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Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-16 08:22:16
By: a group of frontline Queen Elizabeth Hospital medical staff.

一群伊利沙伯醫院前線醫護的第二封公開信 (part 3)
The Second Public Letter from a group of the Front Line Medical staff at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. (part 3)[/b

Form a group of frontline QEH medical staff.

(1) https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1493214-20191119.htm
(2) https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1493457-20191120.htm
(3) https://www.who.int/csr/delibepidemics/biochemguide/en/

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
KawhiLeonard2 2019-12-16 08:27:26
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-16 08:30:25
My apologies for the wrong link of the previously translated posts on twitter.
Here is the correct link:

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
珍珠奶綠 2019-12-16 11:28:51
芝芝不倦 2019-12-16 18:10:12
9改唔到名 2019-12-16 20:27:25
恰你冇人工 2019-12-17 00:21:31
愛上晨光的禍 2019-12-17 00:28:52
hope more fd of the world can see it
原由柏実 2019-12-17 04:59:38



佢嘅身份 同條片感染力好強

做得好 可以有烏克蘭少女片效果


之前啲tweet share嘅Fb link 死咗
發現日本文tweet有YouTube link
Pls retweet and like /comment依個

[最強英文文宣!勁過環保少女]唐英年老婆姪女拍6分鐘片控訴 :擁有投票權與自由人權的美國,像和共產國家躺在同一張床上。
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

放上tg Twitter/reddit

Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-17 06:25:24
were you able to find our twitter account?
Dhesut 2019-12-17 06:44:22
thiocyanate 2019-12-17 06:55:15
dm'ed but no response
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-17 07:35:25
Oh dear.... we didn't receive it. https://twitter.com/lihkgpicks
I wonder why... if you are still interested, can you try again? Sorry for the inconvenience.
thiocyanate 2019-12-17 07:47:25

here you go
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-17 10:24:10
So sorry, we don't know why we can't see the convo at our end. Do you have Instagram? Can you DM us there? @lihkgpicks as well.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-17 10:51:22
Found you. Thank you so much... because of you, we just realized that many DMs were filtered. . Just replied you and our team leader will contact you ASAP. Thank you for your patient!
極速神驅 2019-12-18 03:50:06
畜膿(已被車撞) 2019-12-18 04:29:22
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-18 05:19:08
By: 九龍站ibanker
By: Kowloon Station ibanker

A Family Letter to Bros & Sis', "My Early Graduation"

Hi everyone, my name is Fong. As I write this letter, I have already left Hong Kong, my birthplace and my home for twenty plus years. To be accurate, I am no longer able to return to my home, which is thousands of kilometres away from me now.


I have with me a type of DNA that came with birth, one that would determine the rest of my life.

September 2014.

After school, my three friends and I watched the white smokey scene broadcasted in the news. That evening, we brought with us wet towels and gauze masks and we stood right at the frontline, tear-gassed. That moment in my life, I discovered for the first time that I shared the same DNA with many others. At the time I was only in junior high.

June 2019.

Ever since June 9, June 12, June 16 and all the way up till October 1, I had attended each and every event, be it large or small, basically the mainstream ones with more than a thousand bros and sis'.

Today, I still remember the 3 pm deadline on June 12, the ruined filter mask (3M model 3200) that I was wearing on August 5, while picking up tear gas canisters that ended up having me carried away by first aiders. I still remember the graffiti that I sprayed and broadcasted on the news. I also remember that night on November 18 when canisters and bullets took over the sky, I got stepped on my feet, my back and my head. I also remember this one time where we were going to have a direct confrontation with the police, and a member of my team chickened out. All of these memories are forever marked deep in my heart.

Luckily, I have always been able to get away regardless of how many canisters had hit me or how much water I'd caught in my mouth from the water canons.

But one time, I got caught. The sentence was long enough to put me behind bars that will last one-third of my life.

Afterwards, I composed myself before calling my mother, to tell her I'll be away for a while. My mother had long been worried sick about my safety. Already she had fainted and been hospitalized for a few times.

After exchanging a few words with my mom, she handed the phone to dad as she didn't want to cry on the phone.

I hardly cried in front of dad as we are both the macho kind. But the moment I heard his voice, I couldn't hold my tears anymore. He sounded loving on the phone, a big contrast to his usual self where he would sound really annoying. I kept telling dad "I am so sorry to you two" and my tears just couldn't stop running down my cheeks.

I am sorry to them, because I didn't take the time to look after them, and they worried sick about me whenever I took to the streets. More so, they worked hard to raise me up, schooling, classes and university. I hope I can make myself useful and contribute to society. But now, I suddenly tell them that I am leaving, and leaving them behind in Hong Kong.

I am most sorry to them, as I once went out protesting and didn't go home for one whole month. When I did go home, I was in trouble and needed their help. This time, I needed help again that would risk their jobs and them being arrested.

Dad, Mom, I am so sorry I've disappointed you. But I am also grateful that you had passed me a very special set of DNA when you brought me to this world.

And Grandma, who loved me much since I was a child. I am not sure if I will ever see you again and if I could touch your wrinkled hand once again.

Apart from my family, I like to apologize to my two teams. I am so sorry to you guys as I have deserted you. I am so sorry to have left you and caused you to put everything on hold. I am sorry I don't have the courage like Edward Leung and choose to stay.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-18 05:21:30
A Family Letter to Bros & Sis', "My Early Graduation" (part 2)

But I think I have worked with you guys enough to help you exceed yourselves with courage and real-life experiences so you may continue with what you all have wanted to do. Please always remember our original intention and ride on the momentum to light up all corners with the fire of revolution. I shall be watching you from afar, supporting each and every one of you with my heart.


After receiving the news, the next morning I was all packed and ready to leave home. I don't usually cry but my whole family, other than my dad, had all been in tears. My older brother, who's usually quiet but loves me very much, embraced me in his arms. I could feel my shoulder soaked with his tears. He didn't say a word, and we both knew that nothing needed to be said. We just wanted to share the moment and feel each other's love right there and then. In the end, we all embraced together, and those few short seconds would never be forgotten.

I knew at that time that it might take a few years, or even a few decades before we could all be in the same room again.

On the day I left, I took every chance to look out of the window and gaze at this familiar but also unfamiliar Hong Kong. I told myself if I were to never return then I want to remember how Hong Kong was like on that day.

The moment before I walked into the airport security area, I turned around to look one more time at Hong Kong as a free person. I wasn't only afraid of getting arrested at the custom, I was also afraid that it would take ten to twenty years before I could see the city again.

Luckily, I arrived at the boarding gate. The moment the plane took off, I was happy that I left safe and sound. At the same time, I knew that the plane was carrying over two hundred people, and it was also carrying a youngster who had planned for his coming ten years, the bits and pieces in his past twenty years, his youth and his life here in Hong Kong.

I remember I would always complain to mum and dad about Hong Kong's noisiness, the crowdedness, and the dirtiness as a kid. But comparing to living as a fugitive in a foreign country, I would much rather be able to hop down to Mongkok for a fish ball skewer, go sing karaoke overnight with my friends, or go watch a movie with them in Causeway Bay.

Yes, we have failed. Many like me have left the platoon midway. But in the end, feel free to ask any genuine brother or sister, if they had a choice, would they want to graduate (leave the Movement) early? In fact, who wouldn't want to fight on from Day 1 all the way till the Liberation Day? Who would want to leave behind two million bros and sis' and never to return?

And we have always questioned if we are "condoms" (used and tossed aside). But please don't give up on this destined community because of our failure. Please tell us that we are sunk costs but not condoms. We've awakened this DNA with blood, sweat, and tears so please ride on the momentum that we've built to conquer the brutal regime and liberate our city.

Regardless of the final outcome, there's this one thing that I would never regret and that's the DNA that I am carrying. Because of this DNA, you are now reading my post. Because of this DNA, we have come together. Because of this DNA, we've become bros and sis' from strangers. Because of this DNA, we've created a magnitude of history and broken the unbreakable. Because of this DNA, I have dedicated a good part of my life.

My DNA is known as "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time".
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
披猩戴穴 2019-12-18 05:39:50
凜冽 2019-12-18 05:48:50
TeemoBB 2019-12-18 14:39:57
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-19 06:02:15
[‼️LIHKG PICKS is launched on INSTAGRAM‼️]

LIHKGPicks are ready to tell more people in the 🌎about 🇭🇰.

💪💪🏽💪🏾Follow us, if you are on Instagram. ☺️

Join the movement to fight for freedom and stand with Hong Kong.


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