海外收租收入無記錯係唔當accessible income,所以一係你就係澳洲買個單位收租for 191 visa purpose (如果到時出details話被動收入都可以計的話)。
由我2021-06-03 08:44:41
由我2021-06-03 08:45:43
QLD州擔保清單 =/= STSOL。
月巴糸糸2021-06-03 08:47:05
想問如果女朋友係澳籍 亦計劃同佢返澳洲結婚 係咪咁我都會入籍?
由我2021-06-03 08:52:21
月巴糸糸2021-06-03 09:00:26
配偶移民簽證係咪就咁禁個制? 咁居住條件有d咩?
澳洲仔2021-06-03 09:31:58
由我2021-06-03 09:52:37
由我2021-06-03 09:54:24
1. living in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years
2. a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen for the past 12 months
3. away from Australia for no more than 12 months in total in the past 4 years, including no more than 90 days in total in the past 12 months