NBA 2K20 討論區(4)

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2019-10-19 10:40:39
開錯post number

歡迎討論mc/mypark/Jordan rec/mt
2019-10-19 11:51:54

歡迎一齊傾垃圾myteam mode[l
2019-10-19 11:54:39
2019-10-19 11:56:52
2019-10-19 14:45:27
冇左MC隻人 有冇人試過
2019-10-19 14:45:47
2019-10-20 18:07:03
2019-10-20 20:56:57
2019-10-20 21:49:42
2019-10-21 11:17:45
2019-10-21 11:20:29
今集d 劇情好似好少,除咗傾下合約之外
2019-10-21 21:06:56
想問呢個 post係咪ps4

PC撚,想試下連線上遊戲控制球員果個mode, 都冇人玩既 由以前2k17到而家都幾年都未連過一場

2019-10-22 10:18:35
2019-10-22 14:51:19
my league d record冇曬
2019-10-22 14:53:20
2019-10-22 19:37:50
徽章個最大數係咪fix左無得再升 隻人仔防守章最大係1
2019-10-22 22:55:41
應該係,所以其實係冇可能做到kawhi kd lbj giannis 呢d 怪物球員出黎

同埋想問下點解我mc 開第二個人仔,冇睇到開場d 劇情, 人工每場得500vc ? 但我第一個人仔每場人工1000vc, 咁咪好蝕
2019-10-22 23:03:12
nerf左啦 新開人仔得500
2019-10-22 23:03:45
2019-10-22 23:42:44
我想問新果個myplayer nation 即係咩
2019-10-22 23:50:35
I play NBA2K20. I play it every day. I'm a fan of Vince Carter. He was certainly an exciting slam dunker who was worth his weight in gold to Raptors. Don't get me wrong- I still enjoy watching him play even though his prime has passed. He proved his worth to Raptors by helping win multiple championships. His worth to the team was incalculable. I must say he's made significant progress with his three point shooting since he joined Nets. Unfortunately his leg injury has progressed fairly rapidly forcing him to be sidelined for five months because of his injury. He complained that a five-month hiatus is too long but it's for his own safety. He has a follow-up to the doctor next week. His friend LeBron James will also be out of commission until his back heals. He's made little progress with his shooting since he injured his back. His doctor said he was making good progress and will check on his progress next month. He assigned the blame for his injury to a lack of training and stretching. Oh well it could be worse. His worth of contribution to Lakers is incalculable. Lakers is as likely to beat Warriors as Cavaliers in my opinion. Recently Lakers didn't just beat Rockets; they wiped the floor with them. Everybody was on the edge of their seats. LeBron said to Rockets "In your face!" the moment they won. Suns has lost its edge to some extent since their point leaders left the team. The other month Raptors edged out Suns by three points which reminds me of Cavaliers edging out Warriors by two points. The role of every coach in every team is clearly defined. Everybody has a vital role to play in every team. In addition the government has appointed a commission to investigate the use of steroids among players. Another commission has also been created to examine family violence in nba which I wholeheartedly support. I had my personal training session yesterday and was soaking wet. Then I soaked in a jacuzzi. The gym is situated beside the jacuzzi where you can see the inside of the gym clearly. I saw a slim guy lift a light two pound dumbell for all he was worth but still couldn't complete the exercise lol. I enjoy hitting the gym and I know my personal trainer is worth her salt because I'm making good progress with my physique. She's a vivacious in-your-face woman who's sometimes too honest for her own good. I dislike going to Physical because the salespeople are way too in-your-face. My friend Fuyuki has opened a gym. The excellent quality gym and shower equipment is a key role in the success of his gym. Of course customer service also plays a pivotal role in the company's success. He asked if I could find a good manager for him. I said "I can't make any promises but I'll see what I can do" My friend Rika has an interview for a marketing director position in his company next week. Fuyuki put heavy stress on the importance of leadership qualities. He also stressed that clear communication skill is a crucial factor in the outcome of the interview. The interview stresses her out. I said "Try not to stress too much about it. Put your mind at ease" My girlfriend said "Don't stress over it. Just set your mind at rest" She quit her previous job because her colleagues always bullied her and the salary was low. I said "I don't blame you for wanting to leave" Fuyuki will be giving a birthday party at his place tomorrow but alas I can't attend as I got work to do. Happy birthday Fuyuki! Im' sure your friends will join me in wishing you a very happy birthday. Last year he bought a massage chair for my birthday. I remember I said "I can't believe you got me a massage chair" It didn't come cheap.
2019-10-23 23:50:08
想問mc 下面果4行能力 即係速度 加速度
2019-10-24 10:28:28
一星期先玩一兩次 係咪更新完個節奏快左
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞