[歐美H game]推介(11)

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2024-11-05 08:06:30
2024-11-05 08:35:41

2024-11-05 11:54:22
2024-11-05 12:52:10
2024-11-05 12:56:50
2024-11-05 21:38:22
Long Story Short幾正
2024-11-05 21:57:09
2024-11-05 22:00:16
2024-11-06 01:35:20
pale carnation
Dev Diary 84
Hello all, TD here, long time no dev diary.

Last one was almost an entire month ago. We let it go a little longer this time without reporting since there hasn't really been anything substantial to report beyond numbers going up.

So: let us get to those numbers!

All told Ch4Up5 sits at a total of 2,927 statics, 66 animations, and 54,601 words.

That works out to a total of 465 statics, 3 animations, and 9,307 words being added to the project since our last report on October 6th.

The word count is slightly misleading owed to the discovery that, at some point, I had accidently deleted a couple of scenes from early on in our working copy of the script. Easily fixed as I have over a thousand backups thanks to the giving GIL a new version every day, but that means for one dev log the word count reported was significantly less, and this time its being reported accurately.

Anyway: We are, unfortunately, still in the thick of it. We're working on closing out the most labor-intensive, middle-segment of the group scene, rounding out one label at a time. Due to the crowd density and needing to adjust the lighting set up with every new angle at every new corner of the map, it has been a battle. Thankfully GIL is pretty good at picking his shots and streamlining the talky bits, but often a certain someone who will not be named calls for the action to be in the thick of things.

We are still aiming for a release this year, praying to get over the most intensive hump within the next couple of weeks. Things should become a little more linear after that, but right now its a maze of choices of who Edwin spends time with and what that connects to and loops into what. Honestly, I'm feeling a bit weary about how much time and effort we're putting into this, but that is usually the case when you spend so much time looking at the same bits. You lose perspective on how exciting the scene might feel to fresh eyes.

I wish I had more exciting news to share, but I am taking some solace that this update will carry us into the third exhibition. Where as this one has ended up taking longer than the previous Felicia update, it also covers two days in the game schedule instead of the one, so I've been considering that a win.

Thank you for your patience, thank you for your interest, thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Thank you all so, so, so much for playing our game.

I hope we can deliver to you the quality you deserve.
2024-11-06 02:01:52
2024-11-06 02:07:17
2024-11-06 06:08:48
Desert Stalker
Dev log 03.11.2024

Hi everyone, time for a public dev log! As already mentioned, the development time for this one is especially long because of the upcoming Steam release. We are making good progress however and have already started working on the code writing for the 0.17 content.
What is left after that are animations, the last batches of necessary reworks, and maybe some other smaller new scenes that we can squeeze in without delaying the update too much.
I hope that we will be able to release the update at the end of November for supporters along with the Steam release (and then hopefully public), or so is the plan. Since there is still a lot to do looking at the list below, we might delay that plan by two weeks, but no longer.
As we draw closer to it, we'll be able to provide a definite Steam release date soon as well along with the pricing and/or any other answers to questions about it you might have.
If everything goes as planned, the game will feature a new mutant story line, repeatable events at home and in the wasteland, a new reworked early game (including choices and animations) and potentially a reworked UI (we have someone working on it currently, but it remains to be be seen if we will be able to have it ready on time for this release.)
Thank you for your patience, I will keep posting dev logs every weekend!

Render progress:
Mutant's quest II: 95%
Pepper's lab: 100%
Repeatable events:
- Sparring with Shani: 100%
- Igor repeatable visit: 10%
- Raider throne room repeatables: 5%
- Mutants repeatable sex events: 0%

Reworks (& folder names):
Shani's first adventure (d2e): 100%
Back from the pyramid: (d2f): 20%
Ivy's test; mistreated slave (d3b): 20%
Shani and MC in old Cairo (d3c): 50%
Emilia's introduction (d3d): 0%
Kyra in basement (d4a): 100%
Ain's attempted kidnapping (d4b): 20%
Discovering the mutants (d5b): 100%
First trip to Adira w/ Kyra (d5c): 100%
Queen roasts kidnapper (d5d): 10%
Kateryna & Igor first visit: 100%
Abrax' introduction: 60%
Showing Kateryna the city (d6a): 100%
First Asani visit (d6b): 30%
Complete code rework: 20%
UI improvement: 0%
Script writing: 5%
Animations (including new ones in reworks): 15%
2024-11-06 06:11:34

2024-11-06 07:40:32
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2024-11-06 07:47:04
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2024-11-06 22:44:35
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2024-11-07 00:25:33
2024-11-07 00:39:07


2024-11-07 04:13:43
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