No eu benefit 個句好似係個前排3月brexit個時加落bno到
但之後brexit延期 好似又無左呢句野 至少我自己係咁
JohnSmith2019-07-11 22:07:43
我細佬個本早幾日先收到,都有 no EU benefit 呢句喎
az-6872019-07-11 22:09:47
BigMac2019-07-11 22:09:54
咁搞笑 仲有無其他巴打 最近呢一兩個月續收到本野 出嚟講下 你哋有冇no eu benefit 嗰句野
時空旅行者2019-07-11 22:15:25
圖呢 句野係點寫
az-6872019-07-11 22:18:51
BigMac2019-07-11 22:19:00
呢兩張圖係Quote 第一頁既
Normal Observations :
Before Brexit
After Brexit
JohnSmith2019-07-11 22:20:53
In accordance with the United Kingdom immigration rules, the holder of this passport does not require an entry certificate or visa to visit the United Kingdom.
The holder of this passport has Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card No A123456(7) which states that the holder has the right of abode in Hong Kong.
The holder is not entitled to benefit from EU provisions relating to employment or establishment.