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2017-11-24 19:48:02
2017-11-24 20:49:07
Egypt mosque attack kills dozens - reports

At least 54 killed and 75 wounded after suspected militants target mosque in north Sinai

2017-11-24 21:47:38
Egypt mosque attack kills dozens - reports

At least 54 killed and 75 wounded after suspected militants target mosque in north Sinai

2017-11-25 00:03:29
Egypt mosque attack kills dozens - reports

At least 54 killed and 75 wounded after suspected militants target mosque in north Sinai


二百幾個now Islam is cancer
2017-11-25 00:30:44
今次爆出虐兒風波的北京朝陽區管莊紅黃藍幼兒園,內媒指出,幼園營運方「紅黃藍教育」機構遍布全國逾300個城市,共千多間園所。紅黃藍教育更在美國紐約掛牌上市,市值高逾7.6億美元(近60億港元);但在爆出醜聞後,其股價一度大跌40%。根據紅黃藍幼兒園的官方網頁,其中一名董事名為孟亮(Liang Meng),是該公司最大股東,據稱他有香港身份證,在港擁有住宅及公司。
2017-11-25 00:33:26
Egypt mosque attack kills dozens - reports

At least 54 killed and 75 wounded after suspected militants target mosque in north Sinai


二百幾個now Islam is cancer

2017-11-25 01:10:36
According to Twitter user Assed Baig, there is “Panic at Oxford Circus as people shout bomb!” while BBC journalist Kawoon Khamoosh said “too much police in Oxford Circus. People are screaming and running trying to escape the area. Everything was normal, changed in a min.”
2017-11-25 01:22:17
BREAKING: 'Gunshots fired' as armed police surround Oxford Circus in London
2017-11-25 01:23:32
BREAKING: 'Gunshots fired' as armed police surround Oxford Circus in London

2017-11-25 01:23:40
BREAKING: 'Gunshots fired' as armed police surround Oxford Circus in London

Euronews live:

2017-11-25 01:24:40
BREAKING: 'Gunshots fired' as armed police surround Oxford Circus in London


第一身cs go terrorist
2017-11-25 01:33:18
BREAKING: 'Gunshots fired' as armed police surround Oxford Circus in London


第一身cs go terrorist

2017-11-25 08:18:44
2017-11-25 15:54:20
Channel 9/ Galaxy Exit Poll (Queensland Election)
Labor Win

2017-11-25 22:24:06

留名睇佢2020 屌你老味睇完依段片都話佢係正常人嘅話同畜生冇分別
2017-11-25 22:27:04

留名睇佢2020 屌你老味睇完依段片都話佢係正常人嘅話同畜生冇分別

2017-11-25 22:35:22

留名睇佢2020 屌你老味睇完依段片都話佢係正常人嘅話同畜生冇分別

2017-11-25 23:48:01

2017-11-26 00:04:10
The Egyptian army says an air raid killed some of the attackers involved in Friday's massacre when at least 305 people died in a bomb-and-gun attack on a mosque.
2017-11-26 11:23:31
Islamabad, Pakistan - The Pakistani army has been called in to restore order to the capital after clashes between anti-blasphemy protesters and police left at least 174 people injured.

Thousands of riot police and paramilitary personnel on Saturday fired tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon at the protesters in an attempt to dislodge them from a major highway into Islamabad.

The protesters, numbering as many as 2,000, stood their ground, fighting back by throwing stones and beating police with sticks and metal rods in running battles that continued throughout the day.
2017-11-26 11:27:34
Ireland’s European commissioner has urged Theresa May to change her Brexit plans dramatically to prevent a mounting crisis over the Irish border from derailing her hopes of an EU trade deal.

The threat of a hard Irish border has emerged as the major obstacle to the prime minister’s aim of securing the green light for Brexit trade talks at a crucial summit only weeks away. She has effectively been handed just days to give stronger guarantees over the issue.

Phil Hogan, the EU’s agriculture commissioner, told the Observer that it was a “very simple fact” that remaining inside the single market and customs union, or allowing Northern Ireland to do so, would end the standoff.
2017-11-26 11:35:07
Nudist restaurant opens in Paris - BBC News

2017-11-26 12:19:19

Are Americans trashing the English language? | The Economist

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