Dev log 24.11.24
Hey! A bit of a late dev log today, forgot about the time while our eyes were on the code. Animations were finished this week, as well as that small repeatable scene I wanted. We keep working on things, lots of small things to add or fix, basically same as last week.
However! I can say that we plan a beta release in the week around the 5th of december. I know it's still more than a week, but I simply need that time to avoid a totally unfinished release.
We're almost there! Thank you for your support, patience and everything else!
Render progress:
Mutant's quest II: 100%
Pepper's lab: 100%
Repeatable events:
- Sparring with Shani: 100%
- Igor repeatable visit: 100%
- Raider throne room repeatables: 5%
- Mutants repeatable gym events: 100%
Reworks (& folder names):
Shani's first adventure (d2e): 100%
Back from the pyramid: (d2f): 100%
Ivy's test; mistreated slave (d3b): 100%
Shani and MC in old Cairo (d3c): 100%
Emilia's introduction (d3d): 0%
Kyra in basement (d4a): 100%
Ain's attempted kidnapping (d4b): 20%
Discovering the mutants (d5b): 100%
First trip to Adira w/ Kyra (d5c): 100%
Queen roasts kidnapper (d5d): 10%
Kateryna & Igor first visit: 100%
Abrax' introduction: 60%
Showing Kateryna the city (d6a): 100%
[First Asani visit (d6b): 30%]
Complete code rework: 50%
[UI improvement: 0%]
Script writing: 30%
Animations (including new ones in reworks): 90%
