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2017-11-06 22:47:45
Sacked Catalan president condemns 'brutal judicial offensive'

Exclusive: In Guardian article, Carles Puigdemont says he fears he and his colleagues will not receive fair hearing in Spanish courts

‘This is not just about Catalonia. This is about democracy itself’

The deposed Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, has accused the Spanish authorities of conducting a “brutal judicial offensive” against members of his ousted government and said he is afraid they will not receive an unbiased hearing in Spanish courts.

Writing in the Guardian, Puigdemont said it was a “colossal outrage” that he and 13 colleagues were being investigated over possible charges including sedition and rebellion in relation their roles in last month’s declaration of independence.

“Today, the leaders of this democratic project stand accused of rebellion and face the severest punishment possible under the Spanish penal code; the same as for cases of terrorism and murder: 30 years in prison,” he said.

2017-11-06 22:55:01
Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed - BBC News

2017-11-06 23:35:10

Trump boasts: 'The reason our stock market is so successful is because of me'

2017-11-06 23:50:50

Trump boasts: 'The reason our stock market is so successful is because of me'


2017-11-06 23:54:51

Trump boasts: 'The reason our stock market is so successful is because of me'



2017-11-06 23:55:40

2017-11-07 00:06:30

China wary of Indo-Pacific doctrine ahead of Trump visit

After concluding visits to Japan and South Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump arrives on Wednesday in Beijing, where there is concern about a fledgling security relationship between Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi in the Indo-Pacific area.

On Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, buoyed by his recent electoral success, presented the visiting U.S. President a plan for a “free and open Indo-Pacific strategic partnership.”

“The idea is to strengthen ties among Japan, the U.S., India and Australia, and is apparently designed to counter China's growing economic and military influence in Asia,” the Nikkei Asian Review reported on its website.

2017-11-07 04:13:42

China wary of Indo-Pacific doctrine ahead of Trump visit

After concluding visits to Japan and South Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump arrives on Wednesday in Beijing, where there is concern about a fledgling security relationship between Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi in the Indo-Pacific area.

On Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, buoyed by his recent electoral success, presented the visiting U.S. President a plan for a “free and open Indo-Pacific strategic partnership.”

“The idea is to strengthen ties among Japan, the U.S., India and Australia, and is apparently designed to counter China's growing economic and military influence in Asia,” the Nikkei Asian Review reported on its website.


2017-11-07 04:15:57
2017-11-07 17:03:32

2017-11-07 17:25:30

China wary of Indo-Pacific doctrine ahead of Trump visit

After concluding visits to Japan and South Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump arrives on Wednesday in Beijing, where there is concern about a fledgling security relationship between Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi in the Indo-Pacific area.

On Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, buoyed by his recent electoral success, presented the visiting U.S. President a plan for a “free and open Indo-Pacific strategic partnership.”

“The idea is to strengthen ties among Japan, the U.S., India and Australia, and is apparently designed to counter China's growing economic and military influence in Asia,” the Nikkei Asian Review reported on its website.



2017-11-07 21:46:20
In a sharp shift, Trump calls for North Korea to 'make a deal'

2017-11-07 21:49:59
2017-11-07 23:39:40
Virginia州長今日選啦(7 Nov),民主黨人以極少優勢係民調領先,選程緊湊

Virginia Governor - Gillespie (R) 44.4 vs. Northam (D) 47.7 (+3.3)

2017-11-07 23:42:34

Silvio Berlusconi set for extraordinary political comeback after centre right bloc wins Sicilian local election

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi looked poised on Monday for a stunning political comeback as his rightist bloc claimed victory in an election in Sicily that puts it in pole position for a national vote due by next May.

The regional Sicilian ballot, held on Sunday, was seen as a dry run for the nationwide election, with many of the island's problems reflecting those of the country as a whole - high unemployment, a debt mountain and sluggish economic growth.

An influx of migrants, many of whom arrive in Sicily after being rescued in the Mediterranean, was also a key issue.

With all of the votes counted, a centre-right bloc backed by the four-times prime minister was more than 5 percentage points ahead of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, with the centre left, which governs at the national level, a distant third.

2017-11-07 23:52:22
2017-11-07 23:55:27

Silvio Berlusconi set for extraordinary political comeback after centre right bloc wins Sicilian local election

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi looked poised on Monday for a stunning political comeback as his rightist bloc claimed victory in an election in Sicily that puts it in pole position for a national vote due by next May.

The regional Sicilian ballot, held on Sunday, was seen as a dry run for the nationwide election, with many of the island's problems reflecting those of the country as a whole - high unemployment, a debt mountain and sluggish economic growth.

An influx of migrants, many of whom arrive in Sicily after being rescued in the Mediterranean, was also a key issue.

With all of the votes counted, a centre-right bloc backed by the four-times prime minister was more than 5 percentage points ahead of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, with the centre left, which governs at the national level, a distant third.


2017-11-07 23:56:39

China wary of Indo-Pacific doctrine ahead of Trump visit

After concluding visits to Japan and South Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump arrives on Wednesday in Beijing, where there is concern about a fledgling security relationship between Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi in the Indo-Pacific area.

On Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, buoyed by his recent electoral success, presented the visiting U.S. President a plan for a “free and open Indo-Pacific strategic partnership.”

“The idea is to strengthen ties among Japan, the U.S., India and Australia, and is apparently designed to counter China's growing economic and military influence in Asia,” the Nikkei Asian Review reported on its website.



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