[歐美H game]推介(11)


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俗世淫僧 2024-10-29 16:51:00
赤色之瞳 2024-10-30 18:57:25
Most of what I wrote in the last dev update still holds. The game will definitely continue, but whether you believe me when I say that is on you (the nice thing is that nobody has to believe me anything, as it will continue either way).

I'll post another short update on sstar on Halloween, but it won't be anything to write home about. Mostly just a life signal with a tiny sprinkle of hope for the next month.
赤色之瞳 2024-10-30 22:17:45
六天工作俾狗做 2024-10-31 00:09:32
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 01:41:09
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 01:42:16
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 01:47:48
[0.8] - Sneak peek #4

Hello, everyone!!!

I'm back with another fresh batch of sneak peeks, straight out of the oven!

Rejoice, Alex and Dalia enjoyers!

I would love to be able to show you more, but you know how it is... no spoilers!


Now, let's talk about the update!

If you've been following my recent posts, you're already in the loop, and I’m happy to report that everything is still on track as planned. As I’ve mentioned, this update is going to be a big one, and even though the final part is taking a bit longer than expected (you'll notice the progress bar moving a bit slower than usual), I’m confident I can complete everything, including proofreading and polishing, before Christmas

This update is packed with so many different arcs and scenarios that it's almost overwhelming!

As you saw in the previous sneak peeks, this update takes us to different spots in Kredon, the New World server (the pirate one), Andromeda, and much, much more! However, I’m keeping the final arc of the update under wraps to show it in the last batch of sneak peeks. In that one, we’ll revisit server we've already been to, but for a brand-new adventure! Can you guess which one?

In 0.8, you can expect just as many epic, funny, sexy, and memorable scenes with our favorite girls as ever, along with even more romantically intense moments, due to the natural progression of the relationships.

You'll also see new lore drops and mentions to past adventures and previously visited servers, as I'm trying to make the world of Eternum as cohesive and immersive as possible.

I hope you've been paying attention


The fifth and final set of sneak peeks will be published very soon! You can expect it by the end of next month (or the first week of December at the latest)!

I apologize if the wallpapers and other posts seem a bit sporadic. I’m putting all my time and effort into the update itself, as I assume that's what you’d want me to focus on most.

I hope you're all having a great weekend, and as always, thank you for everything

Your support makes this project possible, and I couldn’t do it without you

Take care, and remember, DMs and comments are always open!

Love you all


赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 02:14:19
fate collide

Progress report 16
Woop report and good mood!

The last one was quite in a negative tone due to me feeling very down, but thankfully, after a few more days, I've managed to bounce back. I think multiple things I did helped me ease back into positivity, and I'll try to continue doing some of them so I don't fall back into the pit (such as, continue cleaning my pc as it was an absolute mess, yay for +1.5TB of free space now).

Also sold part of my furniture finally, woho! Step closer to buying new stuff for this place and wrapping up that story (will be slow tho).

And now, onto the game. After my recovery, progress was decent. In last 8 days, 150 new renders, which is finally renders done on the beach. Yup, fiiiiiinally back onto renders and beach working for the most part, without huge hiccups. A few smaller issues, a few lightning/shadow issues, but overall, working. Here is a little pic, and if all goes well, probably next set of sneaks at the very end of this month with the usual "before and after" rework.

Quite happy with how it's turning out, will be most noticeable that, once again, Raiko's skin looks so much better in her natural color, and not the "Kat used 27 lights on her" beige color. Besides that, today + tomorrow working on finalizing ep2 script, decided for small tweak on the part just before the hotel that should tie some loose ends a bit better. The script up to that part has been sent to Scooter the Proofreader for him to start checking stuff, make small adjustments and for him to let me know if I messed something up. We should finish our bits (me with rendering, him with proofreading) around the same time so if there is a major issues, I can finish it right afterwards.

Roughly around 500 more renders left for Ep2, and after that, animations and alike and slowly wrapping up ep2 for my inner circle testing. Definitely behind schedule, but can't wait for at least that small dose of dopamine rush when they test it.

That's it for now, and see you very soon in next post!

Kat <3
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 02:15:09

Development 0.3 - #8
Hello everyone!
I’ve got three updates to share with you today!
First, I’ve decided to put the Shader update on hold for now. I couldn’t get the characters to look the way they originally did, and even after reaching out to other devs, the issue remains a mystery. So, I’m sticking with my (g)old characters, they’ve got that special charm, and I prefer and love them a little more.
Second, in the last dev log, the word count was around 18,000, and as of last weekend, it’s grown even more up to 22,000. There’s been some rewriting and fine-tuning up until earlier this week, but now I’m mostly focused on rendering. The exact word count might shift a bit as I continue to add small tweaks during the rendering process to make the story flow more naturally.
Rendering is going smoothly! I'm currently using maps I created in previous chapters, which makes for steady progress. Over the past few months, I’ve still learned more about lighting and other techniques, so I’m making small adjustments here and there to improve the quality bit by bit.
And finally, a huge thank you to three incredible community members for providing Russian, Chinese, and French translations for the game! You can download them now on itch.io, complete with installation instructions for both PC and mobile. If you encounter any missing translations or issues, please let me know on Discord (preferably) or itch.io. Your feedback is always appreciated!
Also a non-game related topic: Another community member wrote me about the loss of his home because of the recent hurricanes in their country. While I can’t fully grasp what it’s like to experience such a devastating loss, I truly hope that things improve for everyone affected by these events. My thoughts are with all of you who are going through tough times!
That said, I hope the week ahead treats you all kindly. Take care, and thank you for your continued support! <3
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 02:17:18
獨孤求助 2024-10-31 04:48:01

赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 07:45:38
石動惣一 2024-10-31 08:52:09

赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 09:02:12
仲識覆咪算好,好似milfy city/waifu academy果d佢地直接激到跳樓
獨孤求助 2024-10-31 15:34:37
A Perfect Marriage
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 19:31:39
境井仁 2024-10-31 19:55:45
石動惣一 2024-10-31 19:59:07
境井仁 2024-10-31 20:04:49
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 20:06:42
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 20:15:21
Artemis DevLog CH6
Hey everyone!
Busier week than usual. I dabbled in different areas. Spent a couple days optimizing the code, rebuilding it from the ground up. In the past, I've had issues with the build spitting out odd errors that were unrelated to the code I wrote. And some Macs seemed to be plagued with issues. So, I'm working on optimizing the code for this release.
I also worked on more custom assets/props. One of the characters is using strand based hair and its been a challenge getting that hair to fit under this headpiece. But I did most of the work where it matters and lefts parts of the hair that's not in view untouched.
Every year, around October. Windows sends me these little "hey remember this?" and its usually renders from Chapter 1. Kind of fun to see how things were then and how things have progressed. Every release, I try to better the quality. Be it renders, code, writing, animations, etc. For those who missed it, I do intend to rework previous chapters. Especially chapter 1, but only when I've got the time to do it. Still lots of work to be done, but I'm real excited to get this release out when its ready.
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 20:29:25
desert stalker

Dev log 27.10.2024

Hey everyone, ready for some previews for Halloween? So the decayed and their food production are finally getting the hellish makeover they need. You might recognize the trader; she's got some touch up too. There must be something in her food...

Anyway, there's also some previews of Ivy's test. Help Iv- Yuna rescue her, and you might see her again. On the other hand... the scene will get a bit of a morally grey undertone, to make it feel less railroaded aaand... to give another reason for multiple playthroughs, as we might see the consequences in the future, similar to the blue haired kidnapper.

Ain's kitchen scene after the return from the pyramid has also been started. If I have enough time I also want to add a repeatable option to have Ain serve you after dinner.

I will start putting in and writing the new scenes on November 1st, I will work with what I have so far and then see what else is possible! Thank you for your patience as always and happy Halloween in advance ;o

Render progress:
Mutant's quest II: 95%
Pepper's lab: 100%

Repeatable events:
- Sparring with Shani: 100%
- Igor repeatable visit: 10%
- Raider throne room repeatables: 5%
- Mutants repeatable sex events: 0%

Reworks (& folder names):
Shani's first adventure (d2e): 100%
Back from the pyramid: (d2f): 20%
Ivy's test; mistreated slave (d3b): 20%
Shani and MC in old Cairo (d3c): 50%
Emilia's introduction (d3d): 0%
Kyra in basement (d4a): 100%
Ain's attempted kidnapping (d4b): 20%
Discovering the mutants (d5b): 100%
First trip to Adira w/ Kyra (d5c): 95%
Queen roasts kidnapper (d5d): 10%
Kateryna & Igor first visit: 100%
Abrax' introduction: 60%
Showing Kateryna the city (d6a): 100%
First Asani visit (d6b): 30%

Complete code rework: 10%
UI improvement: 0%

Animations (including new ones in reworks): 15%
赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 20:41:20
hard to love
More news
Hi everyone!

Finally... finally got my new monitor today! They were giving me the runaround for a while, but here we are!

I've been working and finishing the renders on my old monitor - it had some color and pixel issues but at least I could see something. But now... now I can actually see the real colors of everything.

Oh! I've got something to share with you all... I've thinking on something...

I created an Excel spreadsheet detailing my entire update process - every single step I take from start to finish! I thought it would be nice for you to understand more about how these updates come together, and you can even track where I am in the development process. I'll pin it so anyone curious about the update's progress can check it out easily!

Also attaching the changelog (as it's coming along) for the upcoming update and some final renders.

Oh! I had some... issues with Madison's post-processing, so I'm redoing that part (just the post-processing, not the rendering, thank goodness).

That's all for now. Thanks for being patient with me through all this monitor drama.

Kisses to all of you,


Upcoming Changelog:
v0.23 (Episode 4)



• New scenes involving Nanami, Amber, Madison, Elizabeth and Isabella

• 744 new renders including 15 new animations

• 4 new achievements

• Walkthrough updated for Episode 4 decisions

• New "Save Name" screen (beta version)


• Replaced music and sound assets handling code

• Replaced character definitions code

• Replaced title screen code

• Achievements system code changed

• Updated text format on past decisions in Walkthrough

• Removed shaking effect on sex scenes


• Corrected Episode 3 variable errors (fix for old savegames)

• Resolved Paz SMS bug (picture click issue)

• Fixed some render clipping issues from previous releases


• Pcode changed, previous versions may not be compatible

• JPEG and PNG images replaced by AVIF format

• JPEG color banding and DDS texture issues fixed on all renders

赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 20:43:55
how to fix the future
Development update #142, new preview + Halloween wallpaper

Hey, everyone and Happy Halloween. I rarely do special renders except for my patrons lately but I thought I had to give you some treat for this holiday You can download this wallpaper in the attachments below. There is also Halloween wallpaper with Riley for $10 patrons and a set of special renders with Cathy including NSFW renders for $20 patrons.

I also want to welcome all new patrons and followers. There were quite a few of you recently. Thank you for your support and interest in my game and work. I appreciate it.

I started this week by working on the last few animations and statics for one of the lewd scenes. It's a pretty big scene and animations are really long and complicated. I tend to learn as I go with each update and try to improve with each new animation making it longer, adding more movement and realism to it. I hope you will love them and the scene overall.

I also worked a bit on writing closer to the end of the week. By writing I mean both code and dialogues. I currently finished working on art for all written scenes and now will focus on writing more as I need to write the next big part of the update. Or at least the next few scenes to start working on art for it.

I already started working on the next story scene which won't be too big, but complex. There will be a lot of different events in this update in a lot of different places with lots of characters. So even when it's like 10 renders it will still require a completely new set and props, character work etc. As I said before, this update will be focused on story progression.

I also continue adding and improving some game features. A small work on the replay gallery has been done. I'm trying to add indicators to each scene to let you know if there's something you might have missed. Like extra stuff depending on your choices or score. Haven't finished yet but I hope I will soon. However for this feature to work properly you might need to start a new game. That's not necessary and all new scenes you unlock will work just fine. So it's up to you. I'll show you how it looks when I finish it.

So, what do we have now? I have finished the code and art for 5 scenes. I have at least 7 more scenes planned. Some are smaller, some bigger. Others might have pretty big branches. So that's a lot of work ahead. As for the numbers, we have 206 renders and 10 animations (+1 is currently rendering and is about 50% done. Will be finished in one-two days). I also have a small queue of statics which will be rendered as I finish all animations. I probably need to start thinking about a second PC dedicated solely for rendering. The animations I now making are too big and complex. They are rendering for too long and that's not even the best quality. Some statics also take a lot more time to render now as I stopped using denoiser. That usually varies from scene to scene but still. And if I want to increase the amount of animations and their quality and still be able to pose new scenes, this may be needed. But that's just a thought. Maybe next year.

Next week I will focus mostly on writing. And then switch to posing the freshly written scenes. I can't wait to work on these. They will reveal so many answers for questions you may have but also put as many new ones

Thank you, have a nice week and take care.

赤色之瞳 2024-10-31 20:46:02
friends in need
Dev Update! 10/28/24

Hey, hey folks! Hope you're all doing well this week!

Just for the quick state-of-things update: I've finished the smallish section of Gabby content that begins the final bit of Chapter 10 (65+ renders), and I've done a handful of renders for Madison's brief scene. I don't think that Madison content will take me long to finish off at all, as it's a pretty short scene, without any kind of crazy, complicated poses. After that, I'll just need to do the last scene of the update, which features Guy and the Barron family at the police station. That's another one that shouldn't take me too long, though there is one part of it's going to be a pain in my butt.

This is all just to say that the release for Chapter 10 is now imminent. If I had to guess, I'd say it'll begin rolling out to subscriber tiers on the 9th or 10th.

But, for right now I've switched gears away from rendering, to make sure I get a test build out to my $15 playtester tier, before the end of October. These always take longer to assemble than I'd like, because I inevitably bump into a bug, or realize I need to add a few images so something makes sense, or I need to fix a body part clipping through clothes, and blah blah blah..

At that point, my attention will be free to return to the last two scenes of the update, and I'll be ready to storm through the remaining renders. Let me tell you, I'm ready to be done with this one. It's the largest update I've done yet, in terms of images, and it feels like it. But, I'm also super excited to get it out there, due to reasons which I'll explain in my postmortem, following the chapter's public release.

So, yeah. Chapter 10 -- coming soon, no takesies backsies.

But, I also have a little something else for you, which will be dropping on Halloween, in the form of a short mini-sode..

This began as a set of Wanton Weekends images which grew out of control. What was supposed to be five or six images became fifty, and what was going to be an image set became a little kinetic visual novel. I couldn't help it! As I was rendering, I kept imagining dialogue, and what it could mean thematically, and blah blah blah.. It's short, but spicy. And it delves into the past of one of our lovely ladies, in a way you may not expect..

I also did a little just-for-fun set of renders today, featuring Alex and Nicki. For a while now, I've had this idea to do a series of photoshoot events as mini-sodes, playing with different combinations of characters. So, today I toyed with the idea a bit, before I sat down to do my real work.

Finally, I just remembered I did a similar image with Risa and Brittani, partying at a rave. This is another thing I did because I wanted to try out some ideas and new assets, and chucked over on Discord uncensored.

But, if you want the uncensored versions of the Nicki/Alex or Brittani/Risa images, you can just click this link and download the folder: Naughty Stuff!

That's it for me, this week! Be back here on the 31st for a sexy succubus short, and if everything goes smoothly (doesn't it always??) I'll be back here with the new update for you, in the first week of Nov
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