屌我幾時都係俾人屠或者 carry
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
The “R” in Super Bomberman R apparently stands for “Rangers”
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
即係wii u已經係3號俾老任拔左喉,慢慢等死
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
即係wii u已經係3號俾老任拔左喉,慢慢等死
咁同啲 game port 落 switch 有咩關係?
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
即係wii u已經係3號俾老任拔左喉,慢慢等死
咁同啲 game port 落 switch 有咩關係?
mario maker![]()
wii u 乜都port晒上switch
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
即係wii u已經係3號俾老任拔左喉,慢慢等死
咁同啲 game port 落 switch 有咩關係?
即係成堆出左係wii u的game會直接port落switch,
而早一年仲plan緊可以趕得切係wii u出的game就好似當年莎木咁,延遲多一排用黎改係switch到行囉![]()
我係叫大家預左呢一年係交接期,好多port之餘亦都好多你會feel到本身係俾wii u的game改左係switch
btw 有冇人提過 Splatoon 2 嘅 HD Rumble?
只不過我技術未夠班,唔能夠 real-time 分析到
老任咪講左BotW係wii u最後一隻first party作品囉
即係wii u已經係3號俾老任拔左喉,慢慢等死
咁同啲 game port 落 switch 有咩關係?
即係成堆出左係wii u的game會直接port落switch,
而早一年仲plan緊可以趕得切係wii u出的game就好似當年莎木咁,延遲多一排用黎改係switch到行囉![]()
我係叫大家預左呢一年係交接期,好多port之餘亦都好多你會feel到本身係俾wii u的game改左係switch
wii u死唔等於一軟要將d舊game port哂落switch
btw 有冇人提過 Splatoon 2 嘅 HD Rumble?
只不過我技術未夠班,唔能夠 real-time 分析到
pro制同joycon 個震都唔夠, gamepad 果種咁勁我覺得
also seriously the fucking hd rumble. we gotta talk about that shit. once I started noticing it I stared noticing it everywhere. like, I'm not even going to remember all the unique implementations if I start listing them off but it's great. it's not super intense and if you don't pay attention it could just fade into the background. it could just feel like the game being the game in terms of what you notice because it works so well in conjunction with everything else.
you can feel the curling bomb as it's rolling if it's near you and you'll feel when it stops and explodes
you can feel the ink jet rev up when it's initiated and then fly off the ground
you can feel when one of your teammates is shooting ink at you
you can feel when you're in enemy ink
you can feel when the enemy is shooting at you
you can feel when you initiate the tenta missiles, when, where, and how many launch, while they're still in the air, and where they land. on top of that you can feel how far they are away from you depending on the intensity of the rumble so you know whether or not the enemy you targeted is close or far because if they're close it might be worth it to push because you just locked on and fired missiles at them. in fact, that sense of distance applies to almost every implementation of rumble in the game. when the ink jet revs up if you're right next to it you'll feel it way more than if you're not close. reminds me of a lawn mower starting.
you can feel getting targeted by the tenta missiles. you can feel them in the air right before they land and you can feel when they land around you or if you get hit. again, differing intensity for how close or far away they land from you.
and then there's little touches like the rumble when your respawn animation starts and finishes or the rumble when you moving your cursor on the map looking for someone to super jump to
and that's all I can remember
I used the pro controller mostly, really felt it with the split joy con, and then when I went back to the pro controller I felt it more as well. this is exactly what I envisioned with this game and it's getting me pretty fucking pumped oddly enough. I've posted about this very thing a few times. it's hd rumble implemented in a way where it's not overbearing, it's not gimmicky, it just enhances the overall game feel, and above all is just another avenue for game designers to tie sensory feedback into their games. really impressed right now after that hour.
btw 有冇人提過 Splatoon 2 嘅 HD Rumble?
只不過我技術未夠班,唔能夠 real-time 分析到
pro制同joycon 個震都唔夠, gamepad 果種咁勁我覺得
係個 pattern 同埋力度大細會變
不過我講唔到具體 splatoon 2 入面點用![]()
neogaf 搵到
also seriously the fucking hd rumble. we gotta talk about that shit. once I started noticing it I stared noticing it everywhere. like, I'm not even going to remember all the unique implementations if I start listing them off but it's great. it's not super intense and if you don't pay attention it could just fade into the background. it could just feel like the game being the game in terms of what you notice because it works so well in conjunction with everything else.
you can feel the curling bomb as it's rolling if it's near you and you'll feel when it stops and explodes
you can feel the ink jet rev up when it's initiated and then fly off the ground
you can feel when one of your teammates is shooting ink at you
you can feel when you're in enemy ink
you can feel when the enemy is shooting at you
you can feel when you initiate the tenta missiles, when, where, and how many launch, while they're still in the air, and where they land. on top of that you can feel how far they are away from you depending on the intensity of the rumble so you know whether or not the enemy you targeted is close or far because if they're close it might be worth it to push because you just locked on and fired missiles at them. in fact, that sense of distance applies to almost every implementation of rumble in the game. when the ink jet revs up if you're right next to it you'll feel it way more than if you're not close. reminds me of a lawn mower starting.
you can feel getting targeted by the tenta missiles. you can feel them in the air right before they land and you can feel when they land around you or if you get hit. again, differing intensity for how close or far away they land from you.
and then there's little touches like the rumble when your respawn animation starts and finishes or the rumble when you moving your cursor on the map looking for someone to super jump to
and that's all I can remember
I used the pro controller mostly, really felt it with the split joy con, and then when I went back to the pro controller I felt it more as well. this is exactly what I envisioned with this game and it's getting me pretty fucking pumped oddly enough. I've posted about this very thing a few times. it's hd rumble implemented in a way where it's not overbearing, it's not gimmicky, it just enhances the overall game feel, and above all is just another avenue for game designers to tie sensory feedback into their games. really impressed right now after that hour.
我就 feel 到,但係未分到
12 switch 果隻就震撼
呢啲少少大細力分別, 講真
對成個experience 影響好細
我prefer wiiu 果隻old school 大大力震