任雪糖無端地問:「Why did you call me a megalomaniac after the last competition?」(上次比賽完結後,你為什麼說我是自大狂?)
高橋瑛子側目一瞥,沉思片刻:「You, dreaming of shattering the HP aerial rotation record, what are you if not a megalomaniac?」(你,妄想著打破U型管空中旋轉紀錄,你不是自大狂又是什麼?)
HP是Half Pipe Skiing簡稱,中文為U型場地技巧。
Tom Brusen有遵守自己的約定,讓任雪糖在餐廳吃頓飽,兩父女則反覆重看GoPor拍攝的影片。
Tom Brusen較為寫意,喝著百威啤酒,一派輕鬆。
Tom Brusen有感冷落了對面的任雪糖,於是主動認識:「Which sponsor's rider are you?」(你是哪間贊助商的滑手?)
任雪糖如實地答:「I don't have a sponsor.」(我沒有贊助商。)
「So, are you a professional snowboarder?」(那麼你是單板滑雪運動員?)
「I'm just an amateur snowboarder.」(我只是個業餘的滑雪者。)
Tom Brusen淺淺輕笑:「That's impossible, I don't know about skiing, but I can tell your skiing skills are on par with a professional.」(不可能,我不懂滑雪,但你滑雪技術我可以看出,比得上職業滑手。)
墨說2024-03-20 02:55:08
太累 聽日繼續出
幾時中六合彩三2024-03-20 04:51:07
春郎不覺曉2024-03-20 05:05:51
我係黎睇故2024-03-20 05:38:44
無力2024-03-20 07:16:12
執筆無字2024-03-20 07:22:11
甩色貓扮狗2024-03-20 09:23:48
唔知我有冇錯skiing好似係stand for雙板,snowboarding 先係單板
Btw 好睇推
你對眼裝屎架?2024-03-20 09:29:14
好文 推
墨說2024-03-20 14:04:11
Tom Brusen啤酒罐湊到嘴前,突然又放下來追問:「So, are you a snowboard instructor?」(所以你是單板滑雪教練?)
「I'm really nothing at all.」(我真的什麼都不是。)
「It's a pity, if you pursued skiing professionally, you would likely have a promising future.」(可惜,你如果把滑雪向職業化發展,應該會很有前途。)
任雪糖收起笑容,稍為認真:「In Hong Kong, it is exceedingly difficult for a sport to become professionalized.」(在香港,一項運動想要職業化,是無比困難。)
Tom Brusen瞇眼點點頭:「True, it's not like it snows in Hong Kong.」(也是,香港好像不會下雪。)
「Moreover, the thing is, Hong Kong's pretty tiny and the government's all about the finance sector. You're pretty much on your own until you make it big.」(不單如此,重點是香港地方小,政府重點發展金融行業,在你獲得成功前,不會得到任何幫助。)
「So, do you want to turn snowboarding into a career in the future?」(那麼你未來想把單板滑雪發展成職業嗎?)
「I've never considered it as a profession, but if possible... I would like to give it a try.」(我未曾把它視作為職業,但如果可以……我會想嘗試。)
Tom Brusen搭著女兒的肩膀:「Eiko, give him some advice.」(瑛子,給他個建議。)
高橋瑛子目光仍停留影片上:「Professional snowboarding has only three paths: instructor, sponsored rider, and professional athlete. Those without talent become instructors, those who are fearless and want to make money become sponsored riders, and only the very best become professional athletes.」(職業單板滑雪只有三種路徑:教練、贊助騎手和職業運動員。 那些沒有天賦的人成為教練,那些要錢不要命的人成為贊助騎手,只有最優秀的人才能成為職業運動員。)
任雪糖思量後答:「If possible, I'd like to be a sponsored rider; it seems more liberating.」(如果可以,我想當一個贊助滑手,比較自由。)
高橋瑛子續問:「So, do you know how to market yourself online?」(那麼你懂得在網絡上經營自己嗎?)
「Then let me teach you the quickest shortcut to becoming a sponsored rider: take on the most dangerous routes without hesitation.」(那麼讓我教你成為贊助騎手的最快路徑:毫不猶豫地走上最危險的路線。)
「Eiko, don't encourage others to risk their lives.」(瑛子,不要鼓勵別人冒生命危險。)
「There are less than a thousand sponsored riders worldwide; to achieve the extraordinary, one must be willing to pay the price.」(全球的贊助滑手不足千人,想要能人所不能,就必須願意付出代價。)
cloudwann2024-03-20 14:37:53
我係黎睇故2024-03-20 19:24:11
墨說2024-03-20 21:42:04
任雪糖抿嘴:「She's right.」(她說得對。)
高橋瑛子放下攝影機:「I'm planning to go down to the base of the mountain tomorrow to shoot by myself.」(我明天打算去山下的地方獨個拍攝。)
Tom Brusen咬著烤腸:「Outside the ski resort?」(滑雪場外面?)
「Yes, the stuff we've been shooting is just too boring.」(對,我們拍攝的東西太無聊了。)
「Do you want me to come with you?」(要我陪你嗎?)
「No need, I want to plan the route by myself.」(不用,我要獨自規劃路線。)