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我冇野講 2019-10-09 21:58:17
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

求譯呢個 辛苦巴絲
我冇野講 2019-10-09 22:00:55
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
無奈的打轉 2019-10-09 22:02:21
男廁排隊俠 2019-10-09 22:12:14
河邊草柒頭 2019-10-09 22:19:23
往死裏打 2019-10-09 22:21:57
Support bros, thanks for the translation
韓國膠水 2019-10-09 22:27:39
一切歸零 2019-10-09 22:52:57
咸魚翻生 2019-10-09 23:05:36
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-09 23:14:20
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-09 23:15:15
Zimablue 2019-10-09 23:24:04
加埋連狗 得唔得?
FakeYooHoo 2019-10-09 23:27:16
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-09 23:32:22

OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1637530/page/1

After four months, there are ten facts we need to acknowledge.
by Jiraia

[Recognize the fact] After four months, there are ten facts we need to acknowledge:

1) The Emergency Law is the last straw for Carrie Lam. But the Anti-Mask Law is only the beginning. I believe the legislative election will be delayed.

2) Hongkongers need to focus all our resources on doing three things: financial warfare, exhaust the corrupted cops, PR warfare.

3) Concentrate on marches. All 18 districts need to do it all together.

4) Peaceful marches on the Hong Kong Island side should have 0 gear. The purpose is for media to take photos, and to show the brutality and humiliation by the police.

5) Frontliners should stay in their districts during the joint 18-district marches. You can set roadblocks, refurbish, calling upon vigilante justice on blue supporters who attack us. The purpose would be to make noise, paralyze the traffic, then cripple the economy.

6) The only direction for the action will be to hit and run. Positional warfare is bullshit.

7) Frontline bros and sis, no matter how militant you are, how much "holy water" and "wine" you have available, there is no way you can beat the corrupted cops.

8) The only way to revenge would be vigilante justice.

9) Never forgive the police.

10) Never cut each other loose, never divide ourselves up. Don't doubt what you are doing. There will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Looking forward to the day where we can shout in the protest area of the legislative building: Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Time.
連儂強 2019-10-09 23:44:03
push by LiPig
(一沙一世界) 2019-10-09 23:44:07
Followed 加油
半肥瘦肚腩 2019-10-09 23:45:07
I think you did a good job thanks
眼珠想旅行 2019-10-09 23:46:53
迷你柒姑碌 2019-10-09 23:50:51
和理非洲人 2019-10-10 00:00:46
Push, hope this can make LIHKG more popular among the world
中島裕翔 2019-10-10 00:27:34
pushthanks bro
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