陳彥霖背景+失蹤過程整理/Background info of Chan Yin Lam + How she went missing
by 秋來秋去/Autumn comes, Autumn goes
Just the fact that the body was found naked is enough to disprove that it wasn't a suicide case,
so this post will investigate this case as a homicide.

根據FB 陳彥霖應該係住元朗 曾就讀位於元朗既博愛醫院鄧佩瓊紀念中學 而家讀緊位於將軍澳既VTC轄下青年學院(15歲可能讀到中三輟學轉去讀?) 並且標示為戀愛中
According to her Facebook profile, Chan Yin Lam lived in Yuen Long, and studied at Pok Oi Hospital Tang Pui King Memorial College in Tuen Mun. She was studying at VTC Youth College in Tseung Kwan O (perhaps enrolled after F.3 at the age of 15?), and indicated that she was in a relationship

There were a few posts about protests.

再睇番失蹤過程 佢係美孚最後岀現 並聲稱番緊屋企(元朗) 但因為不明原因番左去將軍澳學校campus 並且留低左電話身分證學生證
Looking at how she went missing, she was last seen in Mei Foo, and claimed to be going home (to Yuen Long). But for reasons unknown, she returned to the VTC Youth College Tseung Kwan O campus and left her mobile, HKID card, and student ID behind.
由此可以推斷 佢離開campus時只有兩種可能性 1.打算短暫離開 連電話都唔帶 2.離開並非岀於自願
We can deduce that there can only be two reasons why she left the campus:
1. She intended to be away only temporarily, so there is no need for her to bring along her mobile. OR 2. She did not leave voluntarily.

再睇番campus既地理位置 佢位於將軍澳半山區既翠林邨 距離寶琳等市區都有一段距離 要用小巴岀入 而發現屍體地點為油塘魔鬼山對岀海面(唔肯定係咪大紅圈果個area 只係大概位置)
Then we look at where the campus is located - at Tsui Lam Estate, the mid-levels of Tseung Kwan O. It is quite a distance from urban areas such as Po Lam, and is only accessible by minibus. They discovered her body in the sea opposite Devil's Peak in Yau Tong (approximately in the area marked by the bigger red circle)

而將軍澳最接近海既地方為將軍澳站同康城之間海皮(小紅圈) 距離campus係有相當距離
The body of water closest to Tseung Kwan O lies between the TKO and LOHAS Park MTR stations (see small red circle), which are both quite a distance away from the campus.
Allow me to summarise.
陳彥霖因為不明原因而無番屋企而去左將軍澳 並可能於非自願情況下離開campus 而落水位置可能位於將軍澳/康城 之後隨水流漂到油塘 落水時間方面未能肯定 但有可能並非於19日當日
For unknown reasons, Chan went to TKO without heading home as she had said, and she likely left the campus against her will. The spot where she went in the waters would have been in TKO/LOHAS Park. The current might have carried her body to Yau Tong. The exact time the body went into the water cannot be ascertained, but it might not have been on the 19th.
要解開謎團 我建議有幾個突破點
To solve the puzzle, I have a few breakthrough points
1. 佢fb標示為戀愛中 係咪有男朋友? 佢男朋友有可能知道佢番學校既原因
1. Chan Yin Lam's Facebook profile says she's in a relationship, so does she have a boyfriend? He might know why she went to the campus.
2. 學校campus cctv會唔會見到佢係咩情況下離開?有咩人同佢一齊離開?
2. Could the CCTVs on-campus record her as she was leaving the premises? Did someone go with her?
3. 鑒於campus地理位置 佢離開時好大機會係乘坐交通工具 如果佢唔係俾人夾上私家車 而係自己離開 咁佢好大機會係坐小巴/巴士去寶琳市區
3. Based on the geographical location of the campus, it's likely that Chan Yin Lam left by taking public transportation. If she was not forced into a private vehicle, then it's very likely that she took either a minibus or bus to Po Lam.
BTW 唔係想吹查案風 請幫手推行動post 但係今次呢單真係有調查既必要 暫時未見到有證據證明佢曾經被捕 未必關popo事 但係點都好 幫同路人絲打搵番真相
BTW, I am not instigating investigation. But please help push this post as this case really needs investigating. So far, we don't have any evidence pointing towards an arrest so it might not concern the police. But anyway, let's help unearth the truth for our sister.
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.