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2017-10-29 19:40:09

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2017-10-29 19:41:05

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2017-10-29 19:45:36

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left green
2017-10-29 20:03:18

Google Translate: The ballots of parliamentary elections are now available and it is clear that the government groups lost twelve members of 32. The prosecuting party receives eight MPs and more than both the Samfylking and the Central Party, despite the fewer followers than the other two. The election this year is better than last year, with 79.2% of voters voting in the country as a whole. Overall, 81.2% voted.

The Independence Party is the largest party in parliament, as before a quarter of voters paid a vote of votes. In total, the Independence Party received 25.2% of the votes and 16 people elected to parliament. The autonomy of the Independence Party decreases by 3.8 percentage points between years, while in 2016 the group received 29% and 21 parliamentarians.

2017-10-29 20:08:51



2017-10-29 21:40:00
Sociedad Civil Catalana (SCC) ha llamado hoy a aprovechar la "gran oportunidad" de las elecciones autonómicas del 21 de diciembre para "restaurar la normalidad institucional" y recuperar "unas instituciones autonómicas reforzadas y prestigiadas" que resulten en una "Catalunya unida".

Google Translate: Catalan Civil Society (SCC) has called today to take advantage of the "great opportunity" of the regional elections of December 21 to "restore institutional normality" and recover "reinforced and prestigious regional institutions" that result in a "united Catalonia".
2017-10-30 00:22:07
'Not unrealistic' for Catalan leader to get asylum in Belgium: minister

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be “not unrealistic” if he asks for it, the Belgian migration minister said, underlining his country’s position as a contrarian voice in the Spanish standoff.

2017-10-30 00:39:22
'Not unrealistic' for Catalan leader to get asylum in Belgium: minister

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be “not unrealistic” if he asks for it, the Belgian migration minister said, underlining his country’s position as a contrarian voice in the Spanish standoff.


2017-10-30 00:41:34
'Not unrealistic' for Catalan leader to get asylum in Belgium: minister

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be “not unrealistic” if he asks for it, the Belgian migration minister said, underlining his country’s position as a contrarian voice in the Spanish standoff.



2017-10-30 15:51:22
'Not unrealistic' for Catalan leader to get asylum in Belgium: minister

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be “not unrealistic” if he asks for it, the Belgian migration minister said, underlining his country’s position as a contrarian voice in the Spanish standoff.




雖然無國家承認但而家Carles Puigdemont職函係咪加泰羅尼亞共和國總統
2017-10-30 15:53:27
'Not unrealistic' for Catalan leader to get asylum in Belgium: minister

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be “not unrealistic” if he asks for it, the Belgian migration minister said, underlining his country’s position as a contrarian voice in the Spanish standoff.




雖然無國家承認但而家Carles Puigdemont職函係咪加泰羅尼亞共和國總統

2017-10-30 17:29:19
'Not unrealistic' for Catalan leader to get asylum in Belgium: minister

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be “not unrealistic” if he asks for it, the Belgian migration minister said, underlining his country’s position as a contrarian voice in the Spanish standoff.




雖然無國家承認但而家Carles Puigdemont職函係咪加泰羅尼亞共和國總統


2017-10-30 18:44:34
2017-10-30 20:11:47
 Paul Manafort, former campaign chairman to President Donald Trump, has been told to surrender to federal authorities, the New York Times reported on Monday. Flynn was spotted by reporters leaving his condo in Virginia early on Monday. 


2017-10-30 20:55:16
BREAKING: Puigdemont Has Gone To Brussels
2017-10-30 21:05:13
BREAKING: Puigdemont Has Gone To Brussels

2017-10-30 21:18:37

Puigdemont y miembros del Govern destituido se trasladan a Bélgica

Carles Puigdemont, president destituido de la Generalitat, no está en Catalunya ni en España. Se encuentra en Bélgica junto a otros miembros del Govern cesado el viernes en virtud del artículo 155 de la Constitución, según ha podido conocer La Vanguardia, el mismo día en que el Fiscal General del Estado, José Manuel Maza, ha presentado sendas querellas por rebelión, sedición, malversación y ortos delitos contra todo el Govern y la Mesa del Parlament, delitos que conllevan hasta 30 años de cárcel.

Google Translate: Carles Puigdemont, president dismissed from the Generalitat, is not in Catalonia or Spain. He is in Belgium along with other members of the Govern ceased on Friday under article 155 of the Constitution, as La Vanguardia has learned, the same day that the State Attorney General, José Manuel Maza, has filed complaints for rebellion, sedition, embezzlement and other crimes against the entire Government and the Bureau of Parlament, crimes that carry up to 30 years in prison.

2017-10-30 21:21:21
Primeras reacciones a la noticia de que Carles Puigdemont y algunos miembros del Govern destituido se encuentran en Bélgica y a las querellas presentadas por la Fiscalía. Pablo Iglesias, secretario general de Podemos, considera que la mejor solución a la crisis catalana es la celebración de un "referéndum pactado con garantías" en Catalunya en el que haya una opción que incluya su permanencia en España con un encaje político diferente.

Google Translate: First reactions to the news that Carles Puigdemont and some members of the dismissed Government are in Belgium and to the complaints filed by the Prosecutor's Office. Pablo Iglesias, secretary general of Podemos, believes that the best solution to the Catalan crisis is the celebration of a "referendum agreed with guarantees" in Catalonia in which there is an option that includes staying in Spain with a different political fit.
2017-10-30 21:51:36



LIHKG @ Android[/url]
2017-10-30 22:18:00
Recordemos que Carles Puigdemont se encuentra hoy en Bruselas, después de que ayer el secretario de Estado belga de Migración y Asilo, Theo Francken, del partido independentista flamenco N-VA, sugiriera desde su cuenta en Twitter que puede solicitar "asilo político" en Bélgica. Le acompañan, según las últimas informaciones, otros cinco consellers.

Google Translate (fucking shit): Recall that Carles Puigdemont is today in Brussels, after yesterday the Belgian Secretary of State for Migration and Asylum, Theo Francken, of the Flemish independence party N-VA, suggested from his Twitter account that he can request "political asylum" in Belgium. Accompanied, according to the latest information, five other consellers.
2017-10-30 22:25:11
El presidente de la región belga de Flandes, el nacionalista flamenco Geert Bourgeois, no se reunirá con el expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont, que se encuentra en Bruselas, según fuentes de su partido, la N-VA.

The president of the Belgian region of Flanders, the Flemish nationalist Geert Bourgeois, will not meet the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, who is in Brussels, according to sources in his party, the N-VA.
2017-10-30 22:44:06
El Tribunal Supremo decidirá esta tarde a las 19:30 horas si admite a trámite la querella contra los seis miembros de la Mesa del Parlament de Catalunya a quienes ha acusado el fiscal general del Estado, José Manuel Maza, de delitos de rebelión, sedición y malversación, además de otros.

Google Translate: The Supreme Court will decide this afternoon at 7:30 p.m. if it admits the proceeding against the six members of the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia who have been accused by the State's Attorney General, José Manuel Maza, of crimes of rebellion, sedition and embezzlement, in addition to others.
2017-10-30 23:06:08

La Fiscalía se querella contra Puigdemont y el Govern por rebelión y sedición

El fiscal general del Estado, José Manuel Maza, acaba de anunciar la querella contra el ya expresidente de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, su vicepresidente, Oriol Junqueras, el resto de los recién cesados consellers y miembros de la Mesa del Parlament por los delitos de rebelión, sedición, malversación y delitos conexos ante la Audiencia Nacional. Además, el fiscal ha abierto la puerta a pedir prisión provisional y a reclamar una fianza o embargos por valor de 6.207.450 euros.

Google Translate: The Attorney General of the State, José Manuel Maza, has just announced the lawsuit against the former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, his vice president, Oriol Junqueras, the rest of the recently dismissed consellers and members of the Parliamentary Bureau for the crimes of rebellion, sedition, embezzlement and related crimes before the National High Court. In addition, the prosecutor has opened the door to request provisional detention and to claim a bond or seizures worth 6,207,450 euros.

2017-10-31 12:55:56

Senate president Stephen Parry has revealed he believes he holds dual citizenship and may need to resign, according to reports.

Senator Parry, who reportedly believes he is a British citizen, would become the first Liberal to be forced out of Parliament in the ongoing citizenship fiasco.

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