[歐美H game]推介(11)


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赤色之瞳 2024-12-16 17:21:40
赤色之瞳 2024-12-16 17:22:02
vscy90 2024-12-16 21:47:40
對twins同最後3some 的scene做得幾好
赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 00:49:16
求鳩旗 2024-12-17 22:24:11
記憶中玩過一隻game想搵返黎玩,係講阿爺留咗間旅館比我仲有個妖精女傭,然後個個女角都係離家出走搬入黎住,第一女主係打機宅女但係有錢佬個女,有冇人知隻game叫咩名,個file size好似要十幾廿GB
赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 22:29:43
harem hotel?cosy cafe都似似地
赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 22:31:00

赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 22:32:58

Hey everyone!
This report is a little late, I had a busy weekend and didn’t get much work done. As you can see, Part 1 is no more, I’ve switched to a fixed and clearer version numbering system now!
I’m currently finishing Scene 5, so Scenes 9 and 10 are still on my to-do list. Unfortunately, there won’t be a Christmas release. I’ve got the last two weeks of the year off, but I also want to enjoy some Christmas time. A release around mid-January might be on the horizon, I’ll keep you guys updated!
On a side note, I joined the Winter Games Bundle on itch, which might be a good way to get more people to notice the game! There are quite a few awesome games in it, and even some bigger developers joined the bundle this time. It’ll be going live on the 20th!
I also updated my Honey Select during the past two weeks, which I try to keep up to date to get the most out of new mods and features. It worked out in the end, though I did have to figure out how to give the characters their teeth back. Imagine loading a scene and seeing Mia without teeth - oof... And no, she didn’t get beaten up! ;) It was just a mod removed by the update, which I managed to track down and put back in place.
That’s everything for development logs this year, the next one will be in 2025! I’ll make a small dedicated Christmas post next week, though.
Wishing everyone a great week! Just a few more days of stressful normal work before some well-deserved downtime for me. I hope your week is going better! ❤
赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 22:35:39
pale carnation
Dev Diary 87

Ha! You were expecting a preview or bonus image this week, but it was me, TD with a dev diary!

The writing and art portion of development has concluded. The tentative totals for Ch4Up5 are thus:

3,657 static images, 86 animations, and 66,109 words.

That works out to 138 images, 10 animations, and a breezy 891 words added to the project over the last week.

There's the usual litany of tasks still needing to be done to get it in your hands, but a late December release for our Club Owners is looking more likely than last week. A concrete release date will be provided once its in our proofers hands, with the caveat is that Christmas is looming around the corner. Availability may be understandably sketchy.

So we'll see. Fingers crossed. Either way, the update is just around the corner.

By the way, I have mentioned how wonderful and handsome you're all looking? Cause you are and you do.

Happy holidays everyone. Be safe and kind to each other, and thanks for your support.
赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 22:36:50
[ETERNUM 0.8] - Changelog & Release Dates

1650+ new images

80+ new animations

16750+ new lines of code

38+ new music tracks

150+ new sound effects

Updated UI

Several render and code fixes

Release dates:

Demon Lord Tier - December 19 - 04:00 PM (UTC)

God Tier - December 21 - 04:00 PM (UTC)

Eternumite Tier - December 27 - 04:00 PM (UTC)

Master Tier - January 2 - 04:00 PM (UTC)

Supporter Tier - January 8 - 04:00 PM (UTC)

Public Release - January 14 - 04:00 PM (UTC)

求鳩旗 2024-12-17 22:42:41
係harem hotel thx
赤色之瞳 2024-12-17 23:01:53
哈理波特 2024-12-18 04:56:08
想問Ching 有冇啲角色比較豐滿啲推薦
玩過 heart problem Amelie 好正
赤色之瞳 2024-12-18 10:25:27
想問Ching 有冇啲角色比較豐滿啲推薦
玩過 heart problem Amelie 好正

Domino beach
Race of life
Summer heat
Long live the princess
Milfy city
Treasure of nadia
A wife and mother
Shut up and dance
Freeloading family
A mother's love
Holiday island
石動惣一 2024-12-18 11:32:35
今個月得SH,玩完。 無師傅青梅,無TM,無Ripple
虎金妃笑虎 2024-12-18 11:51:22
Note Making : v0.25 Progress
Hello everyone, HEXATAIL here! I hope you all in great health.

First and foremost, I want to sincerely apologize for the delay in giving you this progress notice. I know how important it is to keep you in the loop, and I take full responsibility for not reaching out sooner. I’ve been so deep into the work that I lost track of keeping you updated, and for that, I’m truly sorry. I’ll keep you informed more regularly.

Now, let me walk you through the progress I’ve made on Agent17 and the upcoming v0.25 update.

1. How is v0.25 progressing?

Alice Live (90%)
Ruby Home Night (90%)
Nora Torture System. (100%)

Adele Foot Job (100%)
Chloe New sex scenes (100%)
Ophelia Repeat Deepthroat (100%)

2. Why is there a delay?

Developing Alice's live streaming feature has been more challenging than expected. I started with a simple design inspired by YouTube’s chat system, but it quickly grew in complexity.

The system now includes an FSM-based live chat where audience comments adapt dynamically to Alice's actions and behavior during the stream. Audience nicknames will be drawn from our Patreon sponsors, adding a personalized touch to the experience.

Additionally, I’m working on harmonizing the quests across Alice Live, Ruby Home Night, and Nora Torture, along with overall system improvements and bug fixes.

3. So, when do you want to release the update?

As for the release date of v0.25, I’m aiming for 2024. That said, I won’t make any promises just yet because the update is still under development. I wanted to give you guys the best update possible without causing any problems.

4. Sneak Peek

Puzzle AI images are changed to hand-drawn pictures.

-Stealth Skill Lv1-

Finally, I want to emphasize that I’m fully committed to this project and working tirelessly to bring Agent17 to life. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding as I take the time to ensure this update is the best it can be.

Thank you sponsors, for your continued support—it means the world to me. I’ll keep you updated with more progress soon.

Love you 💙

俗世淫僧 2024-12-18 12:36:26
赤色之瞳 2024-12-18 14:56:00
今個月得SH,玩完。 無師傅青梅,無TM,無Ripple

日夜鍛煉去取勝 2024-12-18 16:52:45
啱啱試咗elmwood university
啲女係幾正 衰在個個都追撚含 冇乜特色
赤色之瞳 2024-12-18 18:13:05
Mevius 2024-12-18 19:00:33
求鳩旗 2024-12-18 19:25:50
幾時有得屌agent 17
赤色之瞳 2024-12-18 19:59:57
赤色之瞳 2024-12-18 20:01:29
日夜鍛煉去取勝 2024-12-18 20:16:19
the office (不過abandoned)
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞