澳洲移民 你問我答 (33)

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2023-08-30 22:22:46
2023-08-30 23:09:25
2023-08-31 11:05:09

我lodge左190 佢啱啱S56 request “valid UK police clearance” 但我淨係住過係香港。

應該點做🙏🏼 唔該晒

2023-08-31 19:27:14

話說最近已經收到189 grant letter,但係冇做足功課用左BNO link結果就攞唔到MPF,於是我就send咗個update passport details of visa。佢哋嘅回覆話可以幫我,但係講:if we update your passport as requested and link your visa to your (HONG KONG ) passport, you still may be refused boarding on flights to Australia by your airline and are likely to experience significant difficulties travelling to Australia, if you try to travel on your (HONG KONG ) passport.

2023-08-31 19:58:36
standard clauses only to remind you not to use HKSAR passport to travel to Australia, as your visa will be linked to BNO after the change.
nothing to worry in my opinion
2023-08-31 20:03:18
1. continue processing your Form 929 and link your visa to your (HONG KONG ) passport, noting you may still be refused boarding on flights to Australia by your airline and are likely to experience significant difficulties travelling to Australia, if you try to travel on your (HONG KONG ) passport;


2. not process your Form 929 passport update request, so that your visa remains linked to your (UNITED KINGDOM) passport, which you will need to use when travelling to and from Australia.
2023-09-01 00:39:02
其實點解佢幫你link完香港本護照反而會有佢所講既difficulty? 呢一點唔係幾明
2023-09-01 08:09:38
我都唔明,所以我再send一次email 問清楚,等緊佢覆
2023-09-01 11:08:51
2023-09-01 12:53:27
2023-09-01 12:58:26
2023-09-01 13:39:57
2023-09-01 14:14:17
見d group友話 7年無返 無substantial tie 都拎到3個月RRV
2023-09-01 14:18:50
你係咪係other passports到填左nationality係 Britian National/United Kingdom instead of British National (overseas)?
2023-09-01 14:20:51
2023-09-01 15:16:32
以我理解有permanent 工基本上一定批,而且唔會預到咁抆先過去
2023-09-01 15:26:21
我應該係填左British National (overseas) 所以奇怪佢問我攞uk police clearance

請教由我爸 依個情況可以入update details clarify嗎
2023-09-02 00:07:43
2023-09-02 01:03:29
2023-09-02 06:51:17
咁他有無再send 張有特區passport 的grant letter 俾你
2023-09-02 10:13:44
2023-09-02 10:15:48
2023-09-02 10:34:14
2023-09-02 14:04:43
咁巴打你攞唔攞到MPF, 因為張grant letter 淨係show BNO
2023-09-02 14:11:09
定係用VEVO visa detalis check 的PDF 都可以?
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