補返gcam post先
S10 / S10+ / S10e 專用
裝google camera:
1. 首先電話update去最新firmware
2. 去呢度下載gcam 本體:
[16/05/2019更新] 個人測試: v1.4係功能上最完美; v1.5有少少bug (例如nightsight唔係成日都switch到wide鏡) 但都可以接受; v2.0 係用唔到wide鏡、冇咁多嘢set, 但可以同1.4 或 1.5並存 (即係裝晒2個喺電話都得)
3. 用v1.4嘅下載呢個zip
zip檔解壓出嚟應該係一個個"Gcam" 資料夾, 成舊放喺電話internal storage 根目錄 (如果冇folder淨係得4舊 .xml 檔, 咁你自己開個folder叫 "GCam", 入面再開多個"Configs", 再將果4舊嘢扔入去. (v1.5嗰個 .xml 檔都係扔呢度)
4.開gcam, icon係呢個:
5. 喺快門制隔離D 黑色位是但一度快click兩下會開左個menu, 如果你step 3冇做錯就會俾你揀用咩config:
v1.4: 揀S10csMar2.xml 再禁"restore"
v1.5: 揀S10_Plus.xml 再禁"restore"
v2.0: 乜都唔洗做
6. 成功
v1.4: 快門制左面果個轉鏡頭制禁一下會自拍, 禁多下就係wide鏡, 自己慢慢試
v1.5: 去設定將Auxiliay camea switch method 揀 "Long press", 然後出返去長按轉鏡頭制轉換wide/普通鏡, 平時咁禁一下就係自拍
P.S. 喺nightsight入面都可以轉鏡頭
Quick Settings -> Advanced -> FIX
Under FIX, Set Raw Format -> Raw Sensor, and Viewfinder Format -> YUV_420_888 (important)
Base -> Model -> Back and Front Camera -> Pixel 3 XL
Back in settings page, scroll all the way down and -> Advanced (below Help & Feedback, not Quick Settings). Click on HDR+ Control
Go to camera, then click on HDR, and select HDR+ Enhanced(important)
Portrait mode only works with humans and animals!
There you go! Gcam should be good to use
^紅字呢堆settings係一定要跟佢咁set, 上面嗰D .xml 其實主要係幫你預設晒呢D, 所以如果你發現有嘢唔work可以自己check下
More tips if anybody interested (Optional, personal preference):
HDR+ Parameters: Set to 7 (higher value is slower with negligible improvement)
Changing the Libs: The libs on Gcam can drastically change what the photo looks like. All libs have their own strength, and it depends largely on preference. To change libs, Quick Settings -> Advanced -> Libs
Stock by Google has higher contrast (sometimes excessive), least noise, less detail. Savitar V1 has most detail, high sharpness (sometimes excessive), most noise. Eszdman V4 has lower exposure (less brightness), good detail and medium noise (I prefer it most). Night Sight is also affected by Libs.
Click on Disable Pixel 3 AWB
If photo is Underexposed: Exposure Compensation -> +0.2 or +0.4 (-0.2 or -0.4 if overexposed, depending on preference and situation, I use +0.2 mostly)
If photo is too noisy: Autoexposure Correction -> 1/10 sec (the closer it's to 1, the slower the photo but better noise reduction)
Correction Nightsight: 1/5 sec (slower than 0, but better noise reduction and details. 32 sec is best, but would need tripod since it's long exposure)