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2017-05-06 12:41:36

I, Debbie Ho, am a Year 2 student of the Department of Government and Public Administration. I am writing this letter to ask for your sponsorship so that I can join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”.

Just days ago, I was notified that I have been invited to join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”, an international event that is being held by Harvard University in Sydney between the 17th to the 21st of August, 2017. You might be familiar with this event since our campus was the venue for the same event last year.

Although it is a privilege to be able to attend such a distinctive event, I can’t afford to go since all of the trip fees are self-reliance. Because of that, I am sincerely asking you to sponsor and support me financially so that I can join this meaningful event. I can’t offer much in return, but if you are interested, please kindly contact me via email or phone (xxxxxxxx). Thank you for considering my request.

Attached is the confirming letter and the link to the event’s website.

Debbie Ho


你英文水平同Debbie ho差唔多


整體文筆有d clumsy

Between xx "and" xx 唔係 to。一係就唔要between 咁你就可以寫 xx to xx

Self-reliance 係佢本身其中一個明顯既mistake. 呢個係noun, 可以勉強改做all fees are on self-reliance basis

個人寫呢d信唔會同can't, 會用cannot. 同can't 就好似isn't weren't 咁太casual

唔寫咁多 我都唔係叻 n年前會考5*而已

請問,i have been invited to join.. 同 i am invited to join 兩個意思/語氣上有咩唔同?

利申 英文拎2 想學多啲野....

2017-05-06 12:43:08
屌佢博上位 而家出撚晒名 威啦
2017-05-06 12:46:44

I, Debbie Ho, am a Year 2 student of the Department of Government and Public Administration. I am writing this letter to ask for your sponsorship so that I can join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”.

Just days ago, I was notified that I have been invited to join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”, an international event that is being held by Harvard University in Sydney between the 17th to the 21st of August, 2017. You might be familiar with this event since our campus was the venue for the same event last year.

Although it is a privilege to be able to attend such a distinctive event, I can’t afford to go since all of the trip fees are self-reliance. Because of that, I am sincerely asking you to sponsor and support me financially so that I can join this meaningful event. I can’t offer much in return, but if you are interested, please kindly contact me via email or phone (xxxxxxxx). Thank you for considering my request.

Attached is the confirming letter and the link to the event’s website.

Debbie Ho


你英文水平同Debbie ho差唔多


整體文筆有d clumsy

Between xx "and" xx 唔係 to。一係就唔要between 咁你就可以寫 xx to xx

Self-reliance 係佢本身其中一個明顯既mistake. 呢個係noun, 可以勉強改做all fees are on self-reliance basis

個人寫呢d信唔會同can't, 會用cannot. 同can't 就好似isn't weren't 咁太casual

唔寫咁多 我都唔係叻 n年前會考5*而已

請問,i have been invited to join.. 同 i am invited to join 兩個意思/語氣上有咩唔同?

利申 英文拎2 想學多啲野....

2017-05-06 13:17:12
咁撚串 推爆!!
2017-05-06 13:19:24
咁快推爆呢個post 都好難開2
2017-05-06 13:31:53
2017-05-06 13:38:34
其實點解佢可以用到mass mail?真係send錯咁簡單?

我都諗緊點解佢有全cu mass mail list

其實我諗緊係咪封email全世界都有,佢以為淨係佢先收到呢個咁高榮譽嘅邀請,於是佢撳咗reply ,咁佢咪寄晒俾全中大嘅人


Send mass mail個address一早公開咗出嚟
佢想send email過某個部門,點知send咗去嗰個部門send mass mail個address,應該係咁

原來CU咁痴線可以任人用mass mail
街外人係咪都可以亂send mass mail?

我之前要出mass mail 又要去istc申請又要相關department approve,所以好奇一問佢點出
2017-05-06 13:50:00

唔係話send一句sorry inconvenience就叫左道歉,起碼都認認真真詳細解釋一次

連登仔批鬥都係佢既態度,同埋你真係send去office formal嘅話點會叫自己做deb..... debtor咩

2017-05-06 14:30:04
其實點解佢可以用到mass mail?真係send錯咁簡單?

我都諗緊點解佢有全cu mass mail list

其實我諗緊係咪封email全世界都有,佢以為淨係佢先收到呢個咁高榮譽嘅邀請,於是佢撳咗reply ,咁佢咪寄晒俾全中大嘅人


Send mass mail個address一早公開咗出嚟
佢想send email過某個部門,點知send咗去嗰個部門send mass mail個address,應該係咁

原來CU咁痴線可以任人用mass mail
街外人係咪都可以亂send mass mail?

我之前要出mass mail 又要去istc申請又要相關department approve,所以好奇一問佢點出

2017-05-06 15:13:05
2017-05-06 16:05:24
2017-05-06 16:17:47
2017-05-06 18:49:34
6千蚊都要乞,Debbie Hoe

2017-05-06 19:33:58
2017-05-06 23:33:32
2017-05-06 23:57:09
2017-05-06 23:58:19

I, Debbie Ho, am a Year 2 student of the Department of Government and Public Administration. I am writing this letter to ask for your sponsorship so that I can join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”.

Just days ago, I was notified that I have been invited to join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”, an international event that is being held by Harvard University in Sydney between the 17th to the 21st of August, 2017. You might be familiar with this event since our campus was the venue for the same event last year.

Although it is a privilege to be able to attend such a distinctive event, I can’t afford to go since all of the trip fees are self-reliance. Because of that, I am sincerely asking you to sponsor and support me financially so that I can join this meaningful event. I can’t offer much in return, but if you are interested, please kindly contact me via email or phone (xxxxxxxx). Thank you for considering my request.

Attached is the confirming letter and the link to the event’s website.

Debbie Ho


你英文水平同Debbie ho差唔多


整體文筆有d clumsy

Between xx "and" xx 唔係 to。一係就唔要between 咁你就可以寫 xx to xx

Self-reliance 係佢本身其中一個明顯既mistake. 呢個係noun, 可以勉強改做all fees are on self-reliance basis

個人寫呢d信唔會同can't, 會用cannot. 同can't 就好似isn't weren't 咁太casual

唔寫咁多 我都唔係叻 n年前會考5*而已

請問,i have been invited to join.. 同 i am invited to join 兩個意思/語氣上有咩唔同?

利申 英文拎2 想學多啲野....


自問英文都算正正常常 不過一要我寫野就。。。
2017-05-07 08:12:23
2017-05-07 08:12:33
2017-05-07 08:12:45
2017-05-07 08:12:59
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞