To 所有覺得係1/2嘅人 我會話你地logic上其實冇錯
但而家probability個體制係將有一個仔joe 呢件事由普通生仔嘅6個option到先篩出黎=4/6
坦白講咁樣嘅解題方法雖然係數學 但唔係正常人會諗野嘅思路
CyberTrump2023-02-20 17:50:58
The probability that Joe's sibling is a brother is 1/2, assuming that the gender of the two children is independent and equally likely.
This is because there are only two possible genders for a child, male and female, and the probability of each is 1/2. Since we know that one of the children is a male (Joe), the gender of the other child is still equally likely to be male or female, and therefore the probability that Joe's sibling is a brother is 1/2.