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2017-11-04 23:53:25
Recordamos la información más importante de este sábado:

- ERC no aclara si participará en una lista unitaria independentista
- Puigdemont pide una lista unitaria en las elecciones del 21 de diciembre
- La juez dicta orden internacional de búsqueda y captura para Puigdemont y el resto de exconsejeros huidos a Bélgica

Google Translate - We remember the most important information of this Saturday:

- ERC does not clarify if it will participate in a pro-independence unitary list
- Puigdemont asks for a unitary list in the elections of December 21
- The judge issues an international search and seizure order for Puigdemont and the rest of the ex-counselors fled to Belgium
2017-11-05 00:03:13



Wait what? 睇埋雞精圖都唔撚明


伊朗係同真主黨friend (應該話係金主先正確),唔係同黎巴嫩喎
2017-11-05 00:10:51



Wait what? 睇埋雞精圖都唔撚明


伊朗係同真主黨friend (應該話係金主先正確),唔係同黎巴嫩喎

就係因為黎巴嫩而家係Mar 8 Alliance揸旗,主張同伊朗加強關係以抗衡以色列

2017-11-05 00:26:15
Iran marks 1979 U.S. Embassy takeover with 'Down With America' signs — and a missile

Iran on Saturday held the heavily choreographed pageant of anti-Americanism that marks the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran amid worsening relations with the Trump administration and uncertainty about the fate of its nuclear agreement with world powers.

This year’s anniversary was commemorated under cloudy, polluted skies in Tehran, where elderly enthusiasts of Iran’s theocracy took to the streets despite air quality that made it difficult for many to take deep breaths.

Thousands gathered on the campus of the former U.S. Embassy, dubbed a “den of espionage,” where a ballistic missile was displayed. News agencies described it as a Sejil surface-to-surface missile with a range of 1,200 miles.

2017-11-05 05:49:00

What Is Somaliland And Should It Be Its Own Country?


Btw nice discussion above

Somaliland used to be the old British Somaliland - a British protectorate. It became an independent country for a few days before a union with Italian Somaliland to form Somalia.
2017-11-05 09:02:19
BBC: 沙地首都附近發射飛彈攔截來自也門攻擊
2017-11-05 10:44:03

Saudi princes, ministers targeted in anti-corruption sweep

(CNN) Eleven princes were arrested in Saudi Arabia on Saturday following the formation of an anti-corruption committee by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Saudi-backed broadcaster Al-Arabiya reported.

Three ministers were removed from their positions: Economy and Planning Minister Adel bin Mohammed Faqih, National Guard Minister Prince Miteb bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and Naval Forces Commander Admiral Abdullah bin Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Sultan, said Saudi TV, the government's official broadcaster.

King Salman ordered the new anti-corruption campaign as part of an "active reform agenda aimed at tackling a persistent problem that has hindered development efforts in the Kingdom in recent decades," a press release from the Saudi Ministry of Communications said.

2017-11-05 17:08:43
Theresa May’s deputy, Damian Green, was rocked last night by a former police chief’s claim that pornographic material was discovered on one of his parliamentary computers.

A statement prepared by Bob Quick, a former assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police, claimed the material was discovered by officers during an inquiry into government leaks in which Green was embroiled in 2008.

Quick, who headed the leak investigation, confirmed to The Sunday Times yesterday that his officers had reported finding “extreme” pornographic material on a parliamentary computer from Green’s office.

2017-11-05 20:51:56
How will Hariri's resignation affect Lebanon?

The snap resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri over the weekend reflects a push by Saudi Arabia to openly confront Iran, its longtime regional adversary, and Iran's Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, analysts say.

It will also likely plunge Lebanon into a fresh political quagmire, as the country's fragile coalition government suffers a severe blow and general elections set for May appear increasingly uncertain.

Joseph Bahout, a visiting fellow with the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, noted that tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have been building for some time, and the Saudis have recently shown "a will [to confront] Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon".

2017-11-05 20:56:51
GG: Ex-Catalan leader Puigdemont turns himself in to Belgian police - public broadcaster citing source

Deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has turned himself in to Belgian police, public broadcaster VRT reports, citing a source. Puigdemont and Catalan ministers fled to Belgium after Madrid’s central government imposed direct rule over the autonomous region.

Puigdemont appeared in Brussels alongside other members of his cabinet on Monday. That same day, the Spanish Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had filed a lawsuit against him, other members of his cabinet, and some regional MPs on rebellion, sedition, and embezzlement charges with the Spanish National Court.

2017-11-05 21:12:37
GG: Ex-Catalan leader Puigdemont turns himself in to Belgian police - public broadcaster citing source

Deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has turned himself in to Belgian police, public broadcaster VRT reports, citing a source. Puigdemont and Catalan ministers fled to Belgium after Madrid’s central government imposed direct rule over the autonomous region.

Puigdemont appeared in Brussels alongside other members of his cabinet on Monday. That same day, the Spanish Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had filed a lawsuit against him, other members of his cabinet, and some regional MPs on rebellion, sedition, and embezzlement charges with the Spanish National Court.


Edward Tang
10 mins · Hong Kong ·
據比利時傳媒報道,加泰政府主席Carles Puigdemont及其四位隨行官員已向比國聯邦警察自首。另外稍早時有消息指其代表律師已前往比國檢察機關。

2017-11-05 21:30:19
GG: Ex-Catalan leader Puigdemont turns himself in to Belgian police - public broadcaster citing source

Deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has turned himself in to Belgian police, public broadcaster VRT reports, citing a source. Puigdemont and Catalan ministers fled to Belgium after Madrid’s central government imposed direct rule over the autonomous region.

Puigdemont appeared in Brussels alongside other members of his cabinet on Monday. That same day, the Spanish Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had filed a lawsuit against him, other members of his cabinet, and some regional MPs on rebellion, sedition, and embezzlement charges with the Spanish National Court.


Edward Tang
10 mins · Hong Kong ·
據比利時傳媒報道,加泰政府主席Carles Puigdemont及其四位隨行官員已向比國聯邦警察自首。另外稍早時有消息指其代表律師已前往比國檢察機關。

BBC also reports:

Catalonia crackdown: Ex-leader Puigdemont hands himself in to police

Catalonia's deposed leader Carles Puigdemont and four former advisers have turned themselves in to Belgian police, says a Belgian prosecutor.

He said an investigating judge would decide by Monday morning whether to execute an EU arrest warrant issued by a Spanish judge on Friday.

Mr Puigdemont fled to Belgium after Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia following an independence referendum.

He has said he will not return to Spain unless he is guaranteed a fair trial.

He and his four associates are wanted on charges of rebellion, sedition, misuse of public funds, disobedience and breach of trust.

2017-11-05 23:15:20
Según fuentes cercanas a Puigdemont, el hecho de que se hayan presentado voluntariamente a la Policía "se enmarca en la voluntad de no sustraerse a la acción de la Justicia, sino simplemente defenderse en un proceso justo e imparcial". A Puigdemont le acompañan: Antoni Comín (Salud), Clara Ponsatí (Enseñanza), Lluís Puig (Cultura) y Meritxell Serret (Agricultura).

Google Translate: According to sources close to Puigdemont, the fact that they have voluntarily presented themselves to the Police "is framed in the will not to evade the action of Justice, but simply to defend themselves in a fair and impartial process". Puigdemont is accompanied by: Antoni Comín (Health), Clara Ponsatí (Teaching), Lluís Puig (Culture) and Meritxell Serret (Agriculture).
2017-11-06 02:51:54

半小時前(當地時間約19:00),比利時法官開始審訊早上到警署自願投案的加泰主席Carles Puigdemont及其隨行四位官員。他們會分開作供。

2017-11-06 08:31:15
Trump on Texas shooting: I am monitoring the situation from Japan
2017-11-06 10:17:58
Saudi blames Iran for Yemen missile launch, could be considered 'act of war'
2017-11-06 10:40:02

// 【速報】南韓政治版圖今天再度出現變化,去年底支持彈劾朴槿惠總統後,從新世界黨(今自由韓國黨)分黨另組正確的黨(正黨)的國會議員金武星,今天率領包括代理黨魁朱豪英在內等9位黨籍議員,宣布脫黨並重返自由韓國黨。



2017-11-06 11:37:10
2017-11-06 12:16:39

2017-11-06 13:53:07

// 【速報】南韓政治版圖今天再度出現變化,去年底支持彈劾朴槿惠總統後,從新世界黨(今自由韓國黨)分黨另組正確的黨(正黨)的國會議員金武星,今天率領包括代理黨魁朱豪英在內等9位黨籍議員,宣布脫黨並重返自由韓國黨。




2017-11-06 17:02:47

// 【速報】南韓政治版圖今天再度出現變化,去年底支持彈劾朴槿惠總統後,從新世界黨(今自由韓國黨)分黨另組正確的黨(正黨)的國會議員金武星,今天率領包括代理黨魁朱豪英在內等9位黨籍議員,宣布脫黨並重返自由韓國黨。





好白痴 明明同一個黨又係咁改名

2017-11-06 17:56:02

// 【速報】南韓政治版圖今天再度出現變化,去年底支持彈劾朴槿惠總統後,從新世界黨(今自由韓國黨)分黨另組正確的黨(正黨)的國會議員金武星,今天率領包括代理黨魁朱豪英在內等9位黨籍議員,宣布脫黨並重返自由韓國黨。





好白痴 明明同一個黨又係咁改名


2017-11-06 18:30:43
Turnbull government MP John Alexander is scrambling to confirm whether he is a dual citizen, which if proven would trigger a byelection that would further threaten the Coalition's grip on power.
Fairfax Media can reveal Mr Alexander's father, Gilbert Alexander, was born in the UK and is likely to have conferred citizenship by descent to his son. Mr Alexander has never before been named as an MP with a parent born overseas, meaning his status has flown under the radar since the citizenship saga first erupted in July.

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞