fate collide
Progress report 18
Ok, another report time.
IRL first: unfortunately got hit with some issues. Ants invaded (again, probably 4th time since I moved in), my heating shut down due to a leak from the heater so I had to call and get it fixed (was 5-6 days without real heating and warm water ) and lastly, washing machine broke, as the rubber holding the drum or something broke of and disintegrated. Yay.
Had my mind on some of those things, and unfortunately, it affected the amount of work I did, but the progress was still ok. So onto the game stuff:
Back to renders last 4 days, around 90 renders done. Raiko volleyball at the moment, will try my best here (butts), but(t) probably no animations as the map is way too big for shadows to play along. Was supposed to start few days earlier on renders though.
The proofreading I mentioned last report got finished by Scoot, and oh boy, there was more work than I anticipated. The usual stuff, but we also decided to focus on any of the smaller inconsistencies, as we really want to eliminate even small ones in rework. In this case, Avis/Serena was the worst offender, as previously there wasn't any connections to what the player/MC knows if you went with Avis outside, or to cafe with her. So I made a list of everything MC learns about Serena/Avis relationship and together with Scoot I made it make sense so he reacts properly at the "culmination" at the beach where the two meet (which is also slightly changed now). Took quite a bit, but glad proofreading and tidying it up is done. Also continued tidying up Koko's timeline of her work, and the hotel party information we receive.
And lasty, UI. Was thinking of this doing later, but with the focus on "doing it now rather than later" I decided to tackle it as well. As you might know/remember, UI already had a lot of tweaks and was in late stage, but there were a multiple of bugs I didn't fix, and some small features missing that I skipped before as "I'll do it later".
Welp the "Later Kat" is now, so I did. Some stuff I managed to fix on my own, I even got an idea for something I haven't seen in any other game (and with help from multiple people, made it work). After 2-3 days of my own work, anything that I couldn't do, I decided to hire someone that I'll pay to do for me. And they did, absolutely fantastic work by them and now only some small bits remaining that I can do on my own/commission (decide on font, exit screen on my own, hire someone for logo animation). All other UI is finalized.
And here is a little preview, again, very similar to old one I did few months ago but now Gallery updated, hints work, End screen points, custom cursors and selector, fixed naming scheme (should now not bug on Androids too) etc.
New with all the changes above:
Old for those that missed:
That's all for this one. Sucks irl is sucking, but progress has been okay.
Love you all,
Kat <3