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Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-16 13:38:44
OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1645071/page/1

陳彥霖背景+失蹤過程整理/Background info of Chan Yin Lam + How she went missing

by 秋來秋去/Autumn comes, Autumn goes

Just the fact that the body was found naked is enough to disprove that it wasn't a suicide case,
so this post will investigate this case as a homicide.

根據FB 陳彥霖應該係住元朗 曾就讀位於元朗既博愛醫院鄧佩瓊紀念中學 而家讀緊位於將軍澳既VTC轄下青年學院(15歲可能讀到中三輟學轉去讀?) 並且標示為戀愛中
According to her Facebook profile, Chan Yin Lam lived in Yuen Long, and studied at Pok Oi Hospital Tang Pui King Memorial College in Tuen Mun. She was studying at VTC Youth College in Tseung Kwan O (perhaps enrolled after F.3 at the age of 15?), and indicated that she was in a relationship

There were a few posts about protests.

再睇番失蹤過程 佢係美孚最後岀現 並聲稱番緊屋企(元朗) 但因為不明原因番左去將軍澳學校campus 並且留低左電話身分證學生證
Looking at how she went missing, she was last seen in Mei Foo, and claimed to be going home (to Yuen Long). But for reasons unknown, she returned to the VTC Youth College Tseung Kwan O campus and left her mobile, HKID card, and student ID behind.

由此可以推斷 佢離開campus時只有兩種可能性 1.打算短暫離開 連電話都唔帶 2.離開並非岀於自願
We can deduce that there can only be two reasons why she left the campus:
1. She intended to be away only temporarily, so there is no need for her to bring along her mobile. OR 2. She did not leave voluntarily.

再睇番campus既地理位置 佢位於將軍澳半山區既翠林邨 距離寶琳等市區都有一段距離 要用小巴岀入 而發現屍體地點為油塘魔鬼山對岀海面(唔肯定係咪大紅圈果個area 只係大概位置)
Then we look at where the campus is located - at Tsui Lam Estate, the mid-levels of Tseung Kwan O. It is quite a distance from urban areas such as Po Lam, and is only accessible by minibus. They discovered her body in the sea opposite Devil's Peak in Yau Tong (approximately in the area marked by the bigger red circle)

而將軍澳最接近海既地方為將軍澳站同康城之間海皮(小紅圈) 距離campus係有相當距離
The body of water closest to Tseung Kwan O lies between the TKO and LOHAS Park MTR stations (see small red circle), which are both quite a distance away from the campus.

Allow me to summarise.

陳彥霖因為不明原因而無番屋企而去左將軍澳 並可能於非自願情況下離開campus 而落水位置可能位於將軍澳/康城 之後隨水流漂到油塘 落水時間方面未能肯定 但有可能並非於19日當日
For unknown reasons, Chan went to TKO without heading home as she had said, and she likely left the campus against her will. The spot where she went in the waters would have been in TKO/LOHAS Park. The current might have carried her body to Yau Tong. The exact time the body went into the water cannot be ascertained, but it might not have been on the 19th.

要解開謎團 我建議有幾個突破點
To solve the puzzle, I have a few breakthrough points

1. 佢fb標示為戀愛中 係咪有男朋友? 佢男朋友有可能知道佢番學校既原因
1. Chan Yin Lam's Facebook profile says she's in a relationship, so does she have a boyfriend? He might know why she went to the campus.

2. 學校campus cctv會唔會見到佢係咩情況下離開?有咩人同佢一齊離開?
2. Could the CCTVs on-campus record her as she was leaving the premises? Did someone go with her?

3. 鑒於campus地理位置 佢離開時好大機會係乘坐交通工具 如果佢唔係俾人夾上私家車 而係自己離開 咁佢好大機會係坐小巴/巴士去寶琳市區
3. Based on the geographical location of the campus, it's likely that Chan Yin Lam left by taking public transportation. If she was not forced into a private vehicle, then it's very likely that she took either a minibus or bus to Po Lam.

BTW 唔係想吹查案風 請幫手推行動post 但係今次呢單真係有調查既必要 暫時未見到有證據證明佢曾經被捕 未必關popo事 但係點都好 幫同路人絲打搵番真相
BTW, I am not instigating investigation. But please help push this post as this case really needs investigating. So far, we don't have any evidence pointing towards an arrest so it might not concern the police. But anyway, let's help unearth the truth for our sister.


1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-16 13:45:49
OP: https://lih.kg/1654893

[有圖] 陳彥霖事件補充/[With pic] Additional info to Chan Yin Lam incident

by 可琳/Ho Lam

利申 本人熱愛生命 不會自殺 誓要搵出真相
Posted with borrowed account
Disclaimer: I enjoy my life. I won't commit suicide. I swear to find out the truth.
Everything I say has been fact-checked.

直到9月12日蒲頭 佢話自己入咗一個月女童院
出到黎之後話想過新生活 所以開多一個新電話同ig
11 Aug
Chrissy Chan Yin Lam joined the 811 march in Mongkok and has been missing since then
She appeared on 12 September and claimed that she had been sent to Children and Juvenile Home for 1 month
Upon release, she started using a new phone number and created a new Instagram account, explaining that she would like to start a new life.

第3日返學 佢放學之後同一班同學搭到去美孚站
同行同學話佢收到學校電話 話佢漏咗電話係學校
當日佢約咗另一個朋友係9月20日 係佢上完庭後見面
19 Sep
The third day of school. After school, she travelled to Mei Foo Station with a group of schoolmates
Her schoolmates said, she had received a phone call from the school, saying that she left her phone at school
She then took the same MTR line to Tiu Keng Leng to retrieve her phone from the school
On that day (19 Sep), she told another friend that they will be meeting each other on 20 Sep after going to the court
But then no one has seen her afterwards

之前佢媽咪去咗旅行 20號先返到黎香港先知唔見咗個女
20 Sep
Chan's mother was previously on vacation. It was on the 20th that she realised that her daughter had gone missing.
She then started looking for Chan.

佢屋企人出咗尋人啟事 亦有朋友去佢會出現既地方搵佢
21 Sep
Her family posted a missing person notice, and her friends searched in areas that she frequently appear.
On the same day, a LIHKGer created a post about his "dream"

22 Sep
A body was found floating in the water.

佢屋企人收到警方通知話浮屍證實係陳彥霖叫佢屋企人去認屍 同時警方既報告出咗話冇性侵痕跡同自殺冇可疑
26 Sep
The police notified her family that the body floating in the water on 22 Sep was found to be Chrissy Chan, and they are asked to identify the corpse. At the same time, the police report stated no indications lead to possible raping, and that no suspicious circumstances occurred around her death. Hence, the police dismissed it as a suicide.
Her family demanded another post-mortem examination on the same day.

再次解剖 因為有人話佢曾經吸毒 所以會驗埋毒理
27 Sep
Another autopsy was carried out. Apparently, Chan had prior experiences with drugs, so her body had to be subjected to a post-mortem toxicology examination.
Her body was then stored in the mortuary.


我同陳彥霖素未謀面 只係覺得15歲既佢的起心肝想改變想過新生活既時候 慘遭毒手好可惜



給陳媽媽: 睇你既反應我知你好愛彥霖 我唔清楚你係比人㩒聲定係有咩難言之隱


以上係我所知道既事 希望真相可以盡快水落石出
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-16 13:52:51
(Editor's note: Oops. Pressed the post button too soon before I finished pasting the translated texts over. So here we go again. Sorry for the confusion )


10 Oct
Booked cremation at mourning hall
The cadaver was loaded onto a hearse to be brought to the crematorium directly after her family had identified the body

Other details can be found in posts by other brothers and sisters.

我同陳彥霖素未謀面 只係覺得15歲既佢的起心肝想改變想過新生活既時候 慘遭毒手好可惜
I don't personally know Chrissy, but I feel very sorry for this fifteen-year-old girl, who was killed just after she had decided to turn her life around for the better.
I don't want her death left unsolved.
One person has limited strength,
especially when forces behind closed doors are trying to hide the truth like a rock sinking into the abyss.
But this is exactly why we can't give up.

Chrissy was only 15 years old.


給陳媽媽: 睇你既反應我知你好愛彥霖 我唔清楚你係比人㩒聲定係有咩難言之隱
To Chan's mother: From your reaction, I know that you loved Yin Lam a lot. I am not sure whether you have been asked to keep quiet, or if you have other reasons as to why you can't speak out,
But we can't simply keep this under wraps after everything that has happened.
Please accept our sincere condolences. Although there is no way to bring the dead back to life,
I do have faith that the truth will come out, and that your daughter will eventually rest in peace.

All I want is the truth, and that people who were close to Chrissy will be safe.

以上係我所知道既事 希望真相可以盡快水落石出
Above are all the facts that I know, and I hope that the truth can be revealed as soon as possible
So that little Yin Lam can rest in peace

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
我係空氣 2019-10-16 18:44:52
舒窈 2019-10-16 23:45:10
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-17 13:21:18
根本淋病月匪用ge 方法就係要你暴力衝擊d 龜!啲龜先可以打柒你上報紙,你睇完又出去打尻d 龜!有藉口暗啞底戒嚴同宵禁,國際就覺得香港人暴力!人權法先有機會打得甩!
激將法呀各位,冷靜呀真係,龜唔係唔收拾,只係未係時候。淋病等地,你地打死佢都無意義,一定要制裁佢地,慢慢睇住佢地比美國佬玩弄先過癮!要佢地生生世世都比人唾棄,對死左ge 咁多個義士有意義。再講美國佬要搞尻支那,你估共產黨擺得耐? 到時你地將佢點樣,根本全香港無人會反對!
It's Bloody Carrie's strategy to turn you to violence. Only if you do so, they can put photos of you being beaten on newspaper, make you feel angry, and beat the dogs back! Then, they will have enough reasons to launch martial law and curfew.
Hey, this is the use of reverse psychology. Stay calm, please. I'm not suggesting us to leave the dogs alone, but just the right timing hasn't come yet. It's meaningless to beat up people like Bloody Carrie and her slaves. We must punish them by imposing sanctions on them. We must watch how the Americans would punish them! They have to be shamed in generations to come, and then we can pay tribute to those martyrs. If Americans are to take revenge on China, how long do you think the CCP can stay? By then, no one in Hong Kong will object to whatever actions you do to the CCP.

Hongkongers have to learn to bear grudges. We can't be forgetful. There are a lot of brothers who sacrificed themselves for Hong Kong. If you trapped yourselves into their tricks, the martyrs would curse on you! Wake up, youngsters!

警犬綠龜遲d 先收拾佢地
Don't trapped yourselves
We have to let the Act pass
We can revenge on the dogs later
Demonstrations and assemblies have to be nonviolent
We have to choose a right timing for refurbishment
Both courage and wisdom are needed for anti-CCP and anti-China campaigns
We must remember all the brothers who died for us
When the Act is passed, we should take revenge for them
Hongkongers, fight on!

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
寒霧湖 2019-10-17 13:23:49
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-17 13:31:56
OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1653360/page/1

如果呢個post都上唔到熱門,我真係對連登死心/If this post doesn't become popular then I would lose all my hopes towards LIHKG

by Gay礎建設/A Fundamental Construction

It's been chaotic lately with too much information floating around, plus LIHKG's vibe has been complete rubbish. Therefore, I sincerely invite all respectable heroes from all walks of life to join me and discuss the various problems of the existing battle fronts as well as their future developments. Below are just my two cents

1 周末街頭抗爭/1. Street Battles on Weekends
Large-scale Protest Marches: It's become impossible to obtain the 'notice of no objection' and the costs associated with organizing a march are escalating (price for insurance). Many bros and sis have been arrested at the frontline each time. An extensive arrest would always take place after the protest marches, with no way to go home hence the diminishing significance. Perhaps we should not put too much weigh on protest marches unless the Civil Human Rights Front organizes them. Instead, we may substitute thematic assemblies for protest marches.
Positional Warfare: It achieved no actual results, and the police were never defeated. Instead, many bros and sis would get arrested, so we need to clarify our aims and improve our strategies.

2 日常抗爭/2. Daily Protests
中午快閃遊行:漸見起色,動員快,中環幾次快閃都成功,暴警對著晒恤衫嘅白領仍有顧忌,而且唔敢係working hour大戰,值得擴大規模
Mid-Day Flash Mob Protests: It's gradually showing positive results, and it doesn't take much effort to mobilize people. A few had taken place in Central, and they have all been successful. It appears that the police would rather not deal with the white collars on top of not wanting to create a big scene during working hours. Therefore, it's worthwhile for us to scale up these mid-day flash mob protests.
Flash Mobs to Build Barracades Using Metal Fences: They are usually very effective, but appear violent on screen. Also, marketing materials might not be able to catch up, and the it would take time for our peaceful civilians to accept them. "Black Refurbishments" (Vandalism) and "Red Decorations" (Graffitiing) are worth doing but need reappraisal.
Strike: Had failed in the past, and overall it's not an optimistic option. However, we all know that a grand-scale strike would be like kicking the government's balls, so it's worth our time to do some maths about it. It's going to take time to organize one, so in the short run, a strike is not preferable. But in the long term, a grand-scale strike is a way we should consider using, so let's be optimistic and get ourselves prepared in the meantime.

3 文宣及網絡戰線/3. Marketing Materials and Cyber Battle Front
LIHKG: There is a large number of Fifty-Cents and Two-Faced Bastards, so I suggest for LIHKGers to comment without pushing
Twitter, Reddit: More people should join, but please remember that we are not in a leading role. We can comment and/or retweet things such as Blizzard and NBA, but the American civilians are the critical component in this exercise.
Marking Materials Battling: We are seriously deprived of it, and there aren't enough people working on/sharing/retweeting marketing materials. We must be clear of our expectations. We need to gain support from and heighten the motivation of the pro-democracy and peaceful sectors.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2 )
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-17 13:34:24
4 美國戰線(加國際輿論)/4. The American Battle Front (plus World Public Opinions)
The human rights and democracy act: They have sharpened the act. It would put a lot of pressure on the stupid government officials and violent police when it gets passed by the Senate. But let's not expect too much from it as we, Hongkongers, are the leaders in this battle.
Trump: Trump's role in the Americal Battle Front has never been necessary. Let's not put too much attention to Trump's words. Instead, channel our energy on actively lobbying the Senators as the American public, and their congress is the most important to our movement.
International Public Opinions: Let's keep the attention of the international media, and don't think that West would be a saviour to Hong Kong.

5 個人展望/5. My Personal Point of View
一、要贏一定要將抗爭帶入日常,林鄭最驚就係呢樣,暴警點搞都係平日夜晚或者周末,如果星期一至五working hour香港無法正常運作,呢個係對林鄭最大嘅壓力。短期內擴大平日快閃遊行至觀塘、新蒲崗等工商重心,作為周末大遊行嘅安全替代品,發起按章工作等超合作運動,務求習慣日常抗爭,為大罷工鋪路。個人建議:逢星期一全民口罩呀,星期二黃店爆買日,星期三罷搭黨鐵日,星期五快閃遊行日
1. Carrie Lam fears that protesting would become an integral part of Hong Kong's everyday life. The violent police can do whatever they want during the weeknight, as well as on the weekends. But there isn't much they can do during working hours on weekdays without causing too much disruption. This would place a great deal of pressure on Carrie Lam. In the short run, let's substitute flash mob protestings in the heart of different industrial districts such as Kwun Tong and San Po Kong instead of weekend protest marches. Organizing "highly cooperative exercises" such as work-to-rule and blend that into our daily protests would help lay the path to a grand-scale strike one day. Personal suggestions: Everybody Wear A Mask on Mondays, Crazy Patrionizing of Pro-Democracy Shops on Tuesdays, Forget the MTR on Wednesday, and Flash Mob Protests on Fridays.

2. Upgrading our Peacekeepers' roles. I am not talking about transforming them into vigilantes, but to make their actions fun and effective. For example, "Shop with You" could be more impressive than instead of queuing tickets at Maxim's. When we have a hundred of our peaceful keepers and take up all the space inside the restaurants by standing there, we interrupt their operation. We can also have our peacekeepers sit in silence at the entrances of all MTR shopping malls, blocking the traffic of patrons until they close the mall.

3. Develop new battlefronts. Let's have a look at what new battlefronts that the university students have come up with.
[URGENT] The movement's breakthrough point: All New Battlefronts
Let's do some brainstorming together and come up with other new battlefronts


(Translator's note: scroll down for part 3 )
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-17 13:35:12
4. Flash mobs need to evolve, such as barricading during working hours on weekdays in addition to a Triple-Strike. The refurbishment must be continued (my personal view is that renovation should continue in businesses owned by the CCP, excluding Maxim's). We should hold off on dismantling the rails. On the other hand, we may consider Emergency Repairs in Early Mornings, particularly the many uncovered sections of the East Rail.

5. In the medium to long term, let's build a Yellow Economy Zone, patronizing only pro-democracy businesses. Let's actively prepare for the Triple-Strike as a weapon to use in the longrun.

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
accel 2019-10-17 19:55:43
譚仔五小辣 2019-10-18 19:34:50

美國巨撚 2019-10-20 04:27:59
神之次子 2019-10-20 04:41:50
今日飲左涷L水未 2019-10-21 19:21:41
Share 左俾全公司外國同事
毒撚遊世界 2019-10-22 00:22:00
this post is very important. Comprehensive summary of what is happening right now
問世間青是荷物 2019-10-22 07:40:54
M.Hamsik(隊長) 2019-10-22 09:06:06
超超 2019-10-22 09:21:21
pish n thx
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞