20-21 NBA 休季討論區 (3)

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2020-10-28 19:43:49
2020-10-28 19:51:39
同意, 就算佢地trade 走green既話, 最後都要搵/train返個同類型既球員. 仲要唔知搵唔搵到
2020-10-28 19:57:46
2020-10-28 19:59:12
你最多話佢做唔到萬能插 但你唔可以否定佢能力wor
佢係湧做到戰術核心仲要打到入all star 有名有利

2020-10-28 20:01:01
組織能力好多都係建基於水花既無球能力 唔同意
今季隊湧分分鐘prime rmbj帶隊都入唔到playoff
2020-10-28 20:06:18
2020-10-28 20:11:36
睇Green D助攻好多都係通過水花走位傳出去
2020-10-28 20:25:01
2020-10-28 20:36:48

冇curry 冇klay
2020-10-28 20:38:23
James wiggins green 加Kerr 手下丈出嚟一幫偽射手
2020-10-28 20:39:35
助功curry klay KD 呢d 識無球同埋強力終結能力係咪好撚易?
2020-10-28 20:40:52
2020-10-28 20:53:01
連登仔會話我呀婆去都交到10個ast 出黎
認真答 組織串連其實先最食天份

有勁隊友實易d 但一定唔係呀豬呀狗去做都得
你睇下今年啞狗就知... 唔係個類型就唔係
2020-10-28 21:01:29
2020-10-28 21:11:34
2020-10-28 21:24:50
2020-10-28 21:55:40
Danny Green is sure that the Lakers can win another title next season, thanks to the core set around LeBron James and Anthony Davis. Danny Green was a part of the Lakers team that lifted the Larry O’Brien trophy around 2 weeks ago. He believes the Lakers are still the favorites to win next season. Do I lie down or sit down for the masseur to give me a shoulder massage? Do I lie down or sit down for the massage? In terms of palmistry, I don't completely believe in it but I think it's interesting...but in terms of palm reading, the feng shui master, Peter So says if this middle line goes down, you like to imagine or fantasize so a career in art or music is suitable for you. If the line is straight, you're more realistic and pay particular attention to money so maybe a career in finance is suitable for you. He says left hand is before you're thirty, right hand after you turn thirty. You look sporty.... As I said, I wanna be lean and strong. I don't wanna be too big like a bodybuilder because if I were, I'd be so clumsy and my hands and fingers wouldn't be nimble enough to play the piano. This is called triceps. The function of it is to push. It's thick but not so hard. It's a bit soft. You can feel it. This is biceps. Its function is to pull. It's harder. You can feel it. This is, of course, chest. You can touch it. It can jerk. I have abs muscles. You can feel them. This is called the trapezius. I used to work them too much which is bad. I don't train them anymore. The trapezius shouldn't be trained too much unless you take part in s bodybuilding competition because you get tired easily. It's like you're carrying two objects which causes heaviness in the trapeziuses so I always have a massage in Central before or after teaching. You can squeeze it hard. It doesn't hurt. I sometimes tell the masseur to massage more firmly and deeply, the she says it's the deepest. Use two hands on this side. My trapezius isn't painful. It's quite comfortable. Your trapezius is a bit hard too. Because whenever you raise your shoulders, you use your trapeziuses. For example, for someone who works in an office in front of a computer, she's using her trapeziuses when she's typing or using the mouse. So the masseur massaged here, head, legs.... Does it feel comfortable? There are acupoints here...and here.... Does it feel relaxing? When was the last time you were in a relationship? Why broke up? How could he do that to you.... My ex is a foodie. If the restaurant wasn't good enough, she often lost her temper. The people around us would look at us which I felt embarrassed. A good thing about her was she knew my shoulders felt tight and stiff so she always gave me a massage. We always massaged each other. I know girls' legs are often tight, right? Because she always said her legs felt tight and stiff and told me to massage her legs. So here...does it feel stiff? What about here? My ex-girlfriend always pinched my cheeks, face cheeks and I pinched her back. It's actually quite comfortable. It feels like a massage. Of course, you pinch gently, as opposed to hard, otherwise it'll hurt. But it really feels like a massage which is quite comfortable. Is it comfortable? Your cheeks are quite meaty. Are you flat-footed? There's an arch.
2020-10-28 22:07:40
Green 呢啲咪就係籃球版逗住型隊友囉。
以前另外三星pick & run and catch & shoot 比佢hold 隊友咪唔使面對double team/ hard foul.
講真佢最大賣點就係早幾年打波夠狼,有爆炸力走空位上籃(尤其係咁高流暢度既球隊),同埋最重要係佢夠專注力守到人地既guard 姐。

今季冇空間比佢,進攻下下1 on1 咪柒下柒下。
防守冇咩特別,上季已經麻麻,遲下nba 係湖人奪冠之後可能返返去高大中鋒時代,唔知佢頂唔頂到
2020-10-28 22:10:53

Jordan = 史上最偉大
Lebron = 史上最強
2020-10-28 22:42:47
不如話要trade green嘅人講下可以搵邊個取代
2020-10-28 23:00:32
識波帝 你最叻
2020-10-28 23:02:37
2020-10-28 23:27:17
咁點解Bob Myers明知overpay都照續
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞