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不是CHING 2019-12-12 17:26:05
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-13 14:23:30
OP: https://lihkg.com/thread/1763931/page/1

讀Law港女port上聯合國 誓要警暴國際留record
Kong-Girl Law Student file violation complaints to UN, vowing to mark #HKPoliceBrutality in world history.

by Apple Daily

More than 10,000 tear gas canisters were deployed, over 6,000 rubber bullets fired, and at least 2,000 people were sent to the hospital for treatment, on top of a significant number of wounded that dared not to seek medical treatment in hospitals in fear of arrest. At the same time, there have been constant accusations that the police obstructed rescue efforts, tortured the arrestees in the police station with some sexually violated. The police's siege of the @PolyU was suffocating, but the number of police officers prosecuted for indiscriminate violence so far is a pale zero. Since the government has repeatedly refused to establish an independent investigative committee, #HongKongers have spontaneously recorded police violence cases. Meanwhile, an anonymous team wrote 400 pages of a Chinese-English civil survey report in a database for online public viewing. A law student with the alias 'Kong-Girl Law Student' (aka.KGLS) has written a self-deprecating essay "Not Giving Up For Anything" in LIHKG, and wrote a shadow report on the situation in Hong Kong and sent it to the United Nations, vowing to mark #HKPoliceBrutality in world history.

At the same time, the police have emphasized that they will not allow any police officers to abuse lynching. They have also pointed out at a press conference that if any civil servant or public official, while performing official duties, "deliberately cause severe pain to another person is categorized as torture." However, a large number of civilian videos and photos have been ignored as evidence. Police brutality has already "integrated" into the lives of Hongkongers. The effectiveness and checks and balances of police powers of the IPCC and CAPO are minimal. The independent investigation committee that the public has strongly demanded will not get any answers any time soon. So international interference appears to be the only way out. Angie, a third-year student of the University of London's law department, and Venisa, a fifth-year student of political science and law at the University of Hong Kong, found dozens of enthusiastic Hong Kong people living abroad through LIHKG in September. They shall put together a report detailing #HKPoliceBrutality and submit it to the UN.

Angie believes that #HKPoliceBrutality is a systemic issue. "You can solve it by putting one or two police officers with offences in prison. Also, for example, the so-called Notice Of No Objection should not even be a condition to control the public from taking to the street as that is our rights. Issues as such cannot be easily solved by either criminal or civil proceedings, so I must voice out through the UN."

The NOPAID team has made over 400-pages of the survey report.

On October 2nd, the first shadow report (that is, a report written by the people) was sent to the United Nations to lodge a complaint with photos and videos, including English subtitles that the team volunteered to help translate. The report began with the incidence in which the police fired in close range at the left chest of a demonstrator on October 1st, and then according to different incidents since June, it lists out the contents of which convention the police act allegedly violated. Even if the United Nations would respond, it is also necessary to call, through China, the Hong Kong government to submit a report. However, after reading the report, if the various Commissioners would conduct discussions in different situations or meetings, then that would mark #HKPoliceBrutality in global history.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2 )
我冇野講 2019-12-13 14:32:21
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-13 14:38:26
by Apple Daily

讀Law港女port上聯合國 誓要警暴國際留record (Part 2)
Kong-Girl Law Student file violation complaints to UN, vowing to mark #HKPoliceBrutality in world history (Part 2)

In this report, there was a case in which the police took the arrestee to San Uk Ling Detention Center. At the time, his respiratory system was injured to the point where his life was in danger but was still refused by the police to obtain medical attention. He finally waited for 8 hours to get on the ambulance. Venisa pointed out that Hongkongers' injuries are not just physical as the "ICCPR (Convention on Civil Rights) states that any forms of torture are prohibited and are considered inhumane regardless of personal injury or death. Insulting speech is also deemed inhumane; for example, the term "cockroach" was a term used in the Nazi period to dehumanize its oppositions and now in Hong Kong to insult our Bros and Sis'."

At the same time, another group of Hongkongers formed an anonymous team. NOPAID (Netizens Organizing Police Abuse Investigation Data), and wrote a 400-page civilian investigation report through which all the cases are uploaded to a database for police violent for viewing, as quoted in Angie's report to the United Nations. A member said that "We viewed all videos, amounting to thousands of hours. Some of us felt psychologically traumatized, with others requiring treatment; the report reflects the reality of our entire (police monitor) system, which is filled with loopholes. It's both problematic and serious."

Hongkongers petitioned to the Hague Court, urging it to increase its political pressure on HK. The group Kong-Girls SOS aims to approach the UN in different ways.

In mid-August, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, stated that the Human Rights Council had reviewed reliable evidence. It shows Hong Kong law enforcement officials have repeatedly used non-lethal weapons in violation of international norms. The abuse includes targeting the population in enclosed areas and firing tear gas canisters directly at individuals, which may lead to severe injuries and death. She urges the Hong Kong Government to set up an independent committee to investigate as soon as possible, but the Hong Kong Government has not taken any actions so far.

A few days after the siege of the PolyU, Rupert Colville, a spokesman for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, also expressed concerns that the Hong Kong police were said to have used excessive force. But he later said that the Hong Kong authorities had largely respected the right to peaceful assembly. His speech attracted international fury from the Amnesty and 22 other human rights organizations. They sent an open letter to Bachelet expressing their dissatisfaction, demanding Colville to explicitly condemn police violence and the HKSAR government's systematic violations of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech. Angie also pointed out that the UN's statement tends to "penalize evenly between the two parties", but compared to actual sanctions and trade-offs, the UN is more like a stepping stone. It can be used to analyze what international standards are involved in police actions. As a result, the problem of police violence would become more apparent to the world.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 3)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-13 14:39:21
True. When we tweet this, we will just put the links of the actual translation.
原由柏実 2019-12-13 14:40:04
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Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-13 14:42:55
by Apple Daily

讀Law港女port上聯合國 誓要警暴國際留record (Part 3)
Kong-Girl Law Student file violation complaints to UN, vowing to mark #HKPoliceBrutality in world history (Part 3)

Recently, the two established "SOS (Sounds of the Silenced)", with about 30 members including human rights experts, submitting shadow reports to the United Nations. For example, they are divided into small groups to write up different reports on women's rights, children's rights, etc. It will also link foreign media, various international non-governmental organizations, etc., as well as to establish channels to look into the victims' cases. It has also now been linked with the Taiwan Human Rights Promotion Association (Taiwan Rights Association). Angie said with a smile, the aims are to make the situation in Hong Kong "a frequent topic" in future and conferences in the coming years.

More than half a million people have recently signed up to ask the Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) to investigate #HKPoliceViolence. Venisa said that the court usually deals with disputes between countries, so it may not focus on the issue of police violence in Hong Kong in the short term. The joint agency can create political pressure so that the international community will continue to hear the voices of Hongkongers. The ultimate goal of Hongkongers is to use international pressure and other means to encourage the Hong Kong government to look directly and correct the deep-seated wrongdoing of the police force.


1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-13 14:55:09
Oh no. Not by me only. We have a team of about 20 people. Some design graphics, and some translate.
Please feel free to follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/lihkgpicks
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-13 15:17:22
got it. will do tonight.
thiocyanate 2019-12-13 22:40:47
how may one contribute to this cause?
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-14 08:53:48
You can contact us by DM our twitter account.
twitter.com/lihkgpicks and team leader will contact you!
Undefined 2019-12-14 09:01:52
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-14 09:04:25
by Ven

Kong-Girl Law Student submitted the Third Quarter Report to the UN, the first gift to the Chinese government in Hong Kong

[URGENT] On August 31, I went with a German journalist to the frontline for an interview which caused me to feel very emotional. I beg all of you to help a Kong-Girl who is seeking a missing person!!! URGENT!!!! Sourced from LIGHK Forum - https://lih.kg/1528086

Pushing #HKPoliceBrutality to the global level would cause them to pay a heavy price. Kong-Girl Law Student (aka KGLS) on searching for the missing people - Phase 1 report. Sourced from LIHKG Forum - https://lih.kg/1552390

KGLS isn't going to give up for anything, and finding a few more missing people would definitely put the HK Gov't and HK Police on the world stage in before the UN - Phase 2 report. Sourced from LIHKG Forum - https://lih.kg/1576895

Everybody, Kong-Girl A&V submitted the first report to the UN on Oct 2.

I had thought of dispatching the report on Sept 30 as a Happy fucking Birthday present but I had too much on my mind on Oct 1, so I only finished my writing last night.

In the end, we made use of the footage detailing how the corrupt police shot the protestor directly in the chest as our opening, with the entire action displayed in slow-motion.

Ok, let me give you a summary of what we are doing currently.

Through a close acquaintance who understands the UN inside and out, we discovered that the UN Human Rights Council is not prioritizing the HK human rights problem. An optimistic estimate would be the middle of next year.

Therefore, we have decided to take a more efficient approach. The process involves having the report submitted to each human rights specialist on the panel and urge them to contact #CCP #China directly and request the HK Gov't to provide an explanation.

As this action involves CCP-China, only the names of the two of us have been provided (all the victims' names are absent from the documents) to avoid any traces for CCP-China to track down the victims and harass them more. Meanwhile, we explained to each victim the potential consequences, and they all gave us their consent to continue with their respective cases.

What follows would be for us to establish a 'drafting team' so we may continue writing the reports and feed them to the various 'treaty bodies' within the UN. These reports would all be named "Shadow Report" and each of them would be dispatched to the various bodies before their scheduled meetings. Also, although the reports contain the exact same content, they would be presented with different angles that are eye-catching to the different bodies. This aims at letting the various bodies appreciate the fact that the reports are not just copy-pasted, but tailor-made for each treaty body with different aspirations.

We feel that the corrupt cops have violated other human rights and they are as follows:

• Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
• Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – (since chanting slogans or participating in protests would put the children in residential child care, depriving them of freedom and school time, which are all unacceptable!)
• Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Last but not least, ICCPR – International Covenant Civil and Political Rights, the one that I have mentioned multiple times in my previous posts would be informed of all the violations that the corrupt cops have carried out.

In September, our target is to initiate the entire process related to the UN, and the "Shadow Reports" are expected to last until next year.
(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-14 09:06:30
by Ven

法律系港女已向中共港府送第一份禮之聯合國戰線第三期報告 (part 2)
Kong-Girl Law Student submitted the Third Quarter Report to the UN, the first gift to the Chinese government in Hong Kong (part 2)

In October, we would take advantage of the Hong Kong Government's submission of its report relating to its 2014 brutality against the protestors on top of its follow-up report for the committee (based on the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, aka. “CAT”). What we'll do, in fact, is to provide a counter-argument proving that the situation has only gotten worse than what the Hong Kong report would say.

We will continue to accept different cases from victims in order to support our argument. Meanwhile, we set up a petition earlier on:


Although the number of signatories is never important, we understand that many would still like to chip. The actual reason to submit this petition is to show that we are in fact speaking out for our fellow Hong Kong citizens.

You may contact us through the channels below if you are interested in helping us line up all the victims, Hong Kong citizens, our Bros and Sis, and whatever you may come up with:

Email: [url]sue9popohk2019@gmail.com[/url]
Ig: knowyourrightshk
Telegram: @angiete / @venisawai
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
thiocyanate 2019-12-14 10:30:58
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-15 13:09:10
by Ven

法律系港女A&V 戰線後續 – SOS
Kong-Gal Law Student A&V (Angie & Venisa) Battlefront Postface - SOS

Hi, all!

So here is the situation. There are still 30 days until the result can be announced regarding our emergency submission of the last document (evidence showing #HKPoliceBrutality).

Regardless of the outcome, the UN has never really been a battlefront. The name might sound mighty, but it's a toothless tiger. Like how we have told our victims, we have, in fact, never expected that the UN could offer much help.

But but but.. it is a very significant stepping stone - mainly because we speeded up making and submitting the reports officially. Now we may claim that #HKPoliceBrutality is a problem that has arisen to global attention. On the other hand, we may make use of the finished report that contains analysis based on legality, the many victim files and publish the report for NGOs around the globe. So they may also know what the corrupted cops have done. Now we don't just tell the police off. We have clear evidence to illustrate their crimes against the Internationa Human Rights Law.

Therefore, thanks to the support from many of you. Kong-Gals A&V are officially announcing here the establishment of SOS (Sound Of the Silenced).
All particulars pertaining to SOS could be found in establishment reports:

Posting here again on LIHKG is to let you, especially the victims, know that we have not shut up, nor had we given up. As long as there are victims of #HKPoliceBrutality, Kong-Gals A&V would always tell the world on your behalf.

Some people would say: What's next after you've said it? What will the global community do?

Listen, being brutally honest with you, we have absolutely no idea.

And it's all because we are ignorant of whatever the fuck shall happen, directly or indirectly, but someone has to do the dirty laundry regardless.

Yes, we'll keep doing it, even if there's only a 10% chance of gaining any side effects or impacts;
But if we don't do anything, then we are 100% sure that nothing would ever happen.

Once again, if interested in lining up the victims with us, then please contact us via:
Email: sue9popohk2019@gmail.com
Ig: knowyourrightshk
Telegram: @angiete / @venisawai

The establishment of SOS isn't anything worth celebrating.

But as we have written on the postface of the establishment report, we sincerely wish that one day soon, we may shut SOS as we won't be needed, and Kong-Gals A&V might go back to being ordinary Kong-Gals again.

And that day will be the day Hong Kong is Liberated!
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-15 13:51:49
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-15 14:11:56
Past translated posts on the same series.
By: Shower Tea / Making Herbal Tea

全民化驗師計劃Part 2: 大量山埃機已經派咗比記者啦!監測山埃爆數情況!
Keep investigating! Universal Lab Technician Project Part 2: Loads of cyanide detectors have been given out to journalists! They will be used to monitor cyanide levels.

Hello everyone

Earlier on, many portable Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) monitors purchased by HKGETV using crowd-sourced fundings were lent to reporters/journalists interested in measuring the current cyanide readings on the street. Many have been on loan to these reporters: (in alphabetical order)

Apple Daily x2
HKGETV記者 (Freelance reporters/journalism students) x4 (with one already written off)
I-cable x1

(Updated 19 NOV 2019 0900)

The monitor is compact, easy to operate, and it certainly won't interfere with the journalists' work on the scene. The most important is that when readings appear abnormal, the reporters at the scene could show the real-time readings to viewers at home and also alarm the others simultaneously, such as fellow reporters, first-aiders, civilians and urge them to scatter immediately for safety.

Please pay attention to the live broadcast by the media mentioned above as we believe that their reporters would be carrying the monitors with them at the scene.

Recently, we have journalists on the scene only to discover on many occasions that there are HCN in the air. The level of concentration is over many standards. They even recorded situations where the concentration level is over the measurable level.
Occupational exposure limit TLV: 10 ppm as TWA (ACGIH 2001)
IDLH (Immediate danger):50 ppm

Revisiting the incidences
1237 #PolyU next to the space museum 28.6ppm

1148 #PolyU next to the space museum OL (overload, MAX: 30 ppm)

1154 #PolyU next to the space museum 29.7 (MAX: 30 ppm)

Our team has not only upgraded the model of the HCN monitors carried by the journalists but also heightened the base reading from (0-30ppm) to (0-50ppm). We require more accurate readings, and we have also purchased new monitoring equipment from overseas to compile the data received correctly. So once the reporters are trained, they can monitor the HCN on-site.

Content available on Telegram channel would be released simultaneously - [url]https://t.me/hkgetv/[/url]

If you wish to sponsor our work, you may do so via
Buy me a coffee donation (in USD) :
Crowdfunding link(in HKD)https://goget.fund/2MOT9co

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
UST南亞仔 2019-12-16 00:52:20
牙刷刷龜頭 2019-12-16 02:00:17
thanks bro
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-16 08:17:10
By: a group of frontline Queen Elizabeth Hospital medical staff.

The Second Public Letter from a group of the Front Line Medical staff at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Professor Sophia CHAN, JP, Secretary for Food and Health
Dr. Tony KO Pat-sing, Chief Executive, HA
Prof. John LEONG Chi-yan, GBS, JP, Chairman, HA
Dr. CHUNG Kin-lai, Director, HA (Quality and Safety)
Dr. Albert LO, Cluster Chief Executive (Kowloon Central)
Heads of Department and frontline staff members of Queen Elizabeth (QE)

Hospital staff (QE) were invited to a meeting organized by the senior management on November 20. We are glad that the Hospital Authority (HA) offered a gesture of goodwill to communicate with frontline staff openly. Although the senior management of QE had answered some questions from the staff members, we hope that the hospital will continue to handle the current issues pragmatically.

But, We believe that many public concerns have not been addressed:

1. During the meeting, the hospital promised to conduct sample collections and laboratory tests on toxic chemicals and pollutants from the tear gas fired by the police. It will also seek ways to test Cyanide (CN) and Dioxin. However, since the composition, origin and quality of the tear gas used by the police are unclear, how can the hospital properly conduct qualitative and quantitative investigations on these harmful substances? How can we ensure that the results of the trials are accurate and that patients and staff can trust that Queen Elizabeth Hospital is safe enough for medical care and work? The result of these tests is about public health and the personal safety of patients and employees. We strongly urge the hospital to face up to it and investigate early to dispel any public concerns.

2. Many staff members were affected by the tear gas and required both medical consultations and sick leave. Will the hospital announce relevant statistics on this situation? As far as we know, several surgery services that were scheduled in the past few days have either been cancelled or postponed. May we know why? Did the patients cancel the appointment because problems associated with the pollution has been made known to the public? Would the hospital be able to truthfully explain the reasons for cancellation/delay surgery to the patients? Did the hospital conceal the truth about the contamination of the medical gas system?

3. The media disclosed (1) that the medical compressed gas system used in the operating room of Queen Elizabeth Hospital was suspected of having been contaminated, hence the suspension; the HA later issued a statement clarifying, "for prudence ... we stopped using medical treatment compressed gas and switched to bottled medical gas." Why has the hospital not proactively announced the relevant measures; although it is not one of the nine public medical warnings (sentinel events) set by the HA, does it mean the hospital does not need to satisfy the public's right to know? "Medical gas" is understood as a kind of medicine in the medical profession and requires doctor's prescriptions. Since contaminated drugs need to be announced and recycled, how come the medical gas system involved in the entire hospital is suspended for safety reasons, yet not notified to the public?

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2)
Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-16 08:20:08
By: a group of frontline Queen Elizabeth Hospital medical staff.

一群伊利沙伯醫院前線醫護的第二封公開信 (part 2)
The Second Public Letter from a group of the Front Line Medical staff at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. (part 2)

Also, as a group of health care practitioners, we would like to ask Sophia Chan, the Secretary for Food and Health:

1. As the Secretary for Food and Health, the top priority is to ensure food safety and public health in Hong Kong. I want to ask, is the police deployment of the operation more superior to food safety and public health? Is the Food and Health Bureau subordinate to the Security Bureau and the Police Department? If chemical weapons used by the police pose a threat to public hygiene and the public's health, does the Food and Health Bureau have any mechanisms to review the composition and safety of the chemical weapons?

2. During the Legislative Council's inquiry session, the Secretary stressed that "the Department of Health and the HA's Poison Centre have conducted research. No research or literature proves the tear gas will release dioxin" (2). I dare to ask the Secretary, is the "research" conducted by the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority a "review of the literature" rather than a rigorous and substantial clinical or laboratory test that can withstand the scrutiny? We are going to ask again, does Ms. Chan, our Secretary, know the exact components of the tear gas used by the police? Was the tear gas surveyed in the medical literature the same type as that used by the police? If it is not the same kind, how can we support the police's "safety guarantee" with irrelevant and outdated literature written under different conditions, in different doses, and conducted via different application methods? As a member of the medical profession and a university professor, her irresponsible remarks and careless attitude toward scientific evidence are shocking to us all.

3. In 2004, The World Health Organization (WHO) published The Biochemical Weapons Guidelines (3) . It stated that the "Chemical Weapons Agreement" (CWC) that was jointly signed amongst the international community in 1993 indicates that those institutions in possession of riot control agents are required to provide identification of the weapons' components. We would like to know what privileges do the police have that exempt them?

4. We would like to formally request Secretary Chan again to ask the Food and Health Bureau, the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority, to obtain the specific components of the tear gas, pepper spray and coloured water from the police. To provide adequate guidance and support to frontline medical staff to care for patients affected by such substances. Also, its impact on humans and the environment must be clearly stated. If it fails to do so, then the Secretary also fails to perform her duties as the Director of the Food and Health Bureau. We demand her to step down.

If the bureau/hospital fails to provide evidence to remove the doubts and panic of our healthcare practitioners and the public, our only resolution would be to appeal to patients. Especially the following types of high-risk individuals: pregnant women, children, people who are sensitive to chemicals, suffering from respiratory problems. They should carefully consider whether they will continue to seek medical treatment at QEH and bear the risks themselves if they were to continue with their consultation at the hospital. We do not rule out seeking legal advice and apply for a court order requiring the Government to provide relevant information to protect the health of the patients and the occupational safety of the staff.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 3)
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