IB用家討論區 (12)

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2024-07-07 02:50:55
如果你margin account 會負咗美金 唔會用你港紙
唔想咁就轉咗美金先 同埋美股係T+1 換錢T+2 換錢時間會耐啲
2024-07-07 09:10:15
咁你不如試吓搵第二張差唔多到期日試吓…始終tbill 同股票有表,流通性係差啲
2024-07-07 15:35:10
2024-07-07 20:56:24
債又係ib 股又係ib
本身有啲定期喺citi 都過晒ib做美債算
本身又有啲牛牛短炒 而家用慣咗都牛牛睇又係ib 買算
可以點 係咪唯有開埋cs自己分啲過去?
2024-07-07 21:17:07
唔明點解啲retail客成日咁怕IB執 但係啲Fund佬都冇依啲concern
2024-07-07 21:19:30
2024-07-07 22:12:23
2024-07-07 23:14:59
When considering the safety of placing your wealth in Charles Schwab or Interactive Brokers (IBKR), it's important to evaluate several factors such as regulatory oversight, insurance coverage, financial stability, and security measures. Here’s a comparison of both:

### Regulatory Oversight

- **Charles Schwab**: Schwab is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). It is also a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).
- **Interactive Brokers (IBKR)**: IBKR is similarly regulated by the SEC and FINRA and is also a member of the SIPC.

### Insurance Coverage

- **Charles Schwab**: Customer accounts at Schwab are protected by SIPC up to $500,000, which includes a $250,000 limit for cash. Schwab also provides additional insurance through Lloyd’s of London, offering further protection beyond SIPC limits.
- **Interactive Brokers (IBKR)**: IBKR provides SIPC protection up to $500,000, with a $250,000 limit for cash. IBKR also has additional insurance coverage through Lloyd’s of London that extends beyond SIPC limits.

### Financial Stability

- **Charles Schwab**: Schwab is one of the largest brokerage firms in the United States with substantial assets under management. Its financial stability is reflected in its strong balance sheet and credit ratings.
- **Interactive Brokers (IBKR)**: IBKR is also well-capitalized and known for its strong financial position. It has a robust risk management framework and a solid track record of financial stability.

### Security Measures

- **Charles Schwab**: Schwab employs advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other cybersecurity measures to protect client data.
- **Interactive Brokers (IBKR)**: IBKR also uses strong encryption and multi-factor authentication. Additionally, it offers a security device for two-factor authentication to enhance account security.

### Customer Service and Support

- **Charles Schwab**: Known for excellent customer service, Schwab offers extensive support through phone, chat, and in-person branches.
- **Interactive Brokers (IBKR)**: While IBKR has improved its customer service, it is often considered more suited to experienced investors who need less hand-holding.

### User Experience

- **Charles Schwab**: Schwab offers a user-friendly platform that caters to both novice and experienced investors.
- **Interactive Brokers (IBKR)**: IBKR’s platform is highly advanced and may have a steeper learning curve, but it is very powerful for active and professional traders.

### Conclusion

Both Charles Schwab and Interactive Brokers are reputable and secure institutions for managing wealth. The ultimate decision may come down to personal preferences regarding customer service, platform usability, and specific needs as an investor.

For most investors, either firm would be a safe place to hold wealth, given their regulatory compliance, insurance protections, financial stability, and security measures. However, it’s always prudent to conduct further personal research or consult with a financial advisor to determine which option best suits your individual needs.
2024-07-07 23:23:24
2024-07-08 11:20:23
想問下citi 戶口直接入美金落IB洗唔洗手續費?
2024-07-08 12:06:58
2024-07-08 12:35:30
2024-07-08 12:39:11

2024-07-08 12:56:37
第一次用ib, 求問
2024-07-08 12:58:04
其實係牛牛 trade 定IB 平?
2024-07-08 13:00:22

2024-07-08 13:06:03
求問如果IB 户口美金轉回銀行,邊間銀行唔洗收費?
2024-07-08 13:10:01
2024-07-08 13:11:19

2024-07-08 13:15:28
即係我要全部500萬買哂,trade 完一獲先可以轉走?
2024-07-08 13:19:05
2024-07-08 13:23:58
2024-07-08 13:25:03
2024-07-08 13:31:15
2024-07-08 13:38:29
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞