
983 回覆
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2021-12-08 02:22:11
2021-12-08 02:22:28
2021-12-08 03:09:26
我通常係用starL method instead of star,L係指lesson learned。

如果係我會咁答,首先你要明白對方問呢啲問題唔係要一個perfect answer而只係想睇你個人思考邏輯仲有處理手法係點,所以唔需要copy人地嘅答案只需要表達出你自己嘅特色.
先利申我講英文純粹憑語感唔係靠記grammar所以以下答案grammar 好可能錯,我呢度預先道歉我grammar唔好同串錯字,所以請無視錯處大概get 到答案就算

S-(簡單recape 問題表達你明白問題重點係邊)
okay the issue here is how to arrange the priorities of task

What we want to make sure here is that everything can be done on time and meet the targeted requirements

A- (具體你會點做去解決佢)
I will first arrange the tasks by their deadline and importancy, then analyze the time and effort needed to finish each task. With these info I can now see if I got enough capabilities to handle them and if there will be any conflict between the deadlines. Now generally speaking I will try to finish the task with most urgent deadline first unless some of them have a very low business priorities; say I need to decorate the office for Christmas party or so (呢句純粹係嘗試講笑).

R- (件事會有嘅結果,一般我唔單只會講好嘅結果仲會講埋唔好嘅結果咁可以俾對方睇到你解決問題嘅手法)
Hopefully with a good planing I can finish all the task on time, but if unfortunately there is any conflicts within that cannot be sorted; I will first try to see if there is any extra resources I can use (i.e some help form the colleagues) or if the issue is that multiple task have the same deadline and are all been state “urgent”, I will then talk to my supervisor and ask which one can be done later. Because I believe when everything is “urgent“ nothing is.

L- (從呢件事可以學到嘅嘢同點避免呢件事再次發生)
Honestly The best thing to do when handling multiple tasks is always not to let them stack up. To prevent that we want to plan our time and resources as soon as possible when been assigned. Also to prevent conflicts of tasks we should keep a good communications in between our teams to make sure everyone has an idea whom else is doing what so that one person will not be assigned too many task yet another is widely open. And last but not least a good ranking system is always a good idea, again when everything is ranked “urgent “ then the word just lost its meaning.

問題2 如果做唔晒assigned 嘅嘢點算
呃打字打到有啲懶啦呢題我大致講下我會用大概嘅答案你心領神會地塞入starl 啦


如果ot就得咁我會選擇ot因為呢個問題係我造成嘅我要take responsibility, 如果需要同事我會去請同事睇下佢地有無可能幫手,又或者同manager講要佢幫手搵resources。如果完全無辦法meet到deadline我會先estimate 到底需要幾多時間同resources 先做得晒/有咩原因導致無論如何都做唔到然後儘快話俾manager 聽同提供呢啲info俾佢,因為越早講就越多迴旋餘地,咁manager就可以根據我俾嘅info來考慮一個解決方案。

最後為佐避免咁嘅事再次發生我會搞清楚事情到底一開始係點發生嘅?係因為事前estamate嘅timeline 同resource不正確導致?定我手頭太多task導致分唔到時間出來?定做到一半出現無法解決嘅問題導致完成唔到?如果係estamate嘅問題咁下次要plan好啲/搵多幾個人一起plan;如果係手頭太多task咁要同manager講話俾佢知我唔夠capacity handle更多嘅嘢;如果係做到一半出現問題咁盡量係做之前就做多啲research make sure我地嘅方法岩先好落手,如果實在無法避免咁都儘早通知上面及早止損。
2021-12-08 05:23:16
2021-12-08 05:38:35
2021-12-08 06:26:45
2021-12-08 14:13:05
2021-12-08 15:07:47
2021-12-08 16:00:55
想問下2個intervie隔左幾耐?同埋點解1個HK1 個UK咁得意?
2021-12-08 16:02:47
想問係咪真係過左殷先搵好好多?我linkedin apply好多都reject唔知係因為地理問題定quali問題...做左5年野,都係工程,我想係英國搵env eng做,想問有咩keyword/介紹?
2021-12-08 17:33:26
因為未黎英國前已經搵定工吧,第一次用video in,第二次咪到左英國再in
2021-12-08 17:37:13
姐係你搵緊個時已經同佢講例如下個月就會係UK,所以變左2ND IN係UK?
2021-12-08 17:38:08
你有冇係CV / Cover Letter 講明自己幾時會到UK, 使唔使Visa Sponsorship?
Env Eng 係英國應該都唔細需求, 基本上開工前都要做Survey
2021-12-08 17:42:42
2021-12-08 17:48:18
上cv perfect揀職位抄
2021-12-08 17:50:19
2021-12-08 18:01:00
2021-12-08 18:35:18
2021-12-08 18:49:43
岩岩收到 email 叫我下星期去 in
係 in 之前重要做 PowerPoint and document
做左個十分鐘 presentation 要今個星期交左先

2021-12-08 19:48:36
最好搵返一d 香港有公司英國公司 /你對家(英國)

搵下佢office 向邊 去個個鎮仔落腳 (唔好超過10mile)

之後就向lindkin 搵下有冇開post 之後見工

Keyword 係你個行 專業 好似我做R&D 搵R&D
2021-12-08 19:51:06
加油 記住香港人 英文唔係差

錯 grammar 唔緊要

最緊要表達到有誠意 同 有經驗
2021-12-08 19:52:57
仲有 如果你 未到英國 搵工機會將會非常細


仲之香港好冷門工程 向英國就越容易搵工
2021-12-08 19:56:38

太高你連in 都冇得in

我第一份工所以低 average 5%

(香港管人)家下做返3年前一樣技術+吹水 工作
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞