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蘋果蛋治 2019-12-19 08:37:47
艾爾斯華龍 2019-12-19 10:25:41
譚仔五小辣 2019-12-19 13:01:19
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-20 13:30:20
[𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!🎄]

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游於藝 2019-12-22 12:17:17
沙治·羅拔圖 2019-12-22 19:54:46
訓撚醒末 2019-12-22 19:55:27
妳想嘅話我陪妳 2019-12-22 20:10:38
譚仔五小辣 2019-12-24 19:40:55
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 05:51:46
By: 你能聽到嗎 Did you hear?

根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes.

The story of a teen girl being gang-raped by police when she was in detention at the Tsuen Wan police station came to light as she was impregnated and needed an abortion. A pastor in Taiwan who takes in refugees from Hong Kong also mentioned in a report that the Hong Kong Police had raped and impregnated a young girl. The public learned about these cases as both victims were impregnated; it is only logical to think that there're many more police rape victims out there.

Throughout the protests, we have seen on many occasions that police target young women for mass arrests. Several police-raped victims exposed the police's assaults in rallies and media interviews. One female arrestee vividly recalled that while she was in detention at the police station, a cop pointed at a room and told her that this room is used explicitly for rapes.

Many of these rapes happened at Sun Uk Ling Detention Center. Then there're also female arrestees who were forced to provide oral sex to police officers and/or masturbate police officers.

The only victim who dared to pursue legal action against the police is because she was not even a protester. She was arbitrarily arrested, then gang-raped by cops in the police station. But it's a different story for the female protesters who were detained and raped at the Sun Uk Ling Detention Center. The Director of Public Prosecutions can press hefty charges against them based on police records. The stake for these female arrestees to pursue legal actions against the police is much higher.

The Director of Public Prosecutions and police are corroborating to silence the arrestees. These authorities are using heavy charges as a scare tactic to stop arrestees from suing police for physical and sexual assaults.

The discussion here intends to encourage anyone who may know something about these rapes to advocate for the victims. Say something, bring the police crimes to light.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 05:56:25
根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇 (part 2)
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes. (part 2)

Some healthcare workers had hinted at police rapes in the Hospital Authority Secrets Facebook page.

They mentioned that "while male arrestees sent to the hospital usually sustain severe injuries, female arrestees had relatively minor injuries (without bone fractures), but many seemed distraught." It is hard not to associate the emotional state of these female arrestees' to that of victims of sexual assaults. Healthcare workers also mentioned that police pose guard outside these patients' wards to make sure that they don't speak with anyone while in the hospital.

As with the Gwangju Uprising, we will only get closer to the truth when more people are willing to come forward and expose details of crimes.
Rather than dreaming big—eradicating Chinese communists from the planet earth right now—let's start with small goals, address the issues of police rapes. Trust that there are people with means who can right the wrongs.
The same is true with investigations of tear gas usage.

No one had expected chemists to conduct voluntary research into the teargas, but then media operated by overseas Chinese started talking about it.

Media organizations in Korea and Taiwan followed suit.
As awareness grows and people finally are paying more attention, more investigations and reports followed.

Korea already had two special reports on this matter.

The lack of media coverage in Hong Kong would give a wrong impression to the police that they will suffer no consequences for rapes. More police would use the same method if they see there are no consequences.

Rape is a severe crime. Proof that the "law enforcement" commits such serious crime repeatedly is enough to shake up the foundation of the current government.

As most local print media organizations are pro-establishment, reports on police rapes are suppressed. Only a German media organization has covered the torture and sex crimes committed by the police at Sun Uk Ling Detention Center.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 3)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 06:13:42
根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇 (part 3)
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes. (part 3)

That's why I am asking everyone to help unveil details of police rape to raise awareness and attention. Only persistent attention over these sexual assault cases will bring justice to victims of police rapes.

Know that continued attention to these sexual assaults are not causing more trauma to the victims:
The victims cannot even pursue legal actions against their rapists right now as the Director of Prosecutions Division and the Commissioner of Police are ganging up against them. The police threatened these women with riot charges and ten years in prison before they can even bring their sexual assault cases against the police to court.

We need healthcare workers to testify on these women's behalf.


The police raped approximately 20 female arrestees at Sun Uk Ling Detention Center

Confirmed cases:
- An 18-year-old was gang-raped and impregnated by 4 Police at the Tsuen Wan police station
- One female arrestee was gang-raped in Tin Shui Wai police station
- A female arrestee was raped and impregnated by the police. She fled Hong Kong to seek an abortion in Taiwan.

It takes about one month for the victims to find out if the police impregnated them as a result of the rape, which means that more female arrestees had been raped in November. The police would have sexually assaulted the victim who fled to Taiwan around October and November.

There's no telling how many women have fell victims to police rapes as healthcare workers continue to keep quiet about what they've observed and found out.

Sexual assault also includes the number of women who were forced to provide oral sex or masturbate police officers. When we put add the sexually harassed victims, the tally could've been in the 50s.


(Editor's note: scroll down for part 4)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 06:18:07
根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇 (part 4)
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes. (part 4)

Some may think that those rapists among the police will be charged when we successfully liberate Hong Kong. But time is ticking, and these rapists may get away with their crimes if we sit and wait longer.

The extent to which the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act can sanction low-level police officers is questionable. Many of these low-level officers had also kept their identity hidden and destroyed evidence. It could be challenging to identify officers who had committed the crimes.

Difficulties initiating legal proceedings, because:

i) The police force will defend their subordinates. To keep their team morale, they are likely to do anything to put off the inquiry. They may rewrite records, refuse to hand out suspects, and stall the investigation for years. In the end, the police would proclaim a lack of evidence and drop the case. File closed.
ii) All evidence would have been destroyed.
iii) Imagine the pain experienced by the victim. And having to go through it again in the testimony. All the scrutiny, all the doubts?
iv) The victims are most likely arrested with riot charges. Even if they choose to come forward to testify, the likelihood of catching the offender is unknown, but the victims bear the high risk of ten years imprisonment for rioting.
v) The case of the 18-year-old female gang-raped and impregnated by police at Tsuen Wan, should already be followed up by solicitors, but what's the use if this doesn't deter the offenders at all?

So what can we do? We can appeal to healthcare workers to come forward.
Previously healthcare workers had leaked a bit of detail but not large scale enough. We need press conferences, backed up by healthcare workers' affirmations. Victims and healthcare workers should remain anonymous.
The latter's identity verified by journalists.

(On the other hand, healthcare workers who weren't involved in the victims' cases, could organize more colleagues to join the assembly and condemn the police's sexual offences. They can raise the awareness of citizens, socials workers in-the-know, and the world's attention)

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 5)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 06:47:30
根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇 (part 5)
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes. (part 5)

So what's the use of healthcare workers coming forward:
The victims' silence only sends the wrong message to sexual offenders. Knowingly there are no consequences, would only worsen to more and more sex crime. This nightmare is a result of the witnesses concealing the truth.

Should the truth come out, it would become an international scandal, and no one country will side with the CCP. The seriousness of this crime would directly shake up the whole of the HK government, which is why the newly appointed chairman of the Hospital Authority will do anything to suppress this.

Only with the truth, the international community could help us more, and the USA could pressure more specifically. If more suspicious deaths and sexual offences continued, then the USA could exercise the HK Human Rights and Democracy Act to cancel the US-HK Policy Act, which spells disaster to the CCP. So hopefully, this is a strong enough deterrent to the CCP, that will cease the police force's committed sexual offences and put the offenders on trial.

Nobody can predict how that would happen (just like nobody predicted Operation Sunset would lead to the siege of Chinese University and Polytechnic University, and in the blink of an eye, hastened the USA in passing the HK Human Rights and Democracy Act). Still, we must do whatever we can to stop more tragedies from happening again and again.

A reminder of their painful experience, aren't we reopening the victims' slow healing wounds?
If you are concerned about them and their fragility, then we shouldn't wait until the victims come forward and protect them, we should. All we need is just the healthcare workers to publicly confirm that these cases happened; they are genuine. If nobody came forward to help, to verify these horrors, then only more women will be victimized, traumatized for the rest of their lives, and worst, slaughtered to make sure the truth would never come out.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 6)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 06:56:40
根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇 (part 6)
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes. (part 6)

Who would believe in the lack of evidence:
The international media would trust and report the professionals' testification. Only the CCP media would deny.

Every HKer knows the rapings happened, so why do we bother to show and tell:
So far, the cases are unconfirmed and widely rumoured. The last piece of the puzzle is the healthcare workers' open disclosure. The world must know what's happening in HK right now. Nothing but the truth to tell. We need more international attention, more foreign government's help to stop the excruciation.

We know that healthcare workers ought to stand by their professional conduct, protect patient's privacy, and maintain their political neutrality. However, under extreme circumstances, where female protestors fall prey to systematic sexual offences, is it possible that healthcare workers could choose to make the right choice, one of values and morality?

We don't need the victims to disclose their identity. The so-called healthcare professionalism, so-called professionals could be excused to speak for justice, blame on a lack of victim's consent to speak out, choose to sit aside and watch the victims mentally break down, or even commit suicide. In the end, the truth of these tragedies will never be known.

Knowingly there are no consequences, would only encourage the police to continue their gang rape crimes. Many victims are merely in their teenage, and they can never lead a regular life again. Although they're not your loved ones, can you treat them as just another patient case?
The longer you choose to remain in silence, the more victims suffer from the sexual offence — this very moment as we speak.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 7)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-26 06:59:30
根本等唔切啦,醫護越唔做野,就越多女仔被拖去強姦. 有樣野我地一定要做 去阻止更多呢啲慘劇 (part 7)
As healthcare workers remain silent, the police will continue to get away for capturing and raping young girls. Here's what we must do to stop these rapes. (part 7)

Healthcare worker! You can prevent tragedies like these from happening.
As a result of your silence, is more sexually offended victims, with lives ruined, and even lives butchered.

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-27 19:12:39
OP: https://lih.kg/1796000
By: 思穎妹妹/Si Wing the Younger Sister
For journalists: The reasons why the Silent Night March is cancelled

A lot of journalists asked us why the Silent Night March was cancelled despite obtaining a letter of no objection, and why we did not appeal against the HKPF’s changing of the time and route of our march, we decided to answer the queries in public, and let everyone judge who is right and who is wrong.

The purpose of organising rallies is to pressure to the government;
But what's more important, is to ensure every participant can return home safely.
However, the route the HKPF specified is very dangerous.
After serious consideration, to ensure everyone's safety, we have no choice but to cancel the march.

Wong Chi-wai, Dep Dist Commander (Yau Tsim), told the public in the HKPF press conference on 23 Dec that, the HKPF changed of time and route of our march on the ground of public safety, despite a letter of no objection was issued.
When we made our decision to cancel the march, he appreciated is and said it was a responsible act.

We thank the HKPF for the compliment, because the reason behind us cancelling the march was public safety exactly.
But if public safety was their concern, we would like to ask, why did they change our route to such a dangerous one?
Has the HKPF ever considered safety issues for the protesters?

They used to be 'Asia's finest' year ago.
Where has their professionalism gone?

Below is our plan on the march when we applied for a letter of no objection on 16 Dec:
Time: 2000-0100
Estimated no. of participants: 20,000
Prefect on duty: 200+

It was planned as a circuit march.
The route would start from Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower, head East along Salisbury Road, return at Mody Lane (outside of Emperor Centre), head West along Salisbury Road, and end at the cross-road between Salisbury Road and Nathan Road.

However, when we discussed the letter of no objection with the HKPF, they told us that, it was estimated 2000 people would be dismissed from a concert from the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at 21:00, the Fire Services Department expressed concern about the crowdedness in Haiphong Road in case an emergency happens nearby.

So we changed the route on 20 Dec.
The start point was changed to Salisbury Garden, then head East along Salisbury Road, return at Mody Lane (outside of Emperor Centre), head West along Salisbury Road, and end at the cross-road between Salisbury Road and Nathan Road.

At 5 pm, 22 Dec, the HKPF notified us that, they issued a letter of no objection, but the time was changed to 1800-2200, and the route was changed to starting from Salisbury Garden, head along Salisbury Road, pass through Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade aside of the waterfront, and end at Hong Kong Coliseum.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2 )
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