而對面陣營則派出普奧聯軍打頭陣,由於肥特烈不善打仗,所以就以卡爾.威廉.費迪南親王(Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand) 為主帥。依位費迪南親王係國王既堂弟,喺真正既戰神出現之前,佢被譽為最接近神(腓特烈大帝)既將領。五年前佢受肥特烈指派,帶兵協助鎮壓荷蘭反動騷亂,以狂風掃落葉既姿態鎮壓叛軍,成個軍事行動幾乎冇流血。肥特烈心諗今次搵佢揸旗實冇死啦。點知佢打仗係勁,但係政治頭腦就麻麻。佢見革命者捉走咗路易十六,就喺開打之前發表布倫瑞克宣言(Brunswick Manifesto),再次警告革命者,千祈唔好郁到路易十六一條毛。
唔講由是何,一講就激到班革命者團結喺嚟,士氣大增。兩軍喺法國北部展開華爾密會戰(Battle of Valmy)。軍備精良,訓練有素既聯軍共37000人,主動進攻臨時由義勇兵組成既法國軍隊共40000人。雖然係雜牌軍,但係法軍憑著士氣既加持之下,一邊嗌住「祖國萬歲」,一邊堅守陣地,竟然頂住咗進攻。費迪南親王見到軍隊冇法子突破敵軍防線,只好提前離開戰場。依場戰鬥雖然早早結束,仲要係平手,但無疑幫革命者打咗支強心針。其實普魯士,又有乜好怕喎!戰後普魯士覺得戰事俾預期難打,軍費仲要貴到那脷,決定從法國徹兵。
革命軍繼續周圍「解放」人民,係同年成立法蘭西第一共和國,然後喺翌年1月21日將曾經既國王推上斷頭台。此舉搞到其他君主制國家包括西班牙荷蘭英國等紛紛反對革命,法國索性一次過向佢地宣戰。依堆國家聯同普奧兩個鐵膽,組成第一次反法同盟(First Coalition)。
我都記得聽過 但唔係幾搵得番啲資料![]()
我都記得聽過 但唔係幾搵得番啲資料![]()
The ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’ tag immortalised by Homer Simpson, has contributed to a general sense of the French as cowardly losers. But the French have arguably the best military record in Europe. According to historian Niall Ferguson, of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495, the French have fought in 50, more than both Austria (47) and England (43). And they achieved an impressive overall batting average: out of a total of 168 battles fought since 387 bc, they have won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10.
我都記得聽過 但唔係幾搵得番啲資料![]()
The ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’ tag immortalised by Homer Simpson, has contributed to a general sense of the French as cowardly losers. But the French have arguably the best military record in Europe. According to historian Niall Ferguson, of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495, the French have fought in 50, more than both Austria (47) and England (43). And they achieved an impressive overall batting average: out of a total of 168 battles fought since 387 bc, they have won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10.
The ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’ tag immortalised by Homer Simpson, has contributed to a general sense of the French as cowardly losers. But the French have arguably the best military record in Europe. According to historian Niall Ferguson, of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495, the French have fought in 50, more than both Austria (47) and England (43). And they achieved an impressive overall batting average: out of a total of 168 battles fought since 387 bc, they have won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10.
根本法國由三十年戰爭時期去到拿破崙時期都好屈機 除左七年戰爭之外