[歐美H game]推介(11)

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2024-10-12 10:13:17
2024-10-12 11:35:47
2024-10-12 11:36:33
2024-10-12 13:14:16
corrupted hearts
sao 氣息遮斷魔法的陷阱(Sword Art Online: The Trap of Breath Concealed Magic)
Nebel Geisterjäger
a promise best left unkept
lost in paradise
the king of summer
hottest summer
Netoria Tactics: Revolution
2024-10-12 13:21:39
2024-10-12 16:43:01
2024-10-12 17:12:03
a mother's love
love season
summer story
lost in paradise
monkey business
2024-10-12 17:13:55
2024-10-12 17:25:10
fate collide

Progress report 15
Time for new report! Yay?

Good news, I've made some progress from last report. Bad news, I'm still struggling mentally. I did have a few devs reach out in the last couple of weeks for their support, which I'm thankful for, as they understand it the most. There is no denying or avoiding it, I'm pushing through a major lack of dopamine after game releases. It's always the hardest around 60-90% of the game update progress, when you pass the halfway mark and lose the big stored positivity of last release, but also don't get the rush of the very last stretch before it's out. And with what I'm doing and amount of work, it's just even more amplified.

But that's on me, and I'll have to find ways to battle it. I guess rendering butts helps a bit
And speaking of rendering, yeah, okeyish progress since last one. Finally finished Avis's cafe section. Unfortunately her heel shoe broke... Like actual bug/glitch. I posted it on my server, but for some reason her shoe (only one) would start stretching more and more continuosly, going into the ground That was a small setback, as I tried to fix it but found no solution. But yeah, that brings us to 1820 total ep2 renders, +170 from last report. And with that, all ep2 stuff besides the beach is fully done.

And the beach was an interesting part. To try occupy my struggling mind, I made all clothes/outfits for beach + the hotel part, so essentially I have all outfits for end of ep2 + half of ep3 (as hotel is quite lengthy). That's good, I think most outfits will be well received ^.^
And speaking of the beach, the map of it. Uhhh... Yeah old was made out of items and had some issues, from low quality sand, the sea color etc. After researching and trying some stuff, I decided to commission a brand new map. I'd say it was worthy of the $ investment! It took a few days of back and forth as there were a few back, some limitations etc., but overall, I'm extremely happy what Fouetty cooked for me. The picture is only a preview for the map and outfits, so while not render ingame it's very similar to what you'll see.
Call it a little gift from me for the patience. I don't want to post side to side pic with old ep2 render, it ruins the post

Oh, and I was the first it seems to discover a very specific bug with certain clothes on big maps. I guess hooray for the bug finder Kat?

That's all for now, thanks for patience, and as always
Love you,
Kat <3
2024-10-12 19:26:51
2024-10-13 00:10:34
2024-10-13 00:12:47
Maya's Mission
真正既既逆轉同人唔係long live the princess之類既啟發作
2024-10-13 00:13:42
2024-10-13 01:32:10
真,目前最鍾意red rose 又靚又淫,仲有個有大隻男朋友嘅金髮妹都好正,NTL
2024-10-13 06:06:05
2024-10-13 12:01:08
幾個金髮都正 啦啦隊 護士 agent
2024-10-13 14:32:09
幾正都冇用啦 都唔係個個有得屌
2024-10-13 16:25:04
2024-10-13 16:40:34
同mythic manor一樣通病唔知幾時先會完
btw,暫時最鍾意chole,melissa,ophelia,ruby,dana同red rose
2024-10-13 17:00:01
係 尼個就係上唔到top原因 成日整啲新角出黎
舊角又無得屌 更新又慢
2024-10-13 20:13:11
Agent 17遲早比patreon搞
2024-10-13 20:23:24
2024-10-13 20:30:10

2024-10-13 20:45:35
不過俄佬網好多人唔鍾意/怕漏資料所以多數都係留返係patreon唔sub,係果D俾patreon ban左或者一開始已經內容唔過既先去果邊開
2024-10-13 22:21:07
Agent 17
Progress Report v0.25
Hello everyone!
It's time for the Progress Update v0.25, which is a minor complement to v0.24, primarily focusing on adding Alice content 🎉
So far, about 500 renders and 5 animations have been completed, with even more in progress.

In this update, Alice takes the spotlight with her broadcast. What starts as a wholesome and engaging show quickly becomes more intense as the MC gets involved, turning the broadcast into something far more provocative, which boosts the viewer count. The dynamic between Alice and the MC has been a lot of fun to develop, and I think you’ll enjoy how it plays out.

Nora also makes a return in this version, pushing the story forward. Although her role will be more limited in this update, similar to how Lamia's was in earlier versions.
Additionally, a new minigame will be introduced where the MC will need to find ways to touch Ruby without Alice noticing. While the final version of this may change slightly before release, it's a fun, playful addition to the game.
On the technical side, I’m also working on the UI for Alice’s live streaming scenes, ensuring that it fits the tone of the game. I haven’t quite nailed the perfect design yet, but I’m getting closer and will share more details soon. This is was the first idea I thought of, keep in mind this design can changed.

Finally, Fate Cards will be available in Alice’s scenes, allowing you to shape certain moments by choosing between blue and red cards, influencing the direction of the story based on your preference.

Overall, v0.25 is packed with content, from story progression to exciting scenes. Keep an eye out for upcoming previews, and as always, thank you for your incredible support!

Stay awesome,

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞