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平井もも 2019-10-10 08:30:27
我手機壞左 2019-10-10 16:52:05
你知道得太多了 2019-10-10 17:02:01
小得真奇妙 2019-10-10 18:02:38
世界存在奇蹟 2019-10-10 18:28:08
練習一個人 2019-10-10 19:22:44
Push! Followed!
譚仔五小辣 2019-10-10 19:29:21

Use linpig to push this post
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-10 20:36:37
OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1637669/page/1

[Civil Disobedience] How to pay your taxes/rates/water bill and make the government suffer a loss legally
by Brave Kong Girl

I believe no one wants to pay the government. But as a complete boycott is not possible, let me share with you a way to make the government suffer a loss legally by paying your bills.

The government has to pay an extra dime to other organizations for every dime you spend.

We usually use PPS/Credit Card/Online Banking, and other online payment means to pay taxes. None of these organizations are government-owned. They charge the government transaction fees for every transaction. You can check the government website for those records.

I have fact-checked this theory. According to the current contract between credit card companies and the government, let's take BOC as an example, the transaction fees for each transaction is $1.x. As for PPS, the transaction fees for each transaction is $2. The HSBC/HASE Internet banking transaction fees are even more pricey. The Internet Banking service of Jetco charges the least for transaction fees.

Transaction fees are charged to the government, not the payers.

What if we start to pay our taxes dollar by dollar instead of paying the full sum in one go? Meaning for every $1 you pay, the government has to pay $2 transaction fees to the banking service provider. This also means that the government has to pay more transaction fees than actually receiving the taxpayer's money.

What do you need to do?
Login to your PPS/HSBC/HASE while you're at work, pay $1.X each time and do that 10 times a day. You can pay your tax/rates/government rent/water bill over the course of a dozen days. I'll use PPS as an example for you:

Why do you have to do it over the course of a dozen days? I don't want everyone to repeat the process in front of the computer a couple of hundred times on one single day. It'd be much easier if you take 5 minutes of your day to do so over the course of a dozen days. But if you don't mind, you can also pay your bills this way within one single day.

Is it legal?
What law can you break for paying your bills? I did this a few years ago during the Umbrella Revolution. The Board of Inland Revenue even printed a dozen of receipts to me, asking me to sign and confirm those were payments I made. I wanted to sign the receipts off with "I want genuine universal suffrage" at that time.

Does the government have any counter-mechanism?
The government may try to renegotiate terms and conditions with the vendors as they see an increase in such transactions. But Li Ka-Shing, the most powerful yellow ribbon in Hong Kong, actually owns PPS. It makes no sense not to make as much money as possible from the government right now, given that the contract has been signed and the deal is sealed.

How do you keep track of the amount you've already paid?
There's no need to waste your time on keeping track, just do a rough estimate. The more you pay, the more transaction fees the government needs to pay. If you pay more than you need to, the government has to pay you back, let them do the math. The tax return is complicated for the government to handle. Many people have resigned from the Treasury recently; the Treasury is understaffed.

If you pay more than you should have, the IRD will refund you with a check. The cheque will be mailed to your most recent address.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-10 20:37:24
[PPS bill paying instructions]

How to set up a PPS account

I'll skip the "how to login" step. Here's the PPS Merchant List for your reference:

Enter $1 as the amount to pay; repeat this procedure 10 times.
You can do this by spending 5 minutes per day in your office.

Remember, PPS does not accept transactions that are under $1.

In my memory, PPS did not accept repeated transactions with the same dollar amount. You can see from my records that I had transactions of $1.02, $1.34, you can just pay however much you want.

If you don't have PPS and is paying with internet banking/credit card, remember the transaction fees from highest to lowest are:
HSBC/HASE Internet banking > PPS > Credit Card > Jetco

If we all pay our bills this way, the government will not only miss out on our payments, but also need to pay extra to the service providers. It also costs the government if extra manpower is needed to do the tax refunds.

The dirty cops always claim they pay tax too. Well, we also fucking pay our taxes. Let's make the government suffer and see who will send paycheques to these rapists (who call themselves cops).

The pleasure is mine to help Li Ka-Shing earn more from the government.
May the Glory be to Li Ka-Shing and Hong Kong.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-11 02:57:34
OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1592980/page/1

[Inspiring the motive to fight] Who says economic warfare is useless?
by Wei Book of Luoyang City

This revolution of our time aims at attaining universal suffrage even though it means a lengthy battle. But we must remember all of our achievements over the last few months to keep our spirits high. Therefore, allow me to compile our wins, economic warfare included, so you would know how much pressure we have created for the government.

1. JOYCE BOUTIQUE (00647.HK) has issued a profit warning that the revenue for the six months ending 30 September 2019 is expected to decline by over 15%, and loss to nearly double, compared to the corresponding period in 2018, mainly attributable to a sharp downturn in market conditions after June.

2. FULUM HOLDINGS GROUP (01443.HK) has issued a profit warning because based on the preliminary assessment of the latest unaudited consolidated management accounts of the Group for the four months ended 31 July 2019. The information cautioned that the spending of the general public affected by the persisting weak economic environment and sentiments of the society should persist. The Group is expected to record a loss before tax for the six months ending 30 September 2019 as compared to the profit before tax of approximately HK$15.9 million recorded for the corresponding period in 2018. So go fuck yourselves your fucking Hokkien bastards.

3. Sa Sa International Holdings Limited (0178.HK) has, following its last one in 2017, issued a profit warning pointing of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) for the five months ended 31 August 2019 (the “Period”). The turnover of the Group declined approximately by 15% to around HK$3 billion as compared to the corresponding period last year*, while that of Hong Kong and Macau markets also dropped by 17%. The Group’s sales performance in August was the weakest, down by 28% year-on-year, while that of Hong Kong and Macau markets also declined by 32%. Sa Sa caters chiefly to the Mainlanders.

4. Bossini International Holdings Limited (0592.HK) issued a profit-sharing yesterday (Sept. 5) that based on the latest information. The loss is attributable to owners for the year ended Jun. 30 2019 and is expected to be in the region of HK$139 million.

5. The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong announced that the first ten days of visits to Hong Kong in September fell by 90% year-on-year.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-11 02:58:23
6. The 7-days mainland holiday of the October 1 National Day begins next Tuesday. Under the anti-extradition bill campaign, representatives of the tourism industry said that the hotel room rates have gone down by 50%. The prices of five-star hotels have fallen to a new low in nearly ten years, seeing only a 20 - 30% reservation rate. With a pessimistic view, they expect to have only 50 - 60% occupancy rate for the mainland holiday. A representative of the hotel industry said that after the National Day holiday, some hotels might start to close down one after another.

7. More than 70 airlines wrote to the Transportation & Housing Bureau, urging for a reduction in airport tolls to help make ends meet. According to the SCMP, the Hong Kong Airlines Representative Association (BAR) has convened more than 70 airlines with services flying to and from Hong Kong, to write to the Transportation & Housing Bureau requesting for relief measures, including reduction of landing fees and parking fees, rent and other operating expenses, etc., so as to help them make ride through this economic turmoil.

8. Hong Kong Airport passenger traffic in August decreased by 12% compared with the same period last year. According to statistics, the international passenger traffic in August was 6 million passengers. The number of aircraft movements was more than 35,000. They were 12.4% and 3.5% lower than last year in the same period, and the freight volume fell by 11.5%. Continue to attack China's balls.

9. Fitch, one of the three major credit rating agencies in the world, issued a report stating Hong Kong's long-term foreign-currency issuer default rating (Long-term IDR) was downgraded to "AA" from "AA+." It was due to the recent political situation in Hong Kong and the growing political and economic links with the Mainland. The outlook is "negative." Let us bomb out together.

10. Rating agency Moody's announced today that it had lowered its Hong Kong rating outlook from "stable" to "negative." But it maintained the credit rating of AA2 in Hong Kong, saying that the demonstrations in the past day revealed Hong Kong's institutional advantage is being eroded. Moody's also warned that if integration happens between China and Hong Kong, it will weaken Hong Kong's governance efficiency and competitive advantage.

11. During the October 1 National Day in China (The Golden Week), mainlanders refused to travel to Hong Kong. A large travel agency recently announced the list of outbound tourism for the National Day. Japan ranked first for two consecutive years, becoming the destinated vacation location for most of the mainland pigs, followed by Singapore and South Korea. However, Hong Kong, which ranked third last year, did not enter the top ten this year.

A bro once said that every event has a butterfly effect. Combining shopping strikes, eat out strikes, avoid using octopus card, have an infinite number of the protest march, disturb the traffic, change HKD into US dollars, and promote internationally, etc., then we achieve the above results. Therefore, let us not focus on the number of people in each protest or the outcome of one event. Not every activity will have an immediate effect. Specifically, one cannot rush economic warfare.

Let's imagine that our social rebellion continues past October, Christmas, and the New year, Hong Kong's industrial structure will be forced to adjust. The retail rental market can be back to normal. On the street, we will have less public urination and pooping. Let's not talk about the lofty reasons for pursuing democracy and freedom. Liberate Hong Kong is already a worthy enough reason for us to come out every week.
chapstick 2019-10-11 02:59:31
Thank you for translating
真豬奶茶 2019-10-11 03:26:33
GustavAdolf 2019-10-11 05:48:12
Support Hong Kong again the Evil CCP
一秒醒神 2019-10-11 05:59:59
娓娓 2019-10-11 10:06:10
Thank you and support
惟顧落蘆 2019-10-11 10:11:41
Merry奶奶 2019-10-11 10:19:07
十六號廢青 2019-10-11 10:21:25
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-12 09:49:38
Editor's note: In the next few threads we're going to publish our translated version of the "Kong Girls law students" series. The Kong Girls are two female law students who drafted a complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council against the HKSAR and the Hong Kong Police Force. They will explain more in this series. Read on

Kong Girls law students - Part 1

OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1528086/page/1

[URGENT] 831, I accompanied a German journalist to interview frontliners. I'm pretty emotional right now. Local girls are seeking help to locate a missing person. HELP!!/【緊急】831,我同德國記者去左訪問前線,好多感觸。求求大家幫手,港女尋人!!! URGENT!!!!

by Ven

(Kong Girl A note: 831, I accompanied a German journalist to interview frontliners. I was a little emotional hearing their stories. What can I do for the frontliners, for all the gallants persecuted by the ruling party and police, as well as people in Hong Kong?)

We are two Hong Kong female law students. We didn't receive order from anyone. We are not courageous enough to be at the front. We have nothing except two pairs of hands, two mouths, and two brains with some legal training. But we are as angry as everybody else. Both our research and our gut feeling told us that the police are acting illegally; meaning that there must be ways to hold them accountable for what they've done.

Considering the current situation in Hong Kong, the loophole in Hong Kong's legal system, and the fact that some people have been pursuing legal actions locally, we decided to submit formal complaints to the United Nations Human Rights Council against the HKSAR and the Hong Kong police force. (Complaint form: [please add link])

We understand that it's not easy to build our case. Other than drafting a petition with our legal knowledge supported by extensive research, we need all victims to sign this petition to make a stronger case.

Victims refer to passer-bys who were not involved in the protest, residents at communities affected, first aiders, journalists, protesters or even brothers and sisters who had been arrested or charged. If you can spend some time to read the form, you will see that we request the UNHRC to keep all victims' identities confidential. The identities of the two of us will also be concealed and addressed as the "authors" of this petition. We will apply all we know to file the complaint on behalf of all of our brothers and sisters in this movement.

The complaint consists of 3 parts based on the following grounds:

1. Facts of the complaint and nature of the alleged violations

1.1 Excessive and unlawful use of "less than lethal" weapons
1.2 Police assault citizens and arrested persons occasioning actual/grievous bodily harm
1.3 torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
1.4 arbitrary arrest and detention
1.5 violation of freedom of assembly

Hong Kong is covered by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and is obliged to observe the jurisdiction of this treaty. But the current situation in Hong Kong showed violations of the governing articles, including but not limited to Art. 7, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 19 and Art. 21.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-12 09:55:38
We realized that the link to the complaint form went missing. You can find it here www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet7Rev.2.pdf or from the OP
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-12 09:59:06
Kong Girls law students - Part 2

2. Exhaustion of domestic remedies
This part is very crucial to the filing of this complaint. We have to successfully prove that the Hong Kong legal system is ineffective or unreasonably prolonged. After we researched related case laws, we felt that we have reasonable, solid justifications. Listed below:

2.1 Judicial review - unreasonably prolonged proceedings. By the time the judicial review is over, our brothers and sisters will have suffered abuse! How can we sit and wait?

2.2 Criminal proceedings - unavailable: none of the police displayed their ID numbers, their faces were also covered. There's no way to identify who they are. How do you hold them accountable? Don't forget that police has to initiate the procedure with the Department of Justice, how would that ever happen?

2.3 The Independent Police Complaints Council - Ineffective: I don't need to explain myself, right?

2.4 Independent investigation committee - unavailable and ineffective: Not only did Carrie Lam reject the solution publicly, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have also issued statements to say that an independent investigation committee will be ineffective at this point. Also, United Nation's Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (UN Human Rights) had concluded in year 2000, 2009 and 2016 that the HKSAR government should establish a genuinely independent regulatory authority, one that is empowered to conduct investigations to effectively supervise disciplinary forces and civil servants.

We have come to the conclusion that we have no way out at this point. The International Society needs to do more than just paying attention to how our human rights have been suppressed. It's time for the international society to step in and show both the HKSAR government & Hong Kong police that, "Be you ever so high, the LAW is above you!!"
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-12 10:09:10
Kong Girls law students - Part 3

3. Our demand/requested remedies
3.1 Re-examine if arrestees were arrested and charged with reasonable grounds - some arrestees are residents of local communities, while others were participating in legal assemblies without breaching the peace. They are however all under arrests and charged for various crimes. We demand the United Nations to pressure the government of HKSAR to review all the anti-extradition protest-related persons' charges to see if they are constitutional, and make rectifications accordingly.

3.2 Reform the dated, existing "Public Security Regulations" - Freedom of (peaceful) assembly is one of the basic human rights. Currently, assembly of three people or above without a No-Objection Notice is considered unlawful. Without a No-Objection Notice, one can be charged for simply being out and about. This is a violation of the constitution of Hong Kong's Bill of Rights and a violation of basic human rights!

United Nation's human rights special rapporteur also stated publicly that under international law, an assembly is legal even without notifying the law enforcement. Therefore, one cannot and should not be criminally charged for participating in any assembly. The current "Public Security Regulations" in Hong Kong can lock you up in jail for as long as 5 years!!

3.3 Whether or not an effective committee bound by law is established, an investigation is still necessary to investigate police brutality. Recommendations aside, cops must be held accountable for their brutality. Police who broke the law during their missions must be arrested!

3.4 Review the use of deadly weapons in recent police operations. Establish a mechanism to supervise police deployment, including but not limited to display of police ID, crowd control at large events, and in particular, how female arrestees are handled... More importantly, such reviews and and oversight need to be transparent to protect the freedom to information of the public.

If you want justice and are willing to trust us, we promise to keep your confidentiality.

If you are interested in join us, as a victim, a HK resident, or a fellow protester, contact us at:

Email: sue9popohk2019@gmail.com
Ig: knowyourrightshk
Telegram: @angiete /@venisawai

***We understand that trust doesn't come easy. You can contact us through a fake account. We can draft a skeleton/customizable template for you to submit on your own.

Goal: Sue the corrupt police before Oct 1!


Picks.(Pigs) Disclaimer :
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-10-12 10:16:57
Kong Girls law students - Part 4

OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1552390/page/1

Let's expose Hong Kong Police brutality and make it known globally so they would all get fucked!! Kong Girls, the law students, are presenting the 1st phase of her report to the United Nations/推香港警暴上國際祝佢地冚家富貴!!讀Law港女尋人向聯合國呈請之第一期報告

by Ven

Re: [URGENT] 831, I went to interview a frontliner with a report from Germany, and it was very emotional. I am begging you to help, Kong Girl is seeking someone!!! URGENT!!! - Shared via the LIHKG forum https://lih.kg/1528086

Hi! It's us again

Feedback from the post submitted last week received great responses. People from all walks of life and different industries offered us various types of support, including the legal industry. Thank you all for trusting us , and thank you for wanting to join our fantasy. (Kong Girl V: Grateful ah)

To be honest, we call this task of submitting a petition complaint to the UN a fantasy because the success rate in the past has been extremely low. But since there's no cost involved, we will insist on doing it regardless if we would get supporters or not. If we don't do it, then we would never know if actions like this would, or would not, affect the police and their brutality . Everything that happened in the last few months was totally unacceptable and those sons-of-bitches have not only gone crazy but complete outlaws. Although the local media have been widely reporting the police's wrongdoings, the government still covered up everything and everyone. This is absolutely intolerable.

After the announcement of the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill, the international media have all headlined "Demand Responded" and it is obvious that they do not understand the atrocities of the tyranny perpetrated. So, we would like to expose the police's brutality globally and the ultimate goal is to put even bigger pressure on the government, causing police reform and the establishment of a new independent complaint council monitoring the police. We absolutely refuse to be entertained by the police for handing out a few of themselves for trail, as we would only accept a complete revamping of the police force. As known to the criminal justice attorneys, thuggish cops have long existed within the force, but they have only been exposed in the open recently due to the movement.

Therefore, we want a complete and thorough reformation!!!

(Kong Girl A: Fuck, it boils my blood just talking about it!) Ok, let's report the progress and things that we needed.

First of all, we have completed the first draft of the petition. Attached is the preview of one of the pages.

Within the document, we would confront the police one incident after another, including but not limited to 6.12 Admiralty MTR station, 7.14 Sha Tin, 7.21 Sheung Wan & Yuen Long, 7.27 Yuen Long, 7.28 Sheung Wan and Sai Wan, 8.3 Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, Wong Tai Sin, 8.5 All over Hong Kong, 8.11 Kwai Fong, Sham Shui Po & Tai koo Shing, 8.21 Yuen Long, 8.24 Kwun Tong, 8.25 Tsuen Wan, Kwai Fong, 8.31 Price Edward MTR, 9.2 Mong Kok, and 9.7 Airport and Tai Po.
白龍。琥珀川 2019-10-12 10:18:09
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞