by Ven
Kong-Girl Law Student submitted the Third Quarter Report to the UN, the first gift to the Chinese government in Hong Kong
[URGENT] On August 31, I went with a German journalist to the frontline for an interview which caused me to feel very emotional. I beg all of you to help a Kong-Girl who is seeking a missing person!!! URGENT!!!! Sourced from LIGHK Forum -
Pushing #HKPoliceBrutality to the global level would cause them to pay a heavy price. Kong-Girl Law Student (aka KGLS) on searching for the missing people - Phase 1 report. Sourced from LIHKG Forum -
KGLS isn't going to give up for anything, and finding a few more missing people would definitely put the HK Gov't and HK Police on the world stage in before the UN - Phase 2 report. Sourced from LIHKG Forum -
Everybody, Kong-Girl A&V submitted the first report to the UN on Oct 2.
I had thought of dispatching the report on Sept 30 as a Happy fucking Birthday present but I had too much on my mind on Oct 1, so I only finished my writing last night.
In the end, we made use of the footage detailing how the corrupt police shot the protestor directly in the chest as our opening, with the entire action displayed in slow-motion.
Ok, let me give you a summary of what we are doing currently.
Through a close acquaintance who understands the UN inside and out, we discovered that the UN Human Rights Council is not prioritizing the HK human rights problem. An optimistic estimate would be the middle of next year.
Therefore, we have decided to take a more efficient approach. The process involves having the report submitted to each human rights specialist on the panel and urge them to contact #CCP #China directly and request the HK Gov't to provide an explanation.
As this action involves CCP-China, only the names of the two of us have been provided (all the victims' names are absent from the documents) to avoid any traces for CCP-China to track down the victims and harass them more. Meanwhile, we explained to each victim the potential consequences, and they all gave us their consent to continue with their respective cases.
What follows would be for us to establish a 'drafting team' so we may continue writing the reports and feed them to the various 'treaty bodies' within the UN. These reports would all be named "Shadow Report" and each of them would be dispatched to the various bodies before their scheduled meetings. Also, although the reports contain the exact same content, they would be presented with different angles that are eye-catching to the different bodies. This aims at letting the various bodies appreciate the fact that the reports are not just copy-pasted, but tailor-made for each treaty body with different aspirations.
We feel that the corrupt cops have violated other human rights and they are as follows:
• Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
• Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – (since chanting slogans or participating in protests would put the children in residential child care, depriving them of freedom and school time, which are all unacceptable!)
• Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
Last but not least, ICCPR – International Covenant Civil and Political Rights, the one that I have mentioned multiple times in my previous posts would be informed of all the violations that the corrupt cops have carried out.
In September, our target is to initiate the entire process related to the UN, and the "Shadow Reports" are expected to last until next year.
(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2
