The Protest march is useless! Vigilante is futile! Lennon Wall is pointless! Public opinions are against us! Feeling exhausted, and wanna die! It's impossible not to break down! Stay put is pointless! The bill is dead! The police are conflicting internally!
by Twitterr
Has anyone noticed that some just love to keep looping the following points?
The Protest march is useless! Silent protests are ineffective! Lennon Wall is meaningless! Road blockades have no effects! Lashing out is futile! Vigilante is pointless!
March attendance had lowered. Support of the vigilantes cooled down. Sit-in is boring. The Lennon wall is dumb. Heard a lot of opposing voices as if the public opinions are already turning against us."
So tired. So bored. So agitated. Let's give up!
Protest marches aren't radical enough, and vigilantes deserve to go to jail! Chanting a few slogans and signing petition letters are just things to make myself feel better, and hunger strikes are self-mutilation! Issuing statements are so pretentious! Street promotions are foolish! Speaking in public won't get any attention! Street conflicts are illegal! Flashing laser beams is assault! Group assault against police imposters is raiding! Throwing objects is assault! Digging up bricks is an attack!
Martyrs' family would get compensations! Those wishing to stay behind after raiding the LegCo (Translator note: on July 1, 2019) all have terminal illnesses! All those free to engage in lashing are jobless! The youngsters are being manipulated! Christians should never take part in politics! Only losers would want to burn together!
Hong Kong is hopeless! Whatever one does is fucking stupid! Most Hongkongers won't buy into your ideas! You are the minority! What you wish to do has been done in the past already, and they were all ineffective! Stop dreaming!
Suspending the bill is already an enormous concession! Putting it to sleep is also a considerable yielding! The Police already started infighting, and the pro-Beijing camp also has internal conflicts! There are frictions between the Xi clan and the Jiang clan!
According to a news source... According to a news source... According to a news source...
Hongkongers are forgetful, shallow, selfish and naive! Hongkongers are worthless! Shenzhen and Shanghai have surpassed Hong Kong, and Beijing no longer needs Hong Kong!
Withdrawing the bill is impossible! Beijing won't allow universal suffrage! Posting on foreign newspapers would anger the CCP! Mentioning independence would anger the CCP! So afraid of the CCP! So scared of the People's Liberation Army!
Universal suffrage will never happen and Hong Kong can never become independent! No foreign countries would pay attention to Hong Kong! The Taiwanese and Tibetans won't give a shit about Hong Kong! Speaking about visions means you have no leverage; speaking about leverages means you have no plans and talking about plans means you have no visions! You are inconsiderate to your bros and sis' for seeking refuge in another country! You are a retard for choosing to stay in Hong Kong! Circulating promotions means you are the talkative tribe! You deserve jail! Revolting means you are brainless, but planning means you are cowards! Nothing you do would become noticed! You are standing way too close in the front, Hongkongers have forgotten about you, and nothing matters anymore!
I can't get to work! Too many people! Too little people! Too hot! Too rainy! Too cold! Too poor! Too rich!
The smart do the talking, and the stupid do the fight!
Poor dudes shouldn't have kids! Rich folks shouldn't have kids! Chinese immigrants would always rear a big bunch of kids at the cost of Hongkongers!
(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2
