[PC/PS]Final Fantasy XIV Online(49) 6.1 絕龍詩 | PVP牙狼復刻

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2022-06-14 00:46:01
兩個方法都可以解到, 但係鬼佬玩法可能係個鏡像黎
2022-06-14 00:47:37
睇攻略最好對返自己個區 同一隻王唔同dc 啲pf打法會唔一樣
2022-06-14 00:54:22
理解左咩原理跟marco 算
2022-06-14 00:54:23
2022-06-14 01:35:48
try again later. trial should be open and there shouldnt be any maintenance now as i know
2022-06-14 02:02:45
突然醒起, 有篇野係REDDIT 講美版同日版0既分別, 係幾得意
準備移民可能會搬DC 0既朋友可以參考一下

Alt characters, cross-region DCs, and progress parity: a small sharing thread

I'm not sure how prevalent this practice is, but I have 2 characters I play equally regularly, one each on a different data center. My first one was made in Crystal at Brynhildr, since it is the DC where most of my American and Canadian friends who introduced me to XIV play on. I am from SE Asia, so my ping here is significantly high - 185-190ms with a VPN, 220-240ms without. My second one was made in Elemental at Carbuncle. While Elemental has the largest population of players from my country and Tonberry/Kujata has the biggest share of said players, I chose Carbuncle because it was a preferred server at the time. My ping here is considerably better - 80-85ms with a VPN, and 90-95ms without.

When I was progressing through the story and learning the various jobs, the gameplay culture certainly feels different in some ways. Among other things I experienced, while learning healers, some tanks on Crystal were not afraid to drag me through wall-to-wall pulls. Meanwhile, some tanks on Elemental prefer to limit things to single or double pulls. In retrospect, I would have preferred the "trial by fire" that Crystal does in this regard, though I understand that players on Elemental might have intended to make things easier for someone who only recently started piloting healers. In general, I do see more chatter in party chat on Crystal than on Elemental, especially on long and boring duties like old Praetorium and CT series alliance raids. After I got into the endgame, I feel that Elemental provided a better place for Savage raiding especially, but Crystal is better for other things like old-content farms, hunt trains, and BLU content.

Having finished the current Savage tier on Elemental but not yet on Crystal, Elemental feels more orderly and - for lack of a better term - "professional". In PF parties, macros are provided as an easy cheatsheet and parties form and disband with minimal fuss. It was also easier for me to find a static (a casual one, given that this is my first ever Savage tier), because Elemental happens to have a few discord servers for this express purpose. Crystal PF, by contrast, is more...outspoken, shall we say. It's nice that sometimes I can have a casual conversation while waiting for PF to fill, but if the run/pulls go sour, often so will the contents of chat. And indeed, it was much harder for me to find a savage static - I eventually got in one composed of the FC and CWLS friends I know. We are still stuck on P3S, sadly.

Maintaining similar progress for most things on both my characters were...interesting. Seeing as I basically went through the MSQ twice, I had more leisure to skip certain parts I've already seen on one character. Player economy (read: market board), which played no small part in progressing my DOH/DOL jobs, feels more cutthroat overall in Elemental due to more vicious undercutting and lower prices overall meaning less profits to be had. I saw the difference in latency/ping between the 2 DCs as a guideline for prioritizing which jobs I levelled; I stuck with higher-ping friendly jobs like WHM on NA, while on JP I felt more freedom to play faster and weavy jobs like GNB and MNK.

On the subject of the immediate community I interact with, I can't say much; on Crystal, I was immediately recruited into a semi private FC of our friend circle; on Elemental, I eventually ended up in a public FC...but only by invitation from one among my friend circle on JP.

I'm interested to see if anyone here plays on different-region DCs like I do.
2022-06-14 02:07:22

[–]juicetin14 10 points 14 days ago*
I primarily play on Elemental (Tonberry) and like you said, it's very orderly and professional. Every DF pretty much goes off without a hitch because a majority of players seem to be very well experienced, and everyone follows the exact same macro for Extreme and Savage duties. I also really like being able to queue up for Extreme via DF, makes it really easy just to practice alt jobs or farm some totems for fun. Also yes, everything on Elemental is dirt cheap because a large number of players are omnicombat and omnicrafters. I've levelled up DOH/DOL for completionist sake, but it seems generally easier to just buy things off the MB rather than try to make my own food or pots or gear.

A downside I could see people having with Elemental is thst everyone keeps to themselves. Everyone starts with a {Hello!} and then a {Good game!} at the end of a duty and it's rare to hear anything else. The most amount of talking will be during prog parties on PF. In reclear parties, typically parties will just disband after a number of wipes and it's rare for anyone to get called out or kicked.

Personally I'm fine with it, I'm not one to make small talk in a random duty, but I suppose more sociable people might not like that. Still, the FC I'm in is plenty talkative and it's easy to recruit people to run random pieces of content.

I have made an alt on Materia (I am Australian) since a few of my more friends moved and I still wanted to play with them (basically all my raider friends stayed on Elemental) The DC seems to have adopted the same Elemental mentality of raiding and gone with macros (thank God). However, the population is currently very small and I've never seen more than 20 parties up on PF, even during peak time. I'm glad I didn't decide to transfer my main, since it can be quite difficult to get any duties done (and things like xivalex and noclippy make ping a non issue). It still very much feels like a majority of the players are old players levelling alts, or people completely brand new to the game. IMO it seems impossible to queue for any old optional alliance raid or trial content in the DF which I miss from Elemental.

2022-06-14 09:14:03
log 場會skip 終幕.. all in 4幕應該都得
2022-06-14 14:28:08
睇log真係無乜意義...打100log嘅唔保證一定勁 灰log亦都唔代表一定係廢 玩補大多數人player其實都係街場PT咁隨便入 你永遠唔會估到另外一隻補會點樣用減傷補血 不如諗下點樣順利咁過關 當你發現自己隊伍條血線太低就要識得判斷 手頭上OGCD無曬咁你都要用GCD上盾補血架 無話GCD補血一定係唔好
2022-06-14 17:43:03
補師熟職既 兩三個AOE已經知另一隻咩料
我作為半桶水H1 入PF野團都可以明顯感受到H2咩料
佢地就算唔係特登刷緊log 兼救埋另一隻補
靠即時調整OGCD次序同好必要時加GCD去救 都未駛盲摸摸不斷放GCD補

推遠D講埋其他職 如果係灰 事實係咁對隻職有操作/概念問題
灰既隨便入pf 過到 只係其他人打埋佢果份

D新手團 去到中期都係冇人死但時間切爭幾%甚至10%
好多時以為係唔夠裝 但實際係唔夠輸出 點過?

如果係輕鬆休閒玩家 唔介意十幾周都仲時間切/個個星期二不斷3滅輪迴刷隊友

但如果想早D過 又唔願面對輸出 咁點做到
keep住阿Q精神 話好多人灰都過到 而家只係未齊裝?唔好彩d隊友唔夠力?
2022-06-14 17:48:06
隻game 本身有木人討滅戰
2022-06-14 18:47:46
終幕坦lb? 未玩過log場 終幕數字球踩塔都要用
2022-06-14 19:00:04
2022-06-14 19:01:26
未見識過 最快都係入カーテンコール第一次拉繩完
2022-06-14 19:06:28
性格惡劣既人咪用個log 攻擊其他人
有心玩好d既 咪用個log睇下自己有咩位打得衰
過到就算既人 過到咪得囉 打灰唔代表我有問題
隻補補唔夠 我食機制殘血唔用gcd補我 隻補刷log 撚 好嬲好嬲
2022-06-14 19:10:22
2022-06-14 19:16:54
根本唔關log 唔log 事
2022-06-14 19:25:29
如果你係覆我嗰單野嘅 我唔係針對刷log嘅人

2022-06-14 19:27:38
冇 冇玩過刷log場 單純有感而發
只係依到成日執著‘人地個log’ 真係好弱智
2022-06-14 19:59:00
2022-06-14 20:24:41


2022-06-14 20:30:04
2022-06-14 20:33:34

所以坊間大部分固定隊招人都係用藍紫做minimum requirement
2022-06-14 23:22:41
2022-06-15 02:47:42
白魔第3 4層可以點樣打高個active
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞