UK 租樓買樓攻略 (4)

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2023-01-06 11:51:34
2023-01-07 13:59:52
Feeder school


If you have £1m, you have many choices in London. There are many academically excellent grammar schools, and many of them are top schools in the country. You can expand your search to Bexley, Bromley, Enfield, Redbridge and Sutton.

List of London grammar schools

You can get a big detached house for £1m in London.

Don't pick Manchester if you have £1m. You are tricking your kids if you move to Manchester.
Have you heard of the British class system? Your kids will pick up the Manchester accent. It is detrimental to their career.

In London, many universities such as KCL, Imperial and UCL give lectures to schoolchildren. It is easy for state schools to invite professionals from all walks of life to share their experiences, and it is easy for schools to ask professionals because of the location.
London has a lot to offer. Free museums. Transport is free for those under—cheap/free musical tickets for kids. Schools in London can organise trips to Europe quickly and more frequently. You can get cheap flights to Europe for not very much, but the cheap flights are not as readily available from Manchester. You can also get Eurostar from London. Many regional schools can only organise school trips to London.
2023-01-07 14:00:41
under 18
2023-01-08 02:21:07
2023-01-08 02:22:33
2023-01-08 02:49:14
2023-01-08 05:53:00
想問如果我買嘅house 係3 年樓齡
仲有7 年保養嘅話
其實洗唔洗搵surveyor 睇?定係仲有保養唔洗睇
2023-01-08 05:56:53
No, avoid all leasehold and flats. If you can afford a new build flat in north London, you can afford an even nicer and bigger flat that is not new build.
Service charge can go up a lot for leasehold. You have no control over service charge. Less scope for capital appreciation. You can't do much to improve a new build flat.
2023-01-08 05:58:33
Always get a surveyor. You can get an independent surveyor not through your bank. They are cheaper. Go on the registry. Ask agent to let you view the house again.
2023-01-08 07:14:24
不論樓齡, 任何時間都搵個似樣嘅surveyor 睇.

唔好cheap out 求其搵個平嘅做. 個surveyor 係幫你把關, 睇下你買個間樓有無問題, 值唔值得買, 有無暗病. 講緊幾百萬港幣嘅野黎. 搵個好嘅去幫你把關. google 睇review 睇下邊間好嘅surveyor. 唔好用agent 俾你個d. 個surveyor 一定要同其他所有賣樓任何party 無間接或直接關係嘅先short list 佢.
2023-01-08 07:23:02
我講個親身經驗你聽下. 我朋友買左間得幾年樓齡嘅新house. 好新淨. 我係佢個度住左幾日. 個quality 差過我間過百年嘅番新house. 間野係唔知邊度漏風, 係屋內係好凍. 廁所直頭好似企左係室外咁嘅氣溫. 重點係, 間野起左幾年only. EPC rating 係C, 75分架喎. paper 上絕對係好唔錯.

結論係, 新屋唔代表好. 起個陣手工唔得, 有保養都救唔到嘅. 間屋嘅quality 係睇邊間發展商, 睇用料, 同最重要睇你好唔好彩. 因為好嘅發展商, 都有機會唔好彩用左d 手工差嘅builder 起. 你無個似樣嘅surveyor 黎幫你守尾門嘅話, 你係攞幾百萬港幣去賭你好唔好運.
2023-01-08 08:13:09
2023-01-08 09:05:42
£8m 搵唔到屋 應該好多人都無屋住

north London 好大,£1m 就有freehold house

你識唔識裝修?唔識可以請architect 或builder 同你睇。
倫敦本地人買£1m+屋會搵architect 做pre purchase advice。佢會話到你聽local council 比唔比你咁做翻新。請architect 要搵個對特定council 有經驗嘅。每個council都唔同。

睇到要有潛力嘅,可以capital appreciation, 例如big plot 可以起多間,或起多層,或做地下extension, loft conversion, basement extension等等。
當年無Mortgage呢樣野,無乜大發展商,多小型或自己起,舊屋係業主自己搵人起就比較真財實料。依家都多人買地,買爛屋再搵architect 起。首先stamp duty 已經平咗。你比晒architect做full project management 可以點整都得。

2023-01-08 10:10:25
完全唔識裝修 但多謝你話我知咁多野
姐係你覺得north London 既freehold 仲有好多發展空間 我好難想像一間勁殘既屋可以點打爆佢重建,後花園d樹草亂到九彩咁,呢度要花好多時間同錢,同埋聽到好多朋友裝修中伏既經驗,所以先會想直接買new build。 宜家睇完你講既會認真重新考慮一下,多謝你
2023-01-08 10:11:53
2023-01-08 10:55:30
1. 租房或買屋既 budget : 400-450k GBP
2. prefer 地點 (London, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham...etc) : London / Kent / Manchester
3. 你需要幾間房 : 3
4. 你要 apartment (leasehold) 定 house (freehold) (租屋的話可以skip 呢條問題): freehold house (semi-detached preferred, terrace acceptable)
5. 番工的話, 你可以承受既commute time 係幾長? (0.5hr , 1hr, 1.5hr) : N/A
6. 需唔需要睇校區? 小學定中學? : 小學
7. 你會點排優先 (價錢, 校區, 治安, 交通) : 治安>校區>交通>價錢

Budget 有限, 唔熟英國地區, 只識d大路地方(i.e. harrow, colindale, tunbridge wells, altrincham, worsley etc...), 請指點迷津, thank you
2023-01-08 13:35:35
For property maintenance, you can use this checklist:

Property maintenance is essential for both flats and houses. Maintaining a flat is much more challenging because you do not have control over the roof, other apartments and the external wall.
If there is a leak, you must first pay a plumber to investigate, pass the result to the management company, and argue with the flat owner upstairs. The whole process can take months.
It is much easier and quicker to fix a leak in a house. You hire a plumber and carry out the work, all fixed within hours.
Avoid listed buildings. There are lots of restrictions on what you can do. They cost more to maintain. Leakier and less insulated.

Yes, there are still lots of potential for freehold property development in north London. There is a significant shortage of properties in London, and freehold houses with gardens are highly sort after. After Covid lockdown, people are placing more value on outdoor space and an extra bedroom.

Garden - as long as there is no Japanese knotweed, it is not a problem. It costs a few grand to fix at most if there is no protected tree, and you don't want to chop any trees down.
If it is a London medium size overgrown garden with no protected tree and no tree to chop, excluding rubbish disposal, takes 2 men a few hours to clear out completely. I organise gardening services for my tenants.

You can find a gardener on checkatrade:

You can find a cheaper gardener if you want to clear stuff out. Then hire a landscape gardener separately.

To give you an idea of the costs:

If you are worried about the garden, I think you should hire an architect also to project manage the refurbishment. Get multiple quotes and ask to see their finished work. Do not pay a lump sum; pay in stages depending on their work.
You can also ask RIBA to refer you to an architect:
2023-01-08 13:55:51
2023-01-08 16:32:09
2023-01-08 19:21:01
2023-01-08 19:22:03
2023-01-08 19:30:15
2023-01-09 00:02:31
如果要返工,完全唔建議離開倫敦zone 6。火車費太貴。zone 1-6 最貴一年只係二千到,一離開就要£4k p.a.

有小朋友更加唔好離開South East England。Manchester 更加唔好。

呢個預算 zone 3-6已經可以買到2 bed with shared of freehold。
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞