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全球乳化 2019-10-10 00:48:08
Support support
陳同學 2019-10-10 00:50:11
thanks for yr hard work so much
丁泰雁 2019-10-10 00:50:28
7000咪撚望啦 2019-10-10 00:53:51
譚仔中辣 2019-10-10 00:56:25
Push !
彪標嫖 2019-10-10 01:10:57
Xfyjbda 2019-10-10 01:12:53
中森名菜 2019-10-10 01:14:10
sir this way
愛在雙腿張開時 2019-10-10 01:16:37
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-10 02:25:19
Another piece to try the archive out. This one is super long. Please bear with us if there're any grammatical mistakes or whatsoever. We had a hard time proofing this.

OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1632540/page/1

Our movement is facing the most dangerous time of all
by F at F at

I compiled many discussions of our mates on LIHKG, and I realised what the government is planning underway. I hope you won't feel TL;DR and read until the end my humble opinions:

1. The government played tricks to call for a radicalisation of militant protesters' actions;
2. The government deployed undercovers, making them doing lots of "radical" acts and frame those as protesters' works;
3. The government has mastered ways to manipulate opinions on LIHKG;
4. A diversion of views is observed regarding extreme courses of action.
-> Resulting in a diversion between the previously united peaceful and militant protesters, leading us to follow the footsteps of the failed Umbrella Revolution.

1. Put a halt on our militant protest actions, pause all refurbishment work and stop calling upon vigilante justice.
2. Peaceful protesters to step in again on all fronts;
3. Continue to make our protests a daily thing.

Firstly, the government has been reckless in implementing the emergency law, an outdated law that will grant the Chief Executive unlimited power, although the problem the government intends to resolve is a difficult one, from both a legal or an execution point of view. Before the CCP approved the decision, the government must've presented a fool-proof plan to the CCP already; or the decision may even be a direct instruction from the CCP because I can't imagine Carrie Lam having the wisdom for this.

Before the emergency law was implemented, public opinions suggested the Law would deter businessmen from staying in the HK market, so it's very clear that the HK government had thought of ways - either the CCP to promulgate new policies to save the HK market, or the HK government has dealt with the businessmen already - to prevent catastrophes from happening to HK's economic and business environment.

As soon as the law was implemented, people have formed their opinions regarding the law:

1. Militant protesters are prepared to be jailed for 10 years for rioting.
2. How many people can you arrest if 2m people all wear a mask out?
3. Since masking due to sickness or religious reasons is exempted, people can well exploit loopholes in the Law.

Meanwhile, it's expected the emergency law would only provoke more anger from the public. After the government announced the law, we protested all over the 18 districts in HK. The government ordered very little police to handle the protests, which encouraged peaceful protesters to escalate their protest actions by blocking roads, refurbishing shops and calling upon vigilante justice on blue supporters who attacked us. Plus, as the CCP Rail stopped its services, we were left with the impression that the government wanted to "burn" with them, which served only to escalate our protest actions. The past weekend saw a rapid surge in cases of refurbishment and vigilante justice. These all contributed to a "vacuum period" to our PR work where no one cared to explain our protest actions, giving the government lots of excuses to smear us. As there wasn't enough PR work being done, the public failed to receive adequate information regarding the protests (for example, us mistaking Shanghai Commercial Bank as a State-owned corp). Pale yellow supporters and foreigners or even American reps who supported the HK Act may not understand us, and they may end up revaluating the necessity of passing the Act. As Solomon Yue warned previously if we don't hold the moral high ground, it would be difficult for the Act to be passed. In that case, we won't be able to target the regime either. (Con't)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-10 02:27:37
Secondly, the government deployed undercover cops to perform radicalised acts and framed those as our works.

We reached a consensus on the surging frequency of cases of refurbishment and vigilante justice: refurbish triad-owned shops and redecorate State-owned corps. But in reality (I'm not blaming ALL militant protesters), when someone initiates an act, someone else will be there to follow. If an undercover cop starts a conflict at this point, in case blue supporters start an attack on us, then it's likely cases of refurbishment and vigilante justice will follow.

Following the trend of protesting all over HK, it's not likely there will be press recording all events. Even if those acts are committed by the undercover cops, it's unlikely we would be able to fact check all acts. In this case, the public won't be able to receive adequate information regarding the "refurbished shops" and "injured blue supporters". An example of that is Kwun Tong station - none of our mates was inside the station. How did the station get all burnt the next day? It's the government plan that militant protesters will escalate their violence through the long weekend. We would fall into the government's trap if our PR work fails to explain our protest actions, and the previously close ties between peaceful and militant protesters would be sabotaged if the peaceful protesters can't reconcile with our protest actions. Just point 1 and 2 alone would be enough for the government to invalidate our PR work.

Thirdly, has anyone ever thought of the possibilities that opinions on LIHKG have been under the government's control already?

When we surf LIHKG, we usually look at posts on the Trending page. Have you ever thought the government, or even the CCP, has already figured out the way to push posts onto the Trending page? With enough number of accs (with or without a "P sign" that marks the recency of the acc), they can even manipulate general opinions on LIHKG! Many of you have already brought up there has been a lot of posts with content that calls for extreme courses of action and those that call for a diversion between peaceful and militant protesters. Whether this is the government's or the CCP trolls' work, this will only divide us up, causing militant protesters to escalate their protest actions, and peaceful protesters take a step back. We all know that acts such as refurbishment would only defocus the movement (disclaimer: I support refurbishing triad-owned shops). Plus, we've all noticed on 1 Oct, LIHKG had been under DDOS attack for the whole day. But up till now, the DDOS attacks dropped significantly, which is a sign that LIHKG has been used by our opponents to divide us up. (Con't)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-10 02:28:50
Fourthly, diverging opinions on extreme courses of action. I will separate my arguments into two:

1. When we escalate our militant actions, we will leave less room for peaceful protesters to step in. Meanwhile, it looks like there were more protesters joining the militant protesters' ranks. While it's always a good sign to have more militant protesters joining the movement, we mustn't forget there were peaceful protestors who just happened to go to the front line when there was no police. These groups of protestors may not be prepared to be arrested. At this point, if the government provokes our anger and militant protesters to escalate their protest actions, leaving less room for peaceful protesters to step in, the press will focus on our acts of refurbishment and vigilante justice. In that case, only very little journalists would continue to cover our peaceful protests. Now that the government closes all shopping malls, peaceful protesters aren't allowed to sing, participate in the non-cooperation movement and do promote the movement in malls anymore. Plus, with the anti-mask law now in effect, peaceful protesters are further deterred from participating in a human chain and sit-in events, leaving them the option to participate in the large-scale marches only. But large-scale marches have been facing the same dilemma lately: march in one district or multiple districts. Of course, this must be the CCP trolls' tricks; whenever we try to have a rational discussion, someone will sure be blaming the others oppressively, polarising the discussion and attempting to divide us up.

2. Blaming militant protesters will only further divide us up. Of course, at the beginning of the movement, when tactics of the pro-government camp weren't as well-planned, they weren't as harsh in their use of words when condemning militant protesters. Simply speaking, although there will surely be some blaming each time after an event ends, we all learn from our mistakes. But after the last round of protests, it seems that peaceful and militant protesters have walked further away from each other. Peaceful protesters haven't been able to understand militant protesters and started disagreeing with the militant protesters. Previously, each week the protests would span 2 days, leaving 5 days for peaceful protesters to catch up with our militant protest actions. But so far, we've been protesting for almost 3 days already, and there will even be protests in all 18 districts tomorrow. Peaceful protesters will find it hard to catch up. In that case, peaceful protesters may cut off from militant protesters, and the two groups of protesters will eventually break off. At that point, the mantra of "brothers climb a mountain (everyone makes an effort)" will cease to exist; militant protesters will be alienated or even mass arrested, and the movement will end like the Umbrella Revolution. (Con't)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-10 02:29:39
Firstly, put a halt on our militant protest actions, pause all refurbishment work and stop calling upon vigilante justice.

Don't bother about whether the government will call the emergency law a success. Even if we reduce our militant actions, it doesn't mean peaceful and militant protesters needn't work together. We need time for our PR work and peaceful protesters to catch up with our militant protest actions. It's only the government's reverse psychology to escalate our protest actions when they said the emergency law would be able to end the chaos. Once we escalate our protest actions, the government will have more excuses to sabotage us. We're facing the sliest manoeuvre of the government and the most dangerous time of the movement. I hope militant protesters can think through: tomorrow mustn't be the endgame. If we protest all over the 18 districts tomorrow, and the CCP Rail or the buses can't be put back to normal operation, and such that ordinary citizens can't go back to work, that would lead more people into cutting off from us. It's not necessary to make the whole Hong Kong strike with us. The government must've promised the businessmen to end the movement already, otherwise, they couldn't have cooperated and closed through the long weekend. On the other hand, if nothing happens tomorrow, the government will become impatient. Once they're impatient, the possibility of them making mistakes and thus us winning will increase.

Secondly, peaceful protesters to step in and increase their sharing in this movement.

As I said in point 4.2, shopping malls have been closed for the past few days, leaving peaceful protesters fewer opportunities to step in. Shopping malls are important to the movement, as cops don't dare to murder in shopping malls, there're very little chances that a peaceful protester would be arrested for singing, doing origami or even walking around in a mall. This also reflects a loophole in the anti-mask law, as we have all the reasons to walk in a mall with a mask on. After the long weekend, peaceful protesters should protest peacefully in malls in all 18 districts so our PR mates will be able to catch up with our protest actions. There's a very slim chance that large-scale marches will ever happen again. The government deploys undercover cops, closes down the MTR and carries out mass arrests, it will be impossible for 2m people to join a march again. Therefore, peaceful protesters need to protest in all 18 districts. This is not only for their safety, but also for them to reach out to more people, and turn light blue supporters into yellow supporters.

Thirdly, we have to continue to make our protests a daily thing.

Wearing a mask every day incurs no cost but it takes on a symbolic meaning, so we must continue with this;

Support yellow shops while boycotting the blue ones. The app WhatsGap is out now. This will allow us to support yellow shops more easily. It's only in this way, we will be able to fight for what we want, using economic means;

Once you receive your salaries, change them into USD. A mate told us if there're enough people on this, we will be able to pressurise the HKD.
All in all, we will have to make our protest a daily thing. Each of us will have to take an extra step!

Lastly, please don't treat "no blaming" and "no rat out" as mere slogans. These should be the spirit of the movement. Admit it if we've done something wrong, improve if we've done something faulty. But our ultimate goal is to save Hong Kong, our homeland. Why do we have to keep quarrelling over trivial issues? I hope everyone can think about this.

P.S. The post is long. I may not be correct on all occasions. If I'm wrong please don't be too harsh on me. I welcome discussions.
早起的蟲兒有鳥吃 2019-10-10 02:30:00
abcdefghijj 2019-10-10 02:30:07
元素週期表 2019-10-10 02:33:10
食燈籠玩月餅 2019-10-10 02:39:30
我冇野講 2019-10-10 02:45:17
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
卡倫 2019-10-10 03:02:18
條街好多痴線佬 2019-10-10 03:24:53
佢地主打係twitter㗎,嗰邊好熱鬧。呢邊係佢地啲長翻譯post的archive。巴打如果你未科勞佢地快啲去睇下:https://twitter.com/LIHKGPicks ~
唔知乜水 2019-10-10 08:15:44
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞