你揸緊咩VIX related product?
介唔介意貼出嚟睇吓 (記得hide自己戶口號碼)
金霸王硬上弓2024-08-10 18:02:07
Dear Trader,
During periods of elevated volatility, which occurred earlier this month, we review and refine our margin methodology to ensure the desired performance moving forward. An event of particular significance was on August 5, when the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) spiked from 23.4 to 65.7, eventually closing at 38.57, the second-largest overnight percentage change in the VIX's close price history. During this period, markets observed prolonged illiquidity and wider bid-ask spreads, reflecting the market uncertainty.
To address this behavior, IBKR will implement changes that model the uncertainty of an account's Net Liquidation Value due to wider bid-ask spreads. Accounts that hold significant and seemingly offset positions will likely observe a higher margin requirement, reflecting the increased risk associated with very wide markets.
The new methodology will be effective for trade date August 19, 2024. These changes will take effect sometime after the close of New York's regular trading hours on August 16, 2024.
As the margin impact is portfolio-dependent, we recommend you review the full impact on your account before and after full implementation. In addition, please take the necessary steps to remain margin-compliant to avoid becoming subject to forced liquidations. To evaluate the full impact of this proposed change on your margin requirements, please see KB Article 2957: Risk Navigator: Alternative Margin Calculator and utilize the margin mode setting in Risk Navigator, select "MARGIN 20240819."
Consistent with our stated policy, accounts that cannot carry a position under this new margin requirement are subject to liquidations to bring the account into margin compliance.
Please contact your local Client Service center with any questions regarding this notice.
金霸王硬上弓2024-08-10 18:05:10
Outliers2024-08-10 18:16:30
我個倉有SVXY, VMX都收唔到
可能佢依種轉變係針對”Accounts that hold significant and seemingly offset positions”,例如有啲互相對沖嘅strategy有高啲margin requirement