[投票] 我篩選左16隻近十年最佳遊戲

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2021-06-11 19:17:29


1. 只包括3A單機大作,不包含多人對戰、競技運動以及Indie Game (如Overwatch, FIFA, Forza, Inside)

2. 如果新作同舊作兩者評價接近,我會使用新作,因為客觀黎講遊戲畫面會高質啲(如GTA 5 vs. GTA 4)

3. 為左令選擇唔好太多,同類型既作品我會自行挑選其中一隻做代表,然後以相似作品補充番

4. Metacritic分數直接用所有平台最高一個既分數

歡迎各位投票,睇下邊隻係Number 1
2021-06-11 19:18:02
1. GTA 5 (2013)

Publisher: Rockstar
Metacritic: 97
IGN: 10 
Gamespot: 9

2021-06-11 19:18:17
2. Super Mario Odyssey (2017)

Publisher: Nintendo
Metacritic: 97
IGN: 10
Gamespot: 10

2021-06-11 19:19:22
3. Nier: Automata (2017)

Publisher: Square Enix
Metacritic: 90
IGN: 9
Gamespot: 9

2021-06-11 19:19:43
Kingdom Come. 模擬類世一
2021-06-11 19:20:23
The Last of Us (2013)

Publisher: Sony
Metacritic: 95
IGN: 10
Gamespot: 8
相似作品: Uncharted 4

2021-06-11 19:20:49
2021-06-11 19:21:24
Rdr2 botw sekiro
2021-06-11 19:21:26
5. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)

Publisher: Nintendo
Metacritic: 97
IGN: 10
Gamespot: 10

2021-06-11 19:21:26
2021-06-11 19:22:25
2021-06-11 19:22:40
6. Dark Souls 3 (2016)

Publisher: Bandai
Metacritic: 89
IGN: 9.5
Gamespot: 8
相似作品: Bloodborne (2015)

2021-06-11 19:23:32
7. Persona 5 Royal (2016)

Publisher: Atlus (Sega)
Metacritic: 95
IGN: 10
Gamespot: 10

2021-06-11 19:23:35
2021-06-11 19:24:30
8. Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain (2015)

Publisher: Konami
Metacritic: 93
IGN: 10
Gamespot: 10

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2021-06-11 19:25:19
2021-06-11 19:25:35
9. God of War (2018)

Publisher: Sony
Metacritic: 94
IGN: 10
Gamespot: 9

2021-06-11 19:26:28
10. Red Dead Redepmtion 2 (2018)

Publisher: Rockstar
Metacritic: 97
IGN: 10 
Gamespot: 9

2021-06-11 19:26:39
冇Divinity original Sin 2
2021-06-11 19:27:41
11. Bayonetta 2 (2014)

Publisher: Nintendo
Metacritic: 92
IGN: 9.5
Gamespot: 10

2021-06-11 19:28:40
2021-06-11 19:28:51
12. Battlefield 1 (2016)

Publisher: EA
Metacritic: 89
IGN: 9
Gamespot: 9
相似作品: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered (2016)

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