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2025-01-05 21:42:20
Chapter III Preview #22

Hi everyone !

I hope you all had a nice and relaxing Christmas break !

In the meantime, I’ve completed the night drive section of the story. It ended up being a bit longer than I originally planned, but I’m really happy with how it turned out.

Now, I’m ready to start working on the next area, which brings us closer to the end of the update. This part should offer plenty of exciting moments and some intriguing previews to share along the way !

Thank you for your continued support I can’t wait to show you what’s next !
2025-01-05 21:43:50
Domino Beach

Happy New Year !

Hey everyone! Happy New Year! Thanks to you all for your amazing support throughout the last year. Hope you have a great time celebrating - rest well and enjoy yourselves. And just a heads up - January's going to be an exciting month! Get ready for some hot updates coming your way.

Stay awesome, and see you all very soon !

2025-01-05 22:21:49
Elmwood University

Happy new years eve! And happy new year to those in eastern timezones!
This is my longest dev update ever so be warned. Please don't read this until you've played E3 and answered the survey! Many spoilers!
Contents are as follows:

1 - My Week
2 - January Priorities
3 - E3 Review
4 - Review of 2024 & A Thank You
5 - Adapting Strategy for 2025
6 - Thank you

1 - My Week
I had a lovely week and took a few days off to see some family for xmas. As such, I didn't get much done this week aside from creating the survey and looking at some bugs. But now I'm back refreshed and looking forward to working on the below priorities and then E4

2 - January Priorities
There's quite a lot on my plate for January, specifically:

2a - Android Version
2b - Character Bios
2c - Survey Review
2d - Further bug fixing/improvement
2e - E4 Planning & Writing

2a - Android Version
The Android version is my top priority and I'll be working on that probably starting tomorrow and hopefully finishing in early-mid Jan.
2b - Character Bios
The character bios for the girls introduced in E2 are still missing and this is really not good. I wish they were in the game already but the fact that they're not is mostly a consequence of me pushing myself really hard to get E2 and E3 out as quickly as possible. But I don't want to leave these out any longer and so I'm looking to post an updated E3 with all of these in Jan.
2c - Survey Review
As for the survey, if you've played E3 but haven't yet done the survey please do it here: E3 SURVEY. The survey helps me understand what was good and what needs improvement and I'm really looking forward to discussing it with you all. It will close in one week and then I'll be looking to start reviewing certain questions as posts on Patreon shortly after that. Thank you to everyone who's already responded - I've already got a lot of awesome feedback/suggestions.
2d - Further Bug Fixing/ Improvement
Bug fixing... Seems like a never-ending task. This week someone even found a super obvious typo in E1 that everyone else seemed to have missed. Legend has it that the gods gave Sisyphus a choice between pushing the boulder or fixing Elmwood bugs and he chose the boulder :/ But fortunately, I'm not alone. I have the best community there is and so many of you help me enormously with finding bugs. Also a special shout-out to TheNorsePantheon for all the work he's done this week. He's identified tons of bugs, sent me recommended fixes for all of them and even sent me a potentially better way of dealing with the Love/Lust logic in the game using classes and such rather than variables. He's an absolute legend. But also thank you so much to everyone else who's finding bugs. You're all heroes to me because you make my job easier. Thank you.
2e - E4 Planning and Writing
Onto E4. I have a lot of ideas for E4 right now but there are quite a lot of things I need to consider and balance before diving into production. By the end of Jan I'm aiming to have a rough draft of the script.
2025-01-05 22:22:15
3 - E3 Review
Time to give some of my thoughts on E3. Please don't read this until you've completed the survey as anything I say might subtlety shift your opinion and change what you say in the survey. Please do the survey first or skip this section.
Ok, with that out of the way... Elmwood is honestly a bit of a mess lol and E3 is no exception. E3 production might have felt like a long wait but the truth is that it should have been a bit longer and it was pretty rushed. As I'm going to talk about later, I don't want to release fewer than 3 updates in a year. And I really wanted the Bronze release to be pre-Christmas so I ended up working extremely hard in November/early Dec to meet this target. But a consequence of this is that I didn't leave myself enough time for testing and safe to say I've learnt my lesson now.
For E2 and E3 I only spent a few hours testing the game. This is really poor practice and really bad for the game and my brand. And what happened with this in E3 just now is that for two weeks after the early access release I was fixing major bugs. Which means that minimising testing time hasn't sped up overall production - because I can't start E4 production right after E3 as I have too many bugs to fix. So instead of having these two weeks where I'm fixing bugs after I release early access... I'm going to have them before! Wow! Genius! Super obvious but this is something I wasn't doing and I now will. Similarly, I'm not going to announce release dates when I still have several hundred images to render... I'm going to announce future release dates when the episode is complete and it enters the (now two week) testing stage. Of course my dev updates will always communicate how things are going but I'm no longer going to say any specific dates until it's actually done. I hope you'll agree with me that this is the right decision. I'm going to give even more reasons for this in the Improving Elmwood Experience section.
But aside from it being a bit rushed and having room for improvement in many areas... E3 was a huge success and I'm really happy with how it was received. We've grown A LOT as a community this month and that makes me really optimistic about the future. I'm really happy with how things are going.
Another random thought about E3 is that I'm really glad I kept the threesome a complete surprise. I could have given hints about it or even mentioned it to increase the hype for E3 but I decide to keep the end of E3 a secret. You might remember ages ago (between E1-2) that I commented that the first threesome would likely come in E3 or E4 but didn't say anything during E3 production and I think it paid off in making the moment when Chelsea kisses Kat to be pretty hot. I think the e3some animations were also some of my finest animations which I'm really happy about.
2025-01-05 22:22:52
4 - Review of 2024 & A Thank You
In terms of this year as whole, it's probably been the most important year of my life. When I say this I'm also kinda talking about 2023 because that's when I quit my previous job to do this but this is the year everything really happened. I'm really glad I chose to do this. It's the best decision I ever made. But you might not realise how close Elmwood was to failing.
I remember when I first released E1 and went on holiday the day after with my gf at the time to celebrate. I told her the thing I was most scared of was for Elmwood to be a minor success. I was very unsure about whether I could actually commit to doing this so I wanted it to either completely fail - so that I knew this line of work wasn't for me and I could go back to a traditional job... or I wanted it to be a big success (obviously my preference) so that I could have good reason to follow my dream. And I remember seeing the first ever ratings for Elmwood on the website I submitted it to (it quickly circulated to others too).
But these ratings were not good. Really not good. I remember checking this website and seeing that a couple of hours after it was published I had 3 reviews averaging 1.67 stars... yikes. That's equivalent to a 3 star review and two 1 stars. Or two 2s and a 1. That was a really sad moment for me and I thought my dream was over. I thought I had wasted a lot of time in doing this but it's kinda what I said I wanted - I wanted it to be a massive failure or a massive success and it was a massive failure. At least I knew now not to continue.
But then you guys complicated things. 2 people subscribed on the 15th of March, the very day I published E1. 16 more people subscribed the day after. 15 more subscribed on the 17th. Three days in and I had 35 Patreon subs, with lots of free members too. This really complicated things for me because I was ready to give up. I had planned to give up. But now there were people who believed in me even though I didn't. And this was really weird. Totally ruined my holiday because I couldn't think of anything else. I need to thank my ex gf here for being so supportive and putting up with me while I was constantly checking my Patreon and reviews of E1 while ignoring her... (sorry). She helped me a lot.
But those of you that subscribed to me super early on (and those of you who gave slightly more generous reviews than Elmwood's first 3 reviewers) put me in the exact position I was terrified of - Elmwood E1 was now a small success. So now I had the extremely difficult choice to either be financially stable and have free time with weekends and evenings by having a real job... or I could become WickedWare, sacrificing so much in life and choosing to be extremely unstable financially for the short/medium term in pursuit of a dream. I took a risk in 2023 to quit my job, but I took an even bigger risk in March, 2024 to commit to making E2, and 19 more episodes after that. And this decision was only made because of the extremely generous people who subscribed in March to an unknown developer with only 1 episode of a game. But here we are, 9 months later finishing 2024 with 3 episodes released and 461 subscribers and I am so so grateful for every single one of you.
When I say that Elmwood only exists because of my subscribers, this isn't something I just say to try and get more money - it's just the truth. I'd love to give a shout-out to those people who supported me extremely early on but I haven't checked with these people if they want this as some people like to remain anonymous and some have unsubbed etc. But those of you who have supported me since E1 have a very special place in my heart. You know who you are. You supported me when no one else believed in me (not even myself) and gave me reason to continue. You're a founder of Elmwood and I'll never forget you.
2025-01-05 22:23:19
And even those of you who have just started supporting me - thank you! After reading this you might feel like you're late to the party but you're actually also very early - Elmwood will have 21 episodes so if you're with me now then you're still in the first 15% of Elmwood's development cycle. I really appreciate your support. My finances are (almost) stable thanks to you.
But I'm kinda just oversharing here and getting off track (I evidently spent too much time with Chelsea making E3 and she rubbed off on me). But the other thing I just wanted to say about 2024 is that it was a year of growth and learning, and that's exactly how I want 2025 to be. I always rant about how I want to continuously improve as a developer and continuously improve Elmwood so that every episode is better than the last, but this is something I take very seriously. There's a lot of things I want to improve in 2025 because I am ambitious. And that's your fault. You guys give me the confidence to try and make Elmwood one of the best AVN's out there so in my next block of incoherent rambling I'll talk through some of my plans for improvement.

5 - Adapting Strategy for 2025

5a - Improving the gameplay
5b - Improving my development strategy
5c - Hardware
5d - Personal improvement
5e - Goals for 2025

5a - Improving the gameplay
At it's heart, Elmwood is designed to be fun. You'll notice that I like to keep it to the point (unlike my dev updates) and free from any sort of filler content. There's no open world mechanics, no grinding, no repetition and no forced minigames, just an optional card game. Oh and lots of lewd scenes. I really like the recipe I've cooked and I have no plans to change this. But within this recipe there are a lot of things to improve, such as the choices. Elmwood has a ton of choices every episode, with some being very important and some being very minor. This will not change, I think this works well. But among these important choices, I want more of something that other good games do really well...
When you play a good story game - AVN or otherwise, sometimes you run into really difficult choices. Elmwood does have some choices already that people might find difficult - e.g. how to react to Tasha and Ashley confronting you if you got with them and Paris in the same day and maybe even the perks count as a difficult choice. But I want more of this. I want more choices where you stop and look away from your screen for a minute and think FUCK! What the hell am I supposed to do? I want more of this. And I especially want more of this when we enter the later chapters of the game. So this is something I'm thinking about.
2025-01-05 22:23:39
Something else that's very much on my mind is making the Lust metric more meaningful. This is also kinda a consequence of rushing. Sorting out the game's logic - Love, Lust, branching etc (coding) is something I tie together at the end of production. And I haven't really succeeded with this in the way that I want to yet. I think a lot of people don't really care too much but some people (like myself) really do and it's going to be a big focus from now on. For example, some sex scenes don't require 10 Lust, they require a smaller number that makes less sense and doesn't feel as rewarding as working up to 10 and hearing that exhale sound and seeing "X's Lust is at max!". Similarly perks like Nina's Heartbreaker haven't had the attention they need. I want this perk to add to Nina's complexity as a person and so far I've failed in that. So things like this are big targets for me going into 2025.
Another thing which I think is a big weakness currently (but isn't quite a priority right now) is the game's music. This is something else I've been a little rushed with and I'd like to be able to spend more time on it. But this won't actually be a focus for 2025. It might feel like E1,2,3 are finished versions but they're really not. If I continue with my plan of having E1-7 exist as a "season 1" to be published on Steam then this will be the final version of E1-7 and not before then. When I do this I'll be looking back to make all the music as good as it can be and I'll also be polishing up some random bits in E1/2 that are a bit lackluster. Music is always a difficult thing because famous music isn't really possible so I've been working entirely with free music for now. If Elmwood continues to grow I might look at working with some smaller artists to get some great music for Elmwood but as I said this isn't a priority right now.

5b - Improving my development strategy
So I talked about this in the E3 Review but the main change I'm making to my dev strategy is to give myself more testing time and more time to add things that I come up down the line. To give an example, let's talk about Saki's exaggerated, caricature type story we saw in E3. Saki tells us what she's been investigating and then she suddenly waves her hands and immerses us in her story of the party. But in this story, we don't really get a description of the party, we get a description of Saki. It was a way to show you how she perceives the world and the things she finds most interesting. You're fascinating to her because you are a penis - something she knows nothing about. Alcohol is fascinating to her. Female beauty and sexualisation is interesting to her. She has a wonderful imagination and the things she focuses on can dominate her trail of thought. I think this was one of the best ideas I've had to help paint a character's identity and yet here's the thing - it was super last minute!
2025-01-05 22:23:50
2-3 weeks before UV release the conversation with Saki was going to be just that - a normal conversation where she would just describe her investigation and you'd be looking at her. But then I had this idea on how to make it more fun and I think it paid off - I had a lot of people tell me that they found it really funny and I loved making it. So I'm really glad that I managed to squeeze that in on time. But this is far from the only time I've added something last minute that ends up being really awesome - in the E3some double cowgirl scene (Kat on your face, Chelsea on your dick) I never considering having a POV cam but I just randomly thought of it and it ended up looking pretty awesome (I hope). So my point with all of this is that in future I don't just want to budget extra time for when I run into bugs and issues, I also want to budget extra time for when I run into cool ideas. When I get really cool ideas I want to be able to think Yes, let's do this rather than No, I'm too pressed for time. So as I said before, I'm not going to announce release dates until I've done everything I want to with each episode and have moved onto the testing stage.

5c - Hardware
You may be aware that Nvidia will be dropping it's next gen graphics cards in January. Thanks to your support I'm no longer in the problematic financial position I was earlier in the year, but I'm still not in a position to afford hardware upgrades. However, I'm hoping to be able to afford a brand new super powerful pc shortly after E4, if things go well and our community grows in subs. This will help me speed up image production and make longer, more detailed animations.

5d - Personal Improvement
This post is getting super long so I'll keep this short but this year my personal targets are to read more books (to improve my writing) and to actually have a sleep cycle (to improve my existence).

5e - Goals for 2025
Putting aside the smaller, ongoing goals like better choices etc, I have two main goals for 2025:
1) Publish 3 episodes - E4, E5, E6
2) Make each episode better than the last
It might not sound like it but both of these goals are actually extremely ambitious and I'll need to work really hard to achieve both of them. Doing one of these goals would be very easy. Doing both will be very difficult. But I'll be giving it everything I've got.

6 - Thank you
Well, if you've read this far then I should really be apologising for the rambling rather than anything but thank you so much for your support. To my subscribers, if I gave you the thanks that you really deserve then this post would be 3x as long as it is. So I'll keep it short and just say thank you. Elmwood wouldn't exist without you and I'm so grateful for your support. I can't explain how much I love our community but it's so amazing and it just keeps getting better.

Thank you for supporting me in my first year as a developer.
I hope you all have a WICKED 2025.

Lots of love,
2025-01-05 22:43:31
fate collide
Progress Report - Yearly roundup

Once again, I wish everyone Happy Holidays and in advance, a Happy New Year!

With the year almost behind us, I've decided to instead make a bigger report, both for some that might be reading any of my report first time, or some that just forgot about me and are now deciding to check back in and see where we are at the moment. I'll try my best to segment the post so you can freely check between topics you want to read.

Where are we currently in rework hell?
As of writing this, I've reached the last segment of ep2 rendering, so 200 left, plus the usual transitions, audio stuff, animation and bundling it together. Roughly 2 weeks since my closest team gets to Alpha test the EP2, just like they did for EP1 as well. So far, there is around 4 600 completed renders since I've started reworking one year ago. After that, the last third remains, aka Episode 3 (technically brand new extras will be slot into Ep4 for the lesser seen girls, but I count it all for Ep3 for easier understanding).

Isn't that slow? That's one full episode left?
Yes and no. Looking back at the year, episode 1 rework was quite seamless and I cannot complain on the timing. Besides the huge scare with my dad ending in critical hospital care for 2 weeks, I've finished Ep1 around middle of April, and all the major testing and fixes were implemented till 1st of May more or less. Five months for Ep1 was a decent pace I can't complain on. Episode 2 however... It's been tough.
As many know, I've moved out around June into another city. And while that is a very positive thing, it was much, much more demanding and time consuming than both I and my parents anticipated. From the move itself, getting adjusted, constant issues, electronics not working etc. But I'm no stranger to sub-optimal dev workspace, I literally developed as a traveling student the episode 4. Unfortunately, the other big impact on ep2 was my mental state. I've already talked about it in some previous progress reports, mostly around October I think. There is no sugarcoating, it's quite depressing working on a release for longer than 7-8 months without releasing it. There is no dopamine, no hype from players, no response, even negative from a release. Just silence, with occasional demands, and a few messages of support here and there. In those days where my mental combined with my home issues, I've had quite a bad workflow, sometimes barely scraping 10 renders a day, when my usual was 30-40. That left quite the impact on the time, as it continued for many weeks, which ultimately lead to ep2 being almost finished now, instead of, idk, October as initially hoped for.
I am, however, a bit better mentally lately, and I do hope and think the dopamine will start to slowly hit when I get closer and closer to release. I also want to thank here to the few devs friends I've talked about this, some which reached out to me on their own, as they themselves fully understood my situation, and understood what happens past the "usual" 6 months per release cycle. They know who they are <3

That's cute, release when?
Hah. Ok, jokes aside (some do write questions like that above), there is at least a couple more months till the Ep4.5 is ready. There is still 2 000 - 2 500? renders to be done, and even if I manage to get a grip on rendering speed, it would be impossible and unrealistic to expect in less than 2-3 months. That's the best I can say right now.
2025-01-05 22:46:01
Reason for images/some positives
Now with those out of the way, I've also wanted to express some positives, some insight into let's say behind the scenes and whatnot. I've seen a few comments that some players wish to see the work, as not everyone is a Patreon Supporter with access to Sneak Peeks. And while that is a perk of Wine Tier, I do realize that many have no idea about any renders I've done so far as I've barely shared anything publicly. So, that's why I'll do it here!
I've combined some I've shown already to patrons, and also some that I didn't, in a way so everyone gets something

Kinda related to this post, I wanted to briefly touch on the financial aspect of it all. There is no denying that some games/devs that go through what I'm going through (rework/no update for ages) often end up abandoned, usually due to lack of support.
I've said it months ago around my time of moving out, but I'm still financially secure at this moment in time. I knew it would take ages to complete (rework) so I saved as much as I could. Of course, without a shadow of a doubt, it wouldn't be nearly as tolerable if I didn't have such an amazing community, with many people still supporting me month to month, even when I often tell people to wait till release
But(t) due to that amazing ongoing support, I was able to continue investing in my game, which you can see in multiple of the previews (new maps), even into some fixing of hairs (same hairs but now less clipping), and will soon invest into new clothes for our squad as well.

As always, thank you for your patience and support. And extra thanks for anyone reading the full post.
P.s Sneak peeks next month for the beach renders of ep2

Love you all, and have an amazing 2025 everyone.
Kat <3

2025-01-05 23:09:19
hard to love
December News

Hi everyone...
I hope you all had nice holidays. I spent mine with my kitties and my puppy. Thank you so much for downloading the latest update and for all your feedback and opinions. After reading through everything, I've made some important decisions.
Let me share the big news!
First, I'm going back to full 3D (just Daz3D), dropping the AI + Daz3D blending. Your feedback, combined with the new solutions I found, really helped me make this decision.
About the technical improvements - you'll notice I've attached several PNG images of the new main menu. Let me break down what you're seeing:

Pure Daz3D with Photoshop clipping fixes and Lightroom adjustments
Upscaled textures to 8K (used AI just for this)
Combined with original textures
AI-assisted JPEG compression and DDS error removal
Added normal maps and bump maps
New optimized render settings (finally found the sweet spot!)

Speaking of story progress, remember how I mentioned Chapters 1-4 are Act 1? Well, all these new images you're seeing are part of Act 2's story!
Oh! I discovered something amazing - Obsidian! You wouldn't believe how helpful it's been for organizing ideas and connecting all those scattered notes from various Word docs, Excel sheets, and random papers around my house. I've included the "neural" network view of what I've done - each dot represents a connected element. It might not make sense to you, but I wanted to share anyway!
About character development:

I noticed your comments about some good AI effects, like Madison's improvements. So I've tried to achieve better shaping naturally, making her slightly different from her pre-remake version
All female characters got new skin textures, including Aoi and Aya (non-LIs returning in Act 2). Aya's got a new hairstyle too!
Elizabeth's aging effects are now achieved without AI - something I thought impossible before! Yes, she looks worn and sad now, but don't worry - she'll have a glow-up in Act 2
Those who played before the remake might remember Kitsune - she's coming back in Act 2

For Episode 5, as promised, Elizabeth will be the main LI (both present and past versions). Nanami, Amber (present and past), and Paz will be part of the subplot. I'm really excited about including those "past" images, like we did with Nanami's conversations with MC - seeing the memories instead of just reading about them makes everything more impactful, don't you think?
I'll start converting the draft into something more concrete and begin rendering soon.
Kisses to everyone and thank you for your support

2025-01-05 23:12:02
how to fix the future
2025-01-05 23:18:03
Leaving DNA
Developer's Journal 4:44

Hello everyone. With the new year approaching I hope you are all healthy, happy, and looking forward to a fresh opportunity for change and growth.

My family will be leaving town by Tuesday, so things will quiet down again for me at home. However, January is always a very busy month for me at work so one hurdle to finishing Episode Four is replaced by a bigger one.

When I first started working on this game the pandemic was going on and work was not as demanding for me (that meant something like 40 hour weeks instead of 50-60 plus hour weeks). I thought I would push hard and finish the game in two years. Well, I have pushed hard and work has gotten back to normal and it's now been three years and I still have quite a long ways to go.

After my first year of college, my brother and I hiked Mount Whitney in California, which is the highest peak in the continental U.S. Although I was an athlete in high school, I didn't do much physical activity during my first year of college, so I was pretty out of shape for that hike. Although I don't recall the distance from where we camped, it took us five to six hours to reach the summit. It is a pretty steep ascent and we walked very fast, which was challenging for me given all circumstances. Honestly, it's the hardest physical thing I can remember doing.

Just short of the summit, there's a difficult rock patch you've got to scramble up if you want to reach the top. It's the worst part of the hike because by then you're exhausted and it's tough work getting up the rocks. I considered just not doing it. Although I did eventually push myself up the summit, a friend I knew had done the entire hike and then refused to climb those last rocks because he was just too tired.

I feel a bit like I'm looking up at those rocks again, only this time the path up the rocks keeps getting longer the further I climb. This year, as summer turned to fall I worked very, very hard in September and October because I was desperate to finish Episode Four by Thanksgiving so I could have a breather over the holidays. I failed. So then I was desperate to finish it by the New Year so that I wouldn't get jammed up with what I knew would be a bad work schedule in January. Again I failed.

And still, I can't believe that no matter how much work I do on this episode, and every time I think I see the end, these scenes just get longer and longer once I'm actually making them.

This post is probably too honest, and I hope you don't take it the wrong way. I'm not thinking about stopping work on Leaving DNA. There's never been any risk of my not finishing it. But there is a real temptation to stop pushing so hard. To spend the night watching television or reading instead of sitting in front of Daz and Ren'py. To say to myself, 'You'll finish it later.' To not re-render a scene with shitty lighting, or a scene that works fine but isn't as good as I think I could make it.

But fuck temptation. What did Jesus say? 'Get me behind me, Satan.' That's right, Satan, get the fuck behind me. Me, Jesus, and my awesome supporters are going to finish this fucking game together. Because when those temptations pop up, I remember that you guys are counting on me to produce a game that is fucking amazing and I sit down and get back to work. So that's what's going to happen. I'm going to keep pushing hard and I'm going to finish this episode and it's going to be fucking amazing. And only when Episode Four is finished will I take a breather.

And then I will get to work on Episode Five.

Thank you for your support and your patience.

2025-01-06 00:02:40
Mayfly [Reset Version] EP2 - Changelog and Release Dates

The bells are tolling, gentlemen!
Hello guys, Jason here.

I'm here to bring you the latest changelog and release dates!

1135+ New Renders

14 new animated CGs

3100+ entirely new lines of story text

6850+ entirely new lines of code

30+ new music tracks

100+ new sound effects

New end credits scene

The rendering quality has been significantly enhanced

Added Volumetric Light/Volumetric Fog

Higher-polygon models and new skeletal rigs have been added to the characters, allowing for more refined and detailed body movements

The MC's model and skin have been updated, making him look... more handsome, perhaps?

Significant optimizations have been made to the transitions and sound effects in version 0.1, with a revision rate of over 70%

A cheat document has been added... Open it, and it will guide you on which choices to make


Release dates:
One Above All Tier - January 1st [12:00 PM (UTC)]
Invincible Tier - January 4th [12:00 PM (UTC)]
Undefeated Tier - January 8th [12:00 PM (UTC)]
Powerful Tier - January 13th [12:00 PM (UTC)]
Talented Tier - January 18th [12:00 PM (UTC)]
Public Release - January 23rd [12:00 PM (UTC)]


Time flies, always slipping past me without mercy—

After a long period of preparation, version 0.2 is finally here to meet you all. I’m here to prove that your patience has not been in vain.

During this time, I’ve optimized the transitions and sound effects from version 0.1, which were widely criticized, and worked on new facial bones and body models, allowing the heroines to display more vivid expressions and dynamic poses. I’ve also explored more advanced lighting and rendering techniques... Jesus, I’ve added so many new features that I can’t possibly list them all at once.

Why not give it a try? I think... that’s the best answer I can give.

It's time to make some NOISE!
2025-01-06 00:04:48

Fresh new things are on the horizon!

Well, Mayfly [Reset Version] EP2 will be released incrementally in twenty hours. Before that, I would like to gather your opinions on a particular matter—

As you all know, the last version of Mayfly was released a year and one month ago, so I believe that some players might consider replaying the content from version 0.1.

However, before the official release of version 0.2 on January 23, 2025, I do not intend to develop version 0.3. I need to understand the community's feedback on the upcoming version 0.2 before considering the development of version 0.3.

Therefore, during these nearly twenty days, I plan to utilize my time effectively. I intend to apply the new technologies from version 0.2 to remaster certain renderings from version 0.1 (of course, replacing the MC's model is also one of the reasons).

Of course, this work will not affect the release of version 0.2 in any way. I simply want to hear your feedback. If more than 51% of you choose "Yes, I would like to replay the content from version 0.1", then I will schedule this plan. Otherwise, I will consider it unnecessary and will enjoy my vacation during these twenty-three days.

The choice is yours—tell me your thoughts.

2025-01-06 00:08:50
2025-01-06 00:13:18
2025-01-06 00:13:40
2025-01-06 00:16:51
new horizon

2025-01-06 00:37:23
Sort Of Justice

2025-01-06 00:46:58
summer story
Weekly news

Good evening guys,

unfortunately I don't have very good news (the latest this year, honestly),
I don't have time to finish the update.

I wasn't able to fully work on the update this week (there was a lot of work at work), so I didn't have much time.
I could download the update only for the first day, but it will be strange when the second day is almost ready (translation and testing are not finished).

I really wanted to make it before the end of the year, but unfortunately it didn't work out.
My relatives are coming tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will go to my parents to celebrate the New Year.

Well, nevertheless, during the first ten days of January, I promise to download the update, this time for sure.

I will suspend the fees at the site until the end of January.

I hope for your understanding.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

P.S. Many thanks to fakk2 for his help and participation. Sorry, man, I didn't make it anyway.

New update status: █████████░] 98%

2025-01-06 01:15:01
tune into the show
Weekly update #169
Hey everyone, it's time for another weekly update!

As I expected, this week was a bit slower because of the holidays as I spent some time with my family. Still, I managed to work on Episode 8, mainly creating new renders. There are 3 scenes left to be written, rendered, and animated before the update is ready.

Last week, I published a 'best girl' poll and it seems that Da-eun is by far the favourite love interest, getting almost half of all the votes. It wasn't too surprising considering that she basically always wins the wallpaper polls, but I was still a little bewildered at the difference between her and the other girls. Still, I'm happy that every girl got at least a couple of votes, it would be quite sad if that wasn't the case. The results won't change anything in the game, but I now know that using Da-eun to promote the game is probably a good idea

Anyway, the work will continue as usual next week as we're getting closer to Episode 8's release.

Thank you so much for your support and reading, I hope you're all doing well, happy new year,

2025-01-06 01:18:42

2025-01-06 01:23:43
wild cats
Happy new year! And devlog...
Happy new year, everyone! Here's to another amazing year! I was supposed to write this yesterday, but was too caught up preparing for the new year and drinking the night away, then slept like a log for 12 hours, lol.

To all the people who've played the update already, I hope you all enjoyed it. I'd love to hear your feedback if you have time. And to the people that haven't yet, I'm very excited for you all to experience it.

I'll be taking a short 1-2 week break from the game. I've had a little too much fun working on it this past year that I realized I barely took any time to take a breather. So after the break, I can jump right back in again, fresh, excited, and 100% fully recharged!

And finally, a heartfelt thank you to all my supporters for making this all possible. I wouldn't be here without you.

- 42,000+ Words
- 1650 Images
- 23 Animations
- 11,290 lines of dialogue
- New and improved UI and Main menu
- Added a gallery menu
- Added a character UI
- Added a name save feature
- Added 20+ background music
- Spanish and Chinese Translations implemented. Russian translation will follow

Release Schedules:

TIGER tier - December 27, 2024 9am (UTC)
LIONESS tier - December 30, 2024 9am (UTC)
COUGAR tier - January 2, 2025 9am (UTC)
PANTHER tier - January 7, 2025 9am (UTC)
SNOW LEOPARD tier - January 12, 2025 9am (UTC)
OCELOT tier - January 14, 2025 9am (UTC)
Public Release - January 17, 2025 9am (UTC)

2025-01-06 01:53:04
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞