's a bit of a balancing act between firm/empathy. There's no visual cue of the points going up or down, aside from having to go into the Artemis app on your phone to see where she stands. But what do you guys think? Should I keep the firm/empathy points hidden? Maybe show the results at the end of each chapter or book?
Have yourselves a great week and be safe! Spooky season is upon us! (Though it is still hot where I'm at...)

赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:30:31
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:32:54
[0.8] - Progress Report #2

Hope you're all doing great!

We're finally at the end of the month, and as promised, here's a new devlog so you check what I've been cooking and how the progress is going!

As usual with progress reports, I'll try to keep it short and to the point!


The current development is about 75% complete. As I’ve mentioned before, this update is easily going to have the most hours of content so far!
Here are the current numbers:

1102 new renders
55 new animations
10.5K new lines of code, with over 4500 new lines of dialogue

As many of you know, I’ve been focusing on finding a better balance with my work to prevent burnout and ensure I can continue developing the game with the same passion I had when I first started. However, that doesn't mean I'm not working hard on the game. I want to reassure you that I’m still putting in just as much effort, if not more.

In addition, the renders are now more polished, which naturally takes extra time. While 99% of you have always been incredibly supportive and understanding about the development pace, I sometimes can’t help but worry that some could feel I’m not fully committed. We've all seen other developers start projects just to abandon them halfway, but you can be sure: that will never happen here.

I'm not always fully inspired, productivity can fluctuate, unexpected things can happen (just this previous week some personal issues made me unable to work for 3 days) and even when I'm putting in the same amount of hours, I can't always produce +40 renders a day as I'd like to.

However, I promise to always be transparent about my progress, and I’ll ALWAYS be here to respond to your messages and comments. I love the community we’ve built around my games, and I’ll never stop striving to deliver the best work I can

Thank you all for your constant support


Now, on a more exciting note!

All that said, I’m still aiming to release the update before Christmas, which means we’re officially in the last stretch!

I expect the full update to have over 1,500 renders. There will be 4 lewd scenes—2 are already complete, and the third just needs a few more days of work!

In version 0.8, we’ll continue our adventure on the pirate server, but also explore brand-new worlds, and, of course, spend some quality time with our favorite girls! I've commissioned a few add-ons that I think will add a lot to the game, and the main plot will also take some intriguing twists that I can’t wait for you to experience

You’ll also notice the harem dynamic starting to take shape more clearly, with new interactions between the girls (without forgetting of one-on-one moments too, don't worry).


Alongside all of this, the main menu and the Relationship Points screen have been completely revamped to give them a more dynamic look! You can check out the new design in this link:


And don’t miss the newly designed Exit Screen—my favorite addition!

Aaaaand that's all for now!

Over the next month, I'll be posting new wallpapers, the 2nd part of the Q&A, and yes, a fresh set of sneak peeks! So... stay tuned!

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thank you so much for your support—not only for making the game possible financially, but also for giving me the daily motivation through your kind messages ❤

You guys are truly the best.



赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:39:32

赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:41:33

Hi fellow Pandalorians!

I’m nearly finished with the story part, and rendering will begin soon. You can expect to see some sneak peeks starting around mid-October!

The story is currently about 14,000 words, and I estimate it will end up between 15,000-16,000 words, depending on revisions and the last two missing scenes. This update will include quite a few new scenes, so the rendering process may take a bit longer, but I’m confident it will go smoothly. Out of the 12 scenes, 5 will require new maps, which I need to prepare first (I usually can’t use stock maps directly because of missing assets or weird object placements).

I’ll keep you updated on the progress!

Wishing you a great week ahead, and don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:46:15
braveheart academy on hold
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:51:04
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:54:51
Radiant Chapter 7: Progress Report #5 (Public)
Hello again everyone! This is one of two progress reports that I'll be dropping today (one has previews that can't be shared publicly: apologies guys). If you're a subscriber, I recommend checking this progress report instead.

First and most importantly: we are just 5 scenes away from being finished with the chapter and should be able to knock these out quickly. I've already built and tested the first 3/4th, and while I considered releasing it, I ultimately decided to just crunch and get things done/release the entire chapter at once. The main reason being that some of our players weren't happy when we've fragmented updates in the past.

The reason for the delay is honestly quite simple, which is that the chapter ended up being larger and more complex than we initially had planned. While waiting a bit longer sucks, this does carry the good news that players can enjoy one of our "big" updates. I've recently updated the tracker to reflect our progress, which you can find here, and this will be the last progress report before the chapter's launch.

Thanks to everyone who waited patiently and sorry again for missing our initial deadline!

By the way, it would be remiss of me to not mention that Radiant is currently apart of a bundle over on Itch: you can get it, along with 4 other games at an -80% discount. The offer ends in 9 days, so if you're one of the people who's been waiting on a sale and wanted to own an actual, digital copy, now would be a good time to grab it:


Anyways, I'll see you on launch day! Thanks again for being patient, and I love you guys!
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:58:29

Desert Stalker
Dev log 29.09.2024

Here's a sneak peek into the new ending of that first trip to Adira. Instead of three images with the summary "The whole night long, the three of you are a sweaty mess of grinding bodies" you will actually see the grinding bodies, finally...

...and slamming Kyra against the bars doesn't go unnoticed either. Other raiders in the container dump are watching how their new boss handles her affair with you. And then there is Asha, who hasn't yet recovered from her treatment before...

Render progress:
Mutant's quest II: 55%

Reworks (& folder names):
Shani's first adventure (d2e): 100%
Back from the pyramid: (d2f): 0%
Ivy's test; mistreated slave (d3b): 20%
Shani and MC in old Cairo (d3c): 10%
Emilia's introduction (d3d): 0%
Kyra in basement (d4a): 100%
Ain's attempted kidnapping (d4b): 10%
Discovering the mutants (d5b): 100%
First trip to Adira w/ Kyra (d5c): 95%
Queen roasts kidnapper (d5d): 10%
Kateryna & Igor first visit: 100%
Abrax' introduction: 30%
Showing Kateryna the city (d6a): 100%
First Asani visit (d6b): 30%

Complete code rework: 0%
UI rework (home buttons): 0%

Repeatable events:
Household repeatable events:
- Sparring with Shani: 60%

Igor repeatable visit: 0%
Raider throne room repeatable sex: 0%
Mutants repeatable sex events: 0%

Animations (including new ones in reworks): 5%
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 17:59:50

Domino Beach

Hey everyone !

I hope you're all doing well. It's time for another update on Domino Beach. I'm still hard at work on the second episode, and I'm excited to share some progress with you.
First off, I've now completed around 440 renders. It's been steady progress, although I did lose a few days of work due to some personal matters. Don't worry though - I'm doing my best to catch up.
I've made some small tweaks to the script, including a complete rewrite of a scene that was giving me trouble earlier. It involved Olivia and Alex, and I wasn't happy with how it looked before. But now, I'm much more satisfied with the result. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need.

I'm still plugging away at that huge scene with the Rebels. I've got to admit, working on scenes of this size can be a bit tiring sometimes. But it's nothing I can't handle - just part of the creative process.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with how things are shaping up. The results are looking good, even though there's still a lot of work ahead. But that's the exciting part, right?
Thanks as always for your support and patience. You guys are what keeps this project going! I'll be back with more updates soon.

Take care, everyone !
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:02:16
An update from Noctus
Hey all you lovely followers and players of DreamLink! Hope you've been well.

Coming back today with an update out of the norm...

I've loved developing DreamLink so far, and 0.3 is still in the works - it has some awesome story beats which have been in the making for the past 5 or so months. That being said, in the last 3-4 weeks, I've been unable to give the development of this game the amount of time and attention it deserves. This is mostly because of other parts of my life getting more hectic - changes in my personal life, things getting crazy at work (I do have a day job that pays the bills 😂).

Thing is, this isn't just a blip on the radar, and I don't see things getting less busy for me in the near future. Sadly, the development of 0.3 will be slowing down as a result☹️

I love DreamLink and I still want to realise the vision for this expansive story and world that I've been crafting, but can only commit to so much progress as things ramp up in other parts of my life.

I will be pausing all billing for you lovely Patrons until I feel comfortable that the amount of work I put in is deserving of your money - thank you so, so much for supporting this journey.

I'll still be active on Discord when I can, and will continue to work on DreamLink in the limited spare time I have. And when 0.3 does eventually drop, I hope it'll have been worth the wait!

Reach out with any questions, any time.

Much love,

赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:10:44
fate collide
Progress report 14
Two weeks passed by, so another report time.
Not sure how to feel about this one. It started pretty well-off.
Finished Eiko's bit, had some slower work here but I also tried to make something work. I'm a sucker for window renders but an idea was just not feasable in hs2. Still, the ending of the section turned pretty good. Raiko's swimsuit section proved a tad difficult, partially do to her butt renders.
Ok, just kidding. Kinda. Butt yeah, finished her section too. I was half worried if the impact/difference will be big enough (graphically) from old renders, as technically that one isn't even that old, but it was quite noticeable. Makes me less worried about Episode 3 rework.
And I've moved onto the Avis section. Started okay, had some issues with the cafe69 map (idk the 69 joke was kinda iconic to it stays) so I re-made half the map on my own to fix the issues.

And it has been going well till last 2-3 days... Kinda dipped down. I'm definitely getting more often than before burnouts/down periods. Not depressed, just feeling a bit down and unmotivated. It's an annoying circle. If I take day off, I'm behind the schedule even further but then recover, but if I don't, I might release the game sooner, and be done with these down periods faster. Not seeing the joy of people after release of a game update, seeing people chat about it on my server or elsewhere, the excitment for so long is taking a toll. But we gotta push through it, no turning back.

From renders perspective, finally a better 2-week period. Total 370 new renders. I really wanted to be done with Avis's section till report, but the last few days were slow. Also, I hate phone renders That makes it up to roughly ~1650 renders for ep2, so total 3 800 renders since rework started.

Not much irl to say. I did have a day for assembling Ikea stuff, solo assembled a big Kallax shelf. Me happy (after assembly, fuck ikea during it). And I did take one day for administritative stuff and fighting with postal office. "Fun times".

As always, love you all. Thanks for sticking out so far with me.
Levy wallpaper renders when I take a day off, don't want to make it while I'm a bit down.

<3 Kat
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:14:32
friends in need
Dev Update! 9/30/24
Hey friends, hope you're all doing well this week! Hopefully the hurricane/storms that swept up through the southeast corner of the US didn't affect any of you good folks. I caught a tiny bit of it here in the midwest, with some sections of my city losing power. But, I was fortunate enough not to have any real problems.
I'm happy to say that the shopping scene for Chapter 10 is officially complete, aside from a little touch-up I need to do for a handful of renders. Current render count stands right around 1030. I'm now working on Mason's big ero scene, which I hope to have finished within the next few days. Then there's a little bit of connective scene tissue I need to work on too. Basically, I just need a short scene (10-20 renders) of the player dropping off/picking Mason up from the optometrist, and then a 30~ render conversation scene transitioning from the Mason storyline, over into Gabby's content. Pretty sure I can knock both of those little sections out in a day.
Today I'm stuck at my day job, so I've been poring over the script, seeing if there's any improvements I could make. I always get this weird feeling of nervousness before I release a new chapter, and this time's no different. I remember that, when writing Brittani's photoshoot scene way back in Chapter 4, I was convinced I'd completely fumbled the whole thing, and everybody was going to hate it. On the contrary, I think it stands as one of the more highly-regarded scenes/chapters to date. But, there's always that little perfectionist voice in the back of my head whispering, "Better! Faster! More!"
Perfectionism aside, I'm feeling pretty proud of this one. It's bigger than I planned, and touches more characters than I intended to. But, I think it hangs together well as part of Guy's Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, and ultimately culminates in some things that will set up the next big phase of the story.
I'll be working hard to get it into your hands as soon as possible, but until then: take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:20:58
summer story
Weekly news

Good afternoon guys,Â

I have finished the renders of the first day of the update, starting Monday I will start writing text and script for it.

New update status: ââââââââââ]45%
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:23:46
Karlsson's Gambit
Public Corporate Development Memo 9/29/2024
Hi everyone!

I decided it was about time to do a public post since I am about to turn the last corner for a final sprint to trying to finish the update.

First, the basic stats: (for those that are Patrons, you will understand the updated numbers from last week but for others just overall as of now)

Main Path (all see) 213 renders ---> 213 renders

Secret Sub Path 367 ---> 367

Dom Path: 1,246 ---> 1,310 (+64)

Sub Path: 1,203 ---> 1,269 (+66)

Total: 3,029 ---> 3,159 (+130)

I am going to take a full 1-2 days to not do anything - I just went through last week doing FY financials for every business I am involved in so it drained me quite a bit - either business or game related, and then October 1...kind of gear up for a hard push. I am likely to take a week off this month but I don't know the dates yet. I've got a winter trip later where I will plan to write Episode 8, Part 3 dialogue quite a bit, but obviously I want to have this update out before that time.

I am about where I thought I would be for the update from my long Patreon post about desired timelines, but I never know for sure until I get to the final editing and actually finish content scenes. Hopefully, I'm still on track

I am going to shift to doing only sub scenes (a bit over 5+ scenes left) until I now finish that path for the update before a final turn back to the dom path, and a likely final scene that all will see.

I have decided that most likely I am going to split Part 3 into smaller chunks (2 vs 1) to release, the amount of editing/tweaking I am facing is always daunting at such a large size and I'm rethinking this issue for next time. I think this next episode is uniquely ok to possibly split but we'll see.

It was pretty hard for me to find public images that are ok but hopefully they all worked out.

I want to thank everyone for their patience and support. I know my updates are pretty long (another reason I might want to split the next one) for waiting, but I'm still working at the same pace as much as I can since the very beginning. I've gotten a lot busier too with business and now planning a bunch of RL stuff with getting married next year, so it's honestly harder to juggle it all, but managing it!

I'm also still proud that I've gone this long with basically never missing a weekly update give or take a day or so for RL issues.

I will keep working hard to try and get the update out for everyone to enjoy


赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:29:05

Hello everyone

It's been some time since the last progress update, so there is something to share.

The progress itself. You can see the completion status down below if you interested in percentage. I try to update it as frequent as I can show the progress. If you don't know yet where to find it - you can check on it in the above section of this Patreon page, in my discord server or on itch.io page.

For what I've done and what's left! I just finished the second set of animations and the scene that it happens in. Though, there are two more small animations that I also did after the first set and before the second. So I can say that three girls received their attention animation-wise already. The last scenes I worked on takes place at the Helen's apartment, WIP teaser of which you can see down below. It's only a living room, and a clean version of it. Let's say Helen cleaned it up for this shot just for you, who knows what the mess was there before (≖⩊≖). Apart from the animation, it makes four big scenes and five small ones done.

And that leaves me two big scenes and one more set of animation to work on. One scene in this living room with all the characters and one late night date. Who will be the girl of this update, you think? How long it will take to finish the update is impossible to predict, but I've been prescribed vitamins, and I'm able to get more work done, last month was even more productive than most of the summer as it feels, so I'm hoping for the best. I feel inspired to finally be able to share something new with all of you and move the story further of this update. As there will be big things in the next update that I've already mentioned in the previous progress update.

While we're here, I also can't help but admit that my audience connection is not the best it could be. As I don't like to spoil things about updates, so there is not much to tell besides that work is being done. I could post "bloopers" - weird non-contexual images that could sometimes funny, but it's not something most people would like. Or just more spoiler-free previews and WIPs along the development? Vote below, and if you have better ideas, please let me know. Any feedback is always welcome.

And as always, thank you everyone for the support and interest in the project!

Your DD !
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:32:18

A huge thank you to my subscribers and supporters!
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:32:30
pale carnation
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:36:16
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:41:25
Progress Report #September 2024

Script: 100%

Renders: 85%

Code: 15%

Music & SFX: 50%

Animation: 20%

Hello world! KS here~

The progress is more than 50% now, and some of the more time consuming parts are almost done, so I'll call it 60% now since it's all just very rough estimation anyway hahaha!

This time, I'm adding in a lot more choices, since that was the major complaint from the players. Now you're more free to choose how you want to approach the game I hope. It's more work, but I guess I have to do it.

There will be 4 new scenes to unlock, new story content for almost all girls. The length of this update should be on par with the last one, maybe a little bit shorter, but still long(that's what she said).

The summer is finally going away, and my favorite seasons are coming. I can say I've mostly recovered from my summer depression, which seem to happen every year. However, fear not, KS is back, and you should be seeing me acting like a normal human once again. Did I say I love autumn and winter? Haha!

I still need to battle my ADHD, but it's much easier for me in colder seasons for some reason. Yeah I'm super weird, I know, but you're here for my game and not me so I guess it doesn't matter, heh!

I'm hoping to release New Horizon 0.3 before Christmas this year(definitely not Christmas next year I promise). I can hopefully give myself a little vacation after that. I feel like I really need a long and relaxing vacation. So many bad things happened this year for me, and working on the game is almost kinda like a therapy at this point.

I'm grateful there are people who actually enjoy the game. It warms my heart when it sometimes come up in people's conversations. I hope you will continue to play future versions.

Anyway, that's been it. I wish you all a great day!

Sincerely, KS

赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 18:48:02
Version 0.17 Progress Report
Hey everyone,
We're here with a progress report for the next version. But before we get into that, we want to sincerely apologize for all the delays and the lack of communication. We assure you that it won't happen again. Whatever challenges we've faced over the last couple of months are not an excuse, and we fully recognize that. Starting with this version, we'll do our best to return to our previous work pace and release new versions regularly.
Now, regarding the next version: as of today, half of the renders are done, the script is almost finished, and we've also started working on the animations. In the best-case scenario, this version should be ready by the end of this month or the first week of October. We'll do everything we can to avoid any further delays.
I'm usually the one who decides how the story will progress and writes the general storyline before we start working on the renders. However, the first half of this version didn't quite feel right, so we decided to redo it from scratch. Maeve will still play a huge role in this version, but with the new script I've written, we've also managed to include Daisy and Olivia in the story. This way, there will be more sexual content and additional story elements that will shape the future of the game. Now, I'd like to talk about Savior's ending. It's close. Things are going to escalate more quickly, with more action, key story elements, and a few surprises. We've always planned for the game to have two different outcomes, and neither should feel superior to the other. We're aware of that. So, no matter which route you've mostly chosen (Good or Evil), we're committed to giving you the best possible ending. There might be a few extra versions after the game's conclusion to tie up loose ends or offer some additional sexual content, but it's a bit early to discuss that now.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Until we talk again, take care of yourselves and enjoy life!
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 19:01:44
Sort Of Justice

Not-So-Weekly Update 28/09/2024

Ok, it's been a while. I haven't really had time to write up the progress until just yesterday. But here goes.
So far, I've managed to accumulate around 15,000 word. I'm pretty sure this is pretty close to finishing for the script. Now, of course, this won't be the final version. I still have to review and nitpick everything as I re-read the entire thing and as I render. But so far, it doesn't look bad. I feel like I should've got more done but at the same time, I wasn't able to. But! I do have good news to tell for this update! My semester will end in 2 weeks. Which means after these 2 weeks, I can go into full development mode.
I have a lot of ideas in mind that I want to add to the chapter, and I can't wait to see how they'll look in renders. But with that in mind, I also want to talk about what I have planned for the chapter. So, at some point during my script writing, I realised there's a lot of things I need to add to maintain the fluidity of story-telling. It's kind of like a double-edged blade, because on one hand, you'll get more content with more quality, but on the other hand, it's a lot more work for me. I believed I've touched on this topic in one of the update, so I won't waste time talking about it again. I just want to see, for the future of my development, I'm willing to trade time for quality. Some of you might not like this, because who does? I understand, but in my perspective, while I am trying to make money, I do want to actually produce a good product. And I feel like won't be able to do that if I'm constantly rushing progress. This is actually what had happened with the initial release of this game. My semester was about to start, and I know I won't be able to work on it much then, so I ran through the rest of the development and pushed it out as soon as I could. The result was ok, there wasn't any game breaking bugs or anything, but there were a lot of typos and a few malfunctioning features (Shout out to my members in Discord for helping me out with these). So, all I'm saying is, I genuinely want to make a game with all my effort. Especially because this is my first game, and it means a lot to me.
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 19:01:54

Weekly topic:
I was staring at my notepad and trying to think about what I should talk about. So, after 5 minutes of staring, let's talk about why I'm trying to make an action visual novel.
I love action. And based on your definition, there's probably a lot of versions of the action genre. But what I noticed is that, not many 3D renpy adult visual novels will show you how to transition from an arm bar to a triangle choke, or to correctly perform a judo throw. I think what I'm doing is a little different than what the usual visual novels do, but that's what I love doing, making a difference.
One of the things I see is that, not many people really care about the levels of detail in action, which I think it's a big shame because action is art, and to portray action is another type of art. I could easily go "A guy punches another guy > He fell > the guy wins", but there's no depth. There's nothing to show that this action scene is of any significance. Two drunk dudes fighting while constantly tripping can technically be called action, but is it good action? The author tells you that this scene is an action scene, but will you think dudes throwing pillow hands can satisfy you or make you say, "that's a good fight scene". NO. The level of detail dictates how good an action scene is and that's what I'm trying to achieve. The law of motion must be followed, the portrayal of techniques must be correct, the reaction to impact must be realistic... and not just directing the action, but also the presentation of the action: Camera angles, lighting, sound effects, music, all the good stuff that compliments an action scene. Details, baby.
I totally understand if someone were to say the action scene is too long or there are too many unnecessary action scenes that don't matter. Not everyone is interested in watching action, which I get. While I'm not going to change how I'm going to develop my game, subconsciously, I want to make more people appreciate action scenes. Of course, I can't force what people don't like, but... what if you do like it? And you just haven't seen the right material? It's like, I will hate eating Cacio e Pepe just because all I've ever had is bad Cacio e Pepe. I want to make that good plate of Cacio e Pepe. I want them to realise that maybe they do in fact, like eating Cacio e Pepe, they just haven't had any good ones, yet.
Ok, there it is. Why I'm making this game. I love adult visual novels, and I love action. I want to see how good I can become in writing action scenes, and I want to bring interest to how exciting an action scene can be.
That's it for this update. Thanks again for all of my patrons and supporters. I'll see you again next time.
赤色之瞳 2024-10-01 19:04:20
the inn
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