Isabella Rossi一來便開口讚賞:「You've got real guts, kid.」(孩子,你真有膽量。)
任雪糖問:「How's the Russian guy doing?」(俄羅斯人現在怎麼樣了?)
Marcel Schneider:「The doctor says he needs an amputation to save his life.」(醫生說他需要截肢才能保命。)
Sophie Meier苦笑:「At least his life was saved.」(至少他的命保住了。)
Daniel Kim:「The doctor couldn't explain it either; he just said it might be because he drank a lot of alcohol and that Russians are naturally resistant to the cold.」(醫生也無法解釋;他只是說可能是因為他喝了很多酒,而俄羅斯人天生就抗寒。)
任雪糖合上眼:「I'm just glad my efforts weren't in vain.」(我沒有白費到氣力就好。)