利申 我hku
柒到咁 都搏上位
柒到咁 都搏上位
柒到咁 都搏上位
I, Debbie Ho, am a Year 2 student of the Department of Government and Public Administration. I am writing this letter to ask for your sponsorship so that I can join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”.
Just days ago, I was notified that I have been invited to join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”, an international event that is being held by Harvard University in Sydney between the 17th to the 21st of August, 2017. You might be familiar with this event since our campus was the venue for the same event last year.
Although it is a privilege to be able to attend such a distinctive event, I can’t afford to go since all of the trip fees are self-reliance. Because of that, I am sincerely asking you to sponsor and support me financially so that I can join this meaningful event. I can’t offer much in return, but if you are interested, please kindly contact me via email or phone (xxxxxxxx). Thank you for considering my request.
Attached is the confirming letter and the link to the event’s website.
Debbie Ho
1. 其實柒左同sd錯有咩分別,你班on9唔係以為人地真係要R全CU sponsor 下嘛
2. 人地根本係唔知道會send到俾全CU,之後發現左都即刻email say左sorry,唔明小事化大既點係邊
3. 其實apply scholarship 真心有咩問題,人地想有d閒錢,就話人窮就咪撚去;人地有錢既時候,又屌9人點解要申請。屌,咁到底係留俾咩人申請 又冇話一定俾,點解連申請都要屌人,係咪要英文好叻先申請得
4. 成件事根本就只係send錯email,大家笑下就完。點知上到黎又要俾人起底又剩,又俾人屌冇波,喂大佬呀,講撚左去邊
5. 到人地出po閪,我同意佢係可以唔起鋼會冇咁大迴響俾你地屌多兩錢重,但係見到好多人既comment係屌9返佢唔夠大量又剩。咁咪等同果d玩9完人之後話9返人小器同EQ低,好似自己完全冇做錯咁,係咪on9
1. 其實柒左同sd錯有咩分別,你班on9唔係以為人地真係要R全CU sponsor 下嘛
2. 人地根本係唔知道會send到俾全CU,之後發現左都即刻email say左sorry,唔明小事化大既點係邊
3. 其實apply scholarship 真心有咩問題,人地想有d閒錢,就話人窮就咪撚去;人地有錢既時候,又屌9人點解要申請。屌,咁到底係留俾咩人申請 又冇話一定俾,點解連申請都要屌人,係咪要英文好叻先申請得
4. 成件事根本就只係send錯email,大家笑下就完。點知上到黎又要俾人起底又剩,又俾人屌冇波,喂大佬呀,講撚左去邊
5. 到人地出po閪,我同意佢係可以唔起鋼會冇咁大迴響俾你地屌多兩錢重,但係見到好多人既comment係屌9返佢唔夠大量又剩。咁咪等同果d玩9完人之後話9返人小器同EQ低,好似自己完全冇做錯咁,係咪on9
1. 其實柒左同sd錯有咩分別,你班on9唔係以為人地真係要R全CU sponsor 下嘛
2. 人地根本係唔知道會send到俾全CU,之後發現左都即刻email say左sorry,唔明小事化大既點係邊
3. 其實apply scholarship 真心有咩問題,人地想有d閒錢,就話人窮就咪撚去;人地有錢既時候,又屌9人點解要申請。屌,咁到底係留俾咩人申請 又冇話一定俾,點解連申請都要屌人,係咪要英文好叻先申請得
4. 成件事根本就只係send錯email,大家笑下就完。點知上到黎又要俾人起底又剩,又俾人屌冇波,喂大佬呀,講撚左去邊
5. 到人地出po閪,我同意佢係可以唔起鋼會冇咁大迴響俾你地屌多兩錢重,但係見到好多人既comment係屌9返佢唔夠大量又剩。咁咪等同果d玩9完人之後話9返人小器同EQ低,好似自己完全冇做錯咁,係咪on9
唔Join program咪得囉, 差呢個program先畢到業?
依家佢冇錢都要join 然後為左有得join去R錢
又要窮又要出國join program, 柒係呢個位
你話窮到唔夠錢生活交學費就話姐, 佢GPA幾多? 讀得書好冇scholarship架咩 搵人答下佢GPA幾多?
I, Debbie Ho, am a Year 2 student of the Department of Government and Public Administration. I am writing this letter to ask for your sponsorship so that I can join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”.
Just days ago, I was notified that I have been invited to join the “Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations”, an international event that is being held by Harvard University in Sydney between the 17th to the 21st of August, 2017. You might be familiar with this event since our campus was the venue for the same event last year.
Although it is a privilege to be able to attend such a distinctive event, I can’t afford to go since all of the trip fees are self-reliance. Because of that, I am sincerely asking you to sponsor and support me financially so that I can join this meaningful event. I can’t offer much in return, but if you are interested, please kindly contact me via email or phone (xxxxxxxx). Thank you for considering my request.
Attached is the confirming letter and the link to the event’s website.
Debbie Ho
下講真 ???!!!
1. 其實柒左同sd錯有咩分別,你班on9唔係以為人地真係要R全CU sponsor 下嘛
2. 人地根本係唔知道會send到俾全CU,之後發現左都即刻email say左sorry,唔明小事化大既點係邊
3. 其實apply scholarship 真心有咩問題,人地想有d閒錢,就話人窮就咪撚去;人地有錢既時候,又屌9人點解要申請。屌,咁到底係留俾咩人申請 又冇話一定俾,點解連申請都要屌人,係咪要英文好叻先申請得
4. 成件事根本就只係send錯email,大家笑下就完。點知上到黎又要俾人起底又剩,又俾人屌冇波,喂大佬呀,講撚左去邊
5. 到人地出po閪,我同意佢係可以唔起鋼會冇咁大迴響俾你地屌多兩錢重,但係見到好多人既comment係屌9返佢唔夠大量又剩。咁咪等同果d玩9完人之後話9返人小器同EQ低,好似自己完全冇做錯咁,係咪on9