[金塊反cup賤種艇]NBA 2019-20 Bubble 季後賽討論區 (44)

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2020-09-16 15:11:30
連登仔成日屌人clutch 唔企出黎..
今場G7 咁重要 個兩件都企唔到出黎...
講真LUE 800 都係clippers 教練團到...
clippers 有兩個冠軍教頭
G7咁重要既比賽都冇表現真係好難話到俾人聽佢地係top super star
2020-09-16 15:11:32
2020-09-16 15:12:32
2020-09-16 15:12:53
2020-09-16 15:14:25
Russell Westbrook, now you've got the hang of it. You're on the right track now. I support you. All my friends are rooting for you. We're there for you. We've got your back. I think the next company that's gonna lease the shop will be a higher class restaurant. A restaurant of high quality. The shopping center is probably gonna lease it to the new company for six hundred fifty thousand dollars a month. I'm the landlord of three flats in The Cullinan, three flats in The Harbourside, two flats in Sorrento, two flats in The Arch and two flats in The Waterfront. My family, my girlfriend and I live in one of the apartments I own in The Cullinan which is about one thousand seven hundred square foot in size. The rest of the apartments in the aforementioned residential estates, whose size range is between about seven hundred square foot and one thousamd three hundred square foot, have been leased out through letting agencies. My sister yoo has been renting a flat in The Cullinan above Kowloon station 🚉 mfrom a landlord through an estate agency.
2020-09-16 15:15:53
上個月罷賽單嘢 RMBJ做湖代表 艇反而係Lou Will做代表
2020-09-16 15:18:17
2020-09-16 15:19:02
Load management 真係創先河
佢仲要玩到季初/ 中嚟開始輪休
2020-09-16 15:21:34
點解抖得比其他球星多但今日game 7會拎得14分?第四節仲要0分
2020-09-16 15:23:07
帶傷出賽 感動世人
2020-09-16 15:24:17
但問題啞仔真係啞 個段時間乜都唔講
乜都係舅父出聲明 到今次黎lac 又係比人講左係一早溝通左
根本佢個心就要係大城市 但問題
黎第一年就玩輪休 仲要咁後生
2020-09-16 15:24:46
Stephen Curry, that's coming along nicely. You're doing fine. You've got the hang of it. You're getting better every day. You're on the right track now. You've almost mastered that. You're almost there. You got this! I believe in you! I think the next company that will rent the shop will be a higher-class restaurant. A restaurant of high quality. The shopping center will probably let it to the new company for one billion three hundred fifty six million six hundred thousand dollars every ten years. I'm the landlord of three apartments in The Cullinan, three apartments in The Harbourside, two apartments in Sorrento, two apartments in The Arch and one apartment in The Waterfront. I live with my family and my girlfriend in one of the flats I own in The Cullinan which is about one thousand seven hundred square foot in size. The rest of the flats in the aforementioned housing estates have been rented out through letting agencies, the sizes of which range between about seven hundred square foot and one thousand three hundred square foot. My sister has been leasing a flat in The Cullinan as well above Kowloon station 🚉from a landlord through an estate agency.
2020-09-16 15:26:31
2020-09-16 15:29:59
總之啞狗已經出咗局記得上幾個po先個個話佢今年又fmvp 又話五冠五fmvp佢之前做啱做錯都好佢今年都係收咗皮
2020-09-16 15:32:30
PG 自己搵
輸左冇得怪PG 掛
2020-09-16 15:33:19
2020-09-16 15:35:41
2020-09-16 15:35:41
然後就同龍 大飛講 你叫到pg黎我來投
2020-09-16 15:36:22
你諗吓喺入面d人嘅人工 呢個定價其實合理
2020-09-16 15:36:31
好心PG同Beverley收下把口, 成日咁口臭又打唔出表現真係好柒
2020-09-16 15:37:41
仲串鳩HARDEN 佢廢極都拎到分
2020-09-16 15:37:45
2020-09-16 15:38:18
2020-09-16 15:39:09
成班傻西懶文件河 究竟有冇睇波
第四節 PG d 三分 球球炒 啞狗射波又炒
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞