[歐美H game]推介(11)


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赤色之瞳 2024-10-25 10:17:55
Radiant deadline遲左一個月都仲有兩個scene未整好,姐係起碼都11月到12月先得啦
獨孤求助 2024-10-25 20:19:01
赤色之瞳 2024-10-25 21:45:01
赤色之瞳 2024-10-25 22:31:14
獨孤求助 2024-10-25 23:02:32
赤色之瞳 2024-10-25 23:50:26
獨孤求助 2024-10-26 00:11:34
赤色之瞳 2024-10-26 02:52:06
sinful summer更新
赤色之瞳 2024-10-26 03:01:29
Milfy City - DLC 1
Turn-based 2024-10-26 11:45:23
二泉映月 2024-10-27 01:55:53
沈正恩 2024-10-27 20:47:49
赤色之瞳 2024-10-27 21:04:44
赤色之瞳 2024-10-27 21:06:56
六天工作俾狗做 2024-10-28 00:27:16
正 不過又係年更作
石動惣一 2024-10-28 09:03:31
赤色之瞳 2024-10-28 13:58:49
仲有得玩都偷笑,遲下patreon 愈收愈窄
赤色之瞳 2024-10-28 19:09:35

赤色之瞳 2024-10-29 01:07:39
Projekt: Passion更新
獨孤求助 2024-10-29 01:25:27
玩左Jessica O'Neil's Hard News,決定加入曹氏宗親會
金蓮熙 2024-10-29 01:27:45
Agent 17再delay
儒烏風亭らでん 2024-10-29 01:34:43

Note Making : v0.25 2nd Delay
Hello everyone, HEXATAIL here.

First of all, I want to sincerely apologize to those of you who have been waiting so long to try out the v0.25 update. Unfortunately, I have to announce that v0.25 will be delayed (TBA). I understand this may be disappointing, but please know that we are committed to bringing you the best experience possible.

Recently, I've been working on v0.25 while dealing with the flu and pneumonia, which has affected my performance significantly. To avoid worsening my condition, I need to take some time to rest. Thankfully, I'm feeling a bit better over the past three days, though I’m still on medication.

On a positive note, we’ve added a 2D graphic designer to our Dev Team! I’m hopeful that Agent17 will benefit creatively from this addition.

Additionally, I'm working on the UI design for HexaTube. This design has gone through several revisions, and while it's not final, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

Once again, thank you to everyone who has been patiently awaiting updates on Agent17 and for your understanding. Your support has been invaluable in getting us to this point, and without you, this progress wouldn’t have been possible.

Stay healthy,

獨孤求助 2024-10-29 01:37:47
v0.25 update is delayed due to health issues, but we've added a new designer and appreciate your support!

赤色之瞳 2024-10-29 02:01:29
境井仁 2024-10-29 07:55:51
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞