[歐美H game]推介(11)


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獨孤求助 2024-12-08 00:43:15
赤色之瞳 2024-12-08 04:01:45
境井仁 2024-12-08 07:54:11
vscy90 2024-12-08 08:19:01
Desert Stalker
石動惣一 2024-12-08 15:39:46
老屈司基 2024-12-09 09:39:52
係咪用唔返舊save file要重頭打
赤色之瞳 2024-12-09 14:48:33
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 00:04:11
pale carnation

Dev Diary 86
Hey all, TD here.
We're in the closing stretch. Currently Ch4Up5 sits at 3,519 images, 76 animations, and 65,218 words.
That spells out to a total of 282 statics images, 2 animations, and 6,125 words over the last two weeks.
GIL has been busy.
Right now we just have about short to shortish labels remaining: a talk between Hana and Mina, some side fun that will round out the animation count (which are already done btw), and the closing finish that will see Edwin potentially start to grow past a peculiar character flaw.
To be honest, I was worried this update might feel lacking in a sense; there's a lot of non-heroine related events, side content, and just overall missable scenes. However, after finally seeing the threads from Thursday all get tied together thematically with Friday's climax, I'm feeling good about it. This ended up being a deceptively important update for positioning characters where they need to be going into the final week of the story.
I'm hesitant to say we'll make it inside of December. We'll likely be done with the remaining scenes inside of a week (and a half at most), but with Christmas around the corner, it's difficult to anticipate how much that will slow our polishing and proofing phase. We really want to put out two updates this year, but that is a mental hang up. At the end the day, we're ultimately talking about a week's difference in release schedule. So I'm going to say expect an early January release and leave room to be pleasantly surprised by a late December one.
With that, I'll end this here. Thank you for all that you bring to our project, both financially and through your enjoyment. I know I say it every week, but it's a worth while affirmation: we simply wouldn't be doing what we love without you.
Happy holidays.
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 00:21:17
fate collide
Progress report 18
Ok, another report time.

IRL first: unfortunately got hit with some issues. Ants invaded (again, probably 4th time since I moved in), my heating shut down due to a leak from the heater so I had to call and get it fixed (was 5-6 days without real heating and warm water ) and lastly, washing machine broke, as the rubber holding the drum or something broke of and disintegrated. Yay.

Had my mind on some of those things, and unfortunately, it affected the amount of work I did, but the progress was still ok. So onto the game stuff:

Back to renders last 4 days, around 90 renders done. Raiko volleyball at the moment, will try my best here (butts), but(t) probably no animations as the map is way too big for shadows to play along. Was supposed to start few days earlier on renders though.
The proofreading I mentioned last report got finished by Scoot, and oh boy, there was more work than I anticipated. The usual stuff, but we also decided to focus on any of the smaller inconsistencies, as we really want to eliminate even small ones in rework. In this case, Avis/Serena was the worst offender, as previously there wasn't any connections to what the player/MC knows if you went with Avis outside, or to cafe with her. So I made a list of everything MC learns about Serena/Avis relationship and together with Scoot I made it make sense so he reacts properly at the "culmination" at the beach where the two meet (which is also slightly changed now). Took quite a bit, but glad proofreading and tidying it up is done. Also continued tidying up Koko's timeline of her work, and the hotel party information we receive.
And lasty, UI. Was thinking of this doing later, but with the focus on "doing it now rather than later" I decided to tackle it as well. As you might know/remember, UI already had a lot of tweaks and was in late stage, but there were a multiple of bugs I didn't fix, and some small features missing that I skipped before as "I'll do it later".
Welp the "Later Kat" is now, so I did. Some stuff I managed to fix on my own, I even got an idea for something I haven't seen in any other game (and with help from multiple people, made it work). After 2-3 days of my own work, anything that I couldn't do, I decided to hire someone that I'll pay to do for me. And they did, absolutely fantastic work by them and now only some small bits remaining that I can do on my own/commission (decide on font, exit screen on my own, hire someone for logo animation). All other UI is finalized.
And here is a little preview, again, very similar to old one I did few months ago but now Gallery updated, hints work, End screen points, custom cursors and selector, fixed naming scheme (should now not bug on Androids too) etc.
New with all the changes above:

Old for those that missed:

That's all for this one. Sucks irl is sucking, but progress has been okay.

Love you all,
Kat <3
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 00:21:54
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 00:28:04

赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 00:41:48

Hello everyone!
How fast time flies, especially when you have a favorite thing to occupy most of your time, haha~
Each post like this is time for me to reflect on what and how much I did, how much is left, and so on. I always try to stay positive to move forward, but as I said in a post a year ago, this date is bittersweet for me. We humans are designed in such a way that we adapt to any conditions, or in other words, we get used to our circumstances to continue to fulfil our tasks. For such an introverted person like me, it's no exception. It takes an effort to break from work and to comprehend how many people waiting for me to release the next update. To realize that there are players interested in what I can offer. To see those who go out of their way to support me. And I can't express it enough with words, but still..
Thank you, for all the attention you give, for all your efforts towards this game or me. Thank you, for making this project possible. You're insane, in a good way, for being here for me, and I love you as tsundere or kuudere could, without the ability to show it off as much, but having it deeply in my heart, thank you
And while I can't give you dates of release for 0.7 yet, I can still tell you when to expect it and what's left for me to do. PROGRESS UPDATE: for those who don't want to read the sappy part, haha. So! I'm left with two paths to render out for the last scene and the animations that come with these. Did you guess who is the main girl for this update, by the way? After the last scene, I will render the post-credits scene with Devil's Doll and Lexi (finally they'll get back!), and that will be all the rendering I need to do. Coding and extra work don't take up much time usually, especially because most of the extra work is already done for this update. For the last part, I'm sending an almost ready build to my beta-testers and I can set up dates for the release!
And while I can't give you dates of expectation for the release, I can definitely give you my promise, that I do everything for you to enjoy each update I work on to its fullest~
And also this free wallpaper that we've made inspired by the second free wallpaper, which was suggested by one of my patrons <3
You can download it either from here: MEGA LINK
Or from attachments down below.
Thank you, everyone, for all of your support!

As always
Your DD

赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 00:44:17
DeadMoon Survival abandoned
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 01:09:23
TOH EP3 Previews #9 – Changing For You
Hello all of our supporters.

Another week down, so another week closer to the release of Thief of Hearts: Episode 3!

Today we have some more previews from Episode 3 to share with you and these are taken from our Special Images gallery which has been a feature of all of our games to date.

And because it’s December, all of the Special Images that you locate in the next episode will have a Christmas theme to them.

For these previews, our resident MILF, Vivian is today’s character focus.

Do you think Vivian will be naughty or nice to you this Christmas?

Will she be that special gift that you can unwrap?

Well, you’re going to have to locate all of her images to find out!

Today we can also announce the proposed release dates for our beta and official releases for the next episode.

We’re a bit behind schedule which means the official release will be out after Christmas, but despite this, we’re still willing to keep working through the holiday period until it’s done.

So as it stands, the release dates are as follows:

– Beta Release ($20+ members): Sunday, December 22nd.

– Official Release (all other members): Sunday, December 29th.

If there’s any change to these dates we’ll let you know asap.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as always.

We’ll have some new image previews to share with you next weekend.

Have a great day,

MrDots and the Team
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 01:30:40
Here are the official release dates for Race of Life Episode 3.2 on Patreon. We’re aiming to release it before Christmas! The release for the highest tiers will be on December 14th! Below, you can find the exact dates for each tier. We encourage you to choose the $10+ tier, as this will give you access to the game with Extra Scenes. For this Episode's extra scene, the winner is wedding night with Allison, wearing sexy lingerie.

All the renders and animations for Episode 3.2 are ready. A few are still being re-rendered after some adjustments, so I’ll share the exact number of renders and animations the day before the release, once I’m sure everything has been reviewed and approved by our testers. Currently, the game is in the testing phase. The entire content is already coded; only the SFX (sound effects and music) remain, which I’ll add in the next few days. As always, while the beta testers and proofreaders are working on the game, I’m focusing on the Extra Scene. I’ve already completed most of the images and will start the animations tomorrow. I’ve also improved a few things: I fixed a bug with text messages from Episode 1 and brought back the deleting saves option.

Releasing the game before Christmas was a priority for me. This is such a busy time, and I want to spend it peacefully with my family, so I hope you won’t mind that the release is so close to the holidays. I also hope many of you will find the time to play our update and share your thoughts and feedback.

Additionally, with this update, we’ll have the complete Race of Life Act I ready for Steam. We originally planned to release it this year, but the end of the year is already packed with the holidays and New Year's Eve, so the official Steam release will be on January 10th, 2025! We strongly encourage you to add the game to your wishlist as it helps a lot with promotion of the game on Steam!

Here's the link to the Steam store page - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2454570/Race_of_Life__Act_1/

The game will be available on Steam in several languages. We’ll share more details as we get closer to the release since Episode 3.2 will need to be translated, and time will be tight. Even so, work on the translations is progressing steadily. We won’t be able to launch all languages simultaneously with the release, but we’ll aim to add them as soon as they’re ready after the Steam launch.

As always, I’ll create a countdown for the release, since I know you all love them! If you have any creative ideas for the countdown, let me know in the comments—your suggestions might inspire me!

That’s all from me for now. I hope you’re as excited about the release as we are!

Stay tuned!

赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 02:00:08
dreamlink abandoned
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 02:05:01
leaving dna
Hey everybody.

It has now been nine months since Episode Three was released. I had been pushing to get Episode Four to the playtesters by this weekend, but I unfortunately still have quite a lot of work left to do. I am close to being finished with the episode's closing scene, but still have two more large scenes from earlier in the episode left to pose/render.

I've finished postwork on more than 3,000 still renders with about 39 animations completely rendered.

At this point my new goal is to have this thing to the playtesters before Christmas, but I'm not yet sure if that's realistic. Even after we finish the remaining still renders and animations, I will still only be left with a first draft that will need some reworking and polish.

So, I'm working hard, but not done yet. Very tired, not gonna lie. But I can see the finish line and I'm pushing hard to get there.

Thank you for your patience and support.

赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 02:16:27
tune into the show
Weekly update #166
Hey everyone, it's time for another weekly update!

This week was good - I mostly worked on renders, finishing the final renders of the in-game day 12. I still need to finish some writing, but the work on in-game day 13 should start next week! I'm happy with the progress, but it's pretty much certain now that Episode 8 will be released in January since I won't be able to get everything done before the end of the year, especially since it's going to be a rather busy period.

Some boring private life stuff now, but I think it explains why the next couple of weeks will be busy. I'm currently renting a place and the agreement ends in January. I like it here, but the rent is quite high (and it got even higher a couple of months ago), so I'll be moving again. Additionally, starting this month, the costs of running a business basically doubled for me (there's a 24-month period of lower costs for new businesses in my country, and it just ended), so I don't want to pay so much for rent, at least. Next week, I'll check out some possible places and then deal with all the paperwork once I decide on the new one. I most likely won't move until January when the current agreement ends, but we'll see how things go. Hopefully, it won't take long to find a decent place with lower rent.

Anyway, that's all for this week's post, the development is going well so that's the most important thing Thank you so much for your support and reading, I hope you're all doing well,

金蓮熙 2024-12-10 02:19:52
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 02:21:48
赤色之瞳 2024-12-10 02:22:27
六天工作俾狗做 2024-12-11 00:53:12
What a legend準備更新
赤色之瞳 2024-12-11 01:05:48
孤立疏離之間 2024-12-11 04:49:04
赤色之瞳 2024-12-11 07:32:31
呃到下只係玩steam 既人,劇情幾悶
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞