[0.8] - Sneak peek #5
I know I've been a bit MIA these past few weeks, but I’ve been pouring all my time and energy into the update, doing my best to avoid any delays
Now, here it is, the 5th and FINAL batch of sneak peeks before the release!
Because YES, now I can finally say it... the new update is almost here!
In this final arc of the update, we’ll be returning to the scorching sands of the Valley of Kings server (the same one we briefly saw with Nova when we met Maat back in 0.2)
During this final part of the update, you’ll face the consequences of some of your past choices, as well as getting to make some new decisions that could shape the future of Eternum or our favorite girls... so make sure to choose wisely!
There are other exciting surprises waiting for you, but, as always, I’m keeping those under wraps to let you see it for yourself when you play!
But Caribdis, why are we in the Valley of Kings again? Is it because of a Gem? Who are these new characters? WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN?!
Ah... you'll just have to play and find out
If you've been reading my previous posts, you’ll know I mentioned aiming to release the new update before Christmas—and that’s still the plan!
While I never announce an official release date until I’m 100% sure everything will be ready in time, I can share that, as of now, I’m targeting the week of December 16th-22nd for the release! (As always, it will first drop for the Demon Lord tier, with other tiers gaining access every few days after that).
I’ll also post one final Progress Report for all patrons during the first half of December, sharing the final details about what’s to come (this update is easily the one with the most content so far!)
You can finally start getting hyped, ladies and gentlemen...
0.8 is almost here!
And that's it for today!
Stay healthy and keep an eye out for the last Progress Report coming in just a few days, as well as the official changelog and release dates for each tier a few days (a few days before the DL release)! Make sure not to miss it!
Thank you all for making this journey possible
You guys are the absolute best and I'll never be able to thank you enough
See you all very soon!
Love you all,
