
1001 回覆
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2017-11-28 13:41:22
2017-11-28 16:41:00
Hariri: What happened in Saudi stays in Saudi

2017-11-28 17:11:31

2017-11-28 19:36:43
Grenade thrown at French troops in Burkina Faso before Macron's arrival
2017-11-28 20:03:25
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.
2017-11-28 20:12:29
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.

Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了
2017-11-28 20:14:19
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.

Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了

連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal
2017-11-28 20:22:37
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.

Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了

連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal

同時David Davis 俾Brexit committee召喚,要佢澄清「消失的Brexit impact reports」
2017-11-28 20:28:28
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.

Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了

連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal

同時David Davis 俾Brexit committee召喚,要佢澄清「消失的Brexit impact reports」

2017-11-28 22:26:01
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.

Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了

連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal

同時David Davis 俾Brexit committee召喚,要佢澄清「消失的Brexit impact reports」


2017-11-28 23:11:11
President Trump on Tuesday cast doubt on Washington's ability to avoid a government shutdown, writing on Twitter that he didn't believe a deal could be reached with Democrats.

From: the Hill


如果傾唔掂就Gov.t shut down或組又係短期funding bill
2017-11-28 23:52:24
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will marry at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle next May, Kensington Palace has said.
2017-11-29 06:21:10
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
2017-11-29 07:19:13
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.


2017-11-29 07:23:22
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.



補充句 雖然睇落好似,但發射地點唔係首都平壤,係平安南道既平城市
2017-11-29 07:29:23
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.



補充句 雖然睇落好似,但發射地點唔係首都平壤,係平安南道既平城市

2017-11-29 08:06:34
Senior Saudi Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, once seen as a leading contender to the throne, was freed after reaching an "acceptable settlement agreement" with authorities paying more than $1 billion, a Saudi official said on Wednesday.

Miteb, who was head of the elite National Guard, was among dozens of royal family members, ministers and current and former senior officials who were rounded up in a graft inquiry at least partly aimed at strengthening the power of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The official, who is involved in the anti-corruption campaign, said Prince Miteb was released on Tuesday after reaching "an acceptable settlement agreement".
2017-11-29 10:49:00
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.



2017-11-29 10:53:42
Bolivia's highest court struck down limits on re-election in the country's constitution and election laws on Tuesday, paving the way for socialist President Evo Morales to run for a fourth term in 2019.

In September, Morales' Movement to Socialism (MAS) party asked the South American country's highest court to rescind legal limits barring elected authorities from seeking re-election indefinitely, arguing that these violate human rights.

"All people that were limited by the law and the constitution are hereby able to run for office, because it is up to the Bolivian people to decide," Macario Lahor Cortez, head of the Plurinational Constitutional Court, wrote in the ruling.
2017-11-29 10:55:54
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.






2017-11-29 11:36:57
North Korea says the test of its new ICBM was a success, and it can reach all of the US mainland
2017-11-29 11:54:50
Brexit: UK divorce bill offer 'worth up to 55bn euros'

The UK has offered a larger potential "divorce bill" to the EU - which could be worth between 40bn and 55bn euros (£35bn-£49bn), the BBC understands.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said the offer was communicated to Brussels after last week's crucial cabinet meeting.

There has been no final agreement on a number but the larger offer was given a "broad welcome" by Brussels, she said.

2017-11-29 12:25:01
Brexit: UK divorce bill offer 'worth up to 55bn euros'

The UK has offered a larger potential "divorce bill" to the EU - which could be worth between 40bn and 55bn euros (£35bn-£49bn), the BBC understands.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said the offer was communicated to Brussels after last week's crucial cabinet meeting.

There has been no final agreement on a number but the larger offer was given a "broad welcome" by Brussels, she said.


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