
Weekly development update – Character preview
Alright, it's been a while since I last did a character preview and at the same time, this will be the last one to do. I honestly was a bit surprised how quick you people figured out who the last side girl will be since I don't think that I gave many more hints towards her apart from the MC not liking her very much and her being a milf, but then again, I guess there weren't really that many different option. Either way, changing plans just to subvert expectations never is a good idea so here we go.
The last side girl will be Dr. Tessa Blevins, Aden's mother and the family doctor of the Winters. The way I envision her is to be sophisticated, proud with a somewhat cold demeanor and still with a kind heart underneath. The real characteristics will only crystallize once I get to writing her scenes though, so I'm not going to tell to much here.
For her Model I've gone for quite a bit of chub trying to contrast an otherwise elegant and conservative appearance. I would have gone even chubbier, but too much of it doesn't look good in animations in my opinion as hs2 sadly doesn't have belly jiggle physics. Still, she is quite a bit more voluminous than Mya, while rivaling Jacky in terms of breast size.
Height: 165cm
Bra size: 70L
Bust: 100cm
Waist: 86cm
Hips 115cm
All in all I think with her finishing it of we got a pretty good cast going. Obviously all within the parameters of big, huge and gigantic breasts but I still think there is some decent variety of different styles here. I'm almost a bit sad that I won't be able to make any more new fuckable girls but there got to be a limit somewhere and 12 girls are probably already a bit too much anyway.
To finish the character preview up, here are some more images. A fair warning though, this last outfit is a bit uncharacteristic for how I envision the character as Dr. Belvins is meant to be quite a bit more modest and conservative than Jacky, Nina or Julia. I just couldn't help myself when I saw this top with her areola pocking out.
Regarding development: I think I've got a pretty good scene plan down now and I started with writing the morning scene this week although I haven't gotten very far yet. What I can tell you already however is that after v0.8 with Alyiva and v0.9 with Viktoria, v0.10 won't be nearly as emotionally intense. All in all it will probably end up being a pretty lighthearted update. That said, if my plans materialize as they are right now v0.10 will be packed to the brim with lewd scenes. Right now I'm almost frightened with how much of them I've planned, but we'll see, everything can still change once I get to writing them as there is at least one for which I'm really not sure whether I'll be able to deliver it or whether it isn't still a bit to early for it.
Anyway, with v0.9b the update should be in a decent state now and although there are still quite a lot more things I need to do feature wise I'll focus on v0.10 for now. There is also one pretty big mapping thing I forgot to mention last week that I still need to do. I won't get into it too much right here because its once again the biggest piece of mapping work I've ever done and I know you'll get displeased with me tackling such a time sink but you can believe be that it will improve the game vastly. I hope I'll be able to show you in the development showcase at the end of the month though.