【全線Sony Store專門店及客戶服務中心 - 特別營業時間通知】
因應最新疫情情況,由2022年3月1日起,全線Sony Store專門店及銅鑼灣客戶服務中心逢星期三及四休息,直至另行通知。如有不便,敬請見諒。
顧客及員工的安全與健康為我們的首要考慮。所有Sony Store及客戶服務中心員工已獲派發「2019冠狀病毒病抗原快速測試劑」,並需於每天上班前進行病毒快速檢測,證實陰性結果才可上班,共同做好防疫工作。
【All Sony Store & Causeway Bay Customer Service Centre - Special Business Hours Notice】
In view of the latest development of the COVID-19 epidemic, all Sony Store and Causeway Bay Customer Service Centre will be closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays from March 1 until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
The safety and health of customers and staff are always our top priority. Staff members of Sony Store and Customer Service Centre have received COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits. All staff members are required to perform rapid tests on a daily basis before work and obtain negative results in order to perform duties at Sony Store. Let’s work together to prevent epidemics.