
1001 回覆
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2017-03-02 20:35:11
2017-03-02 22:34:51

It is immoral for those affluent guys to have the extravagant wedding. Try to imagine this sense: when those businessmen, stars and powerful guys are enjoying tasty food and expensive drinks, watching the performance of famous singers, the poor families are suffering from the winter, the lack of food and water. You may wonder whether what I have said is a fact, I can promise that such terrible pictures happen in our world every day. ***Upon the closer watching, how do they can still enjoy that high-priced food? There is no reason that we have such enjoyments when some of us are living so hard.*** Due to the suffering of the poor, why don’t we just put that unnecessary money on the charity, instead of the immoral wedding? Without that money, the sweet couple can still have a remarkable and memorable night for the cornerstone of their life and receive even more blessing from the poor helped by their kind donation.

***....... *** 當係評價咁樣可以嗎? 謝謝
2017-03-02 22:34:51

It is immoral for those affluent guys to have the extravagant wedding. Try to imagine this sense: when those businessmen, stars and powerful guys are enjoying tasty food and expensive drinks, watching the performance of famous singers, the poor families are suffering from the winter, the lack of food and water. You may wonder whether what I have said is a fact, I can promise that such terrible pictures happen in our world every day. ***Upon the closer watching, how do they can still enjoy that high-priced food? There is no reason that we have such enjoyments when some of us are living so hard.*** Due to the suffering of the poor, why don’t we just put that unnecessary money on the charity, instead of the immoral wedding? Without that money, the sweet couple can still have a remarkable and memorable night for the cornerstone of their life and receive even more blessing from the poor helped by their kind donation.

***....... *** 當係評價咁樣可以嗎? 謝謝
2017-03-02 22:52:37
Sorry呀我開唔到 可唔可以email比我或者google drive ? 已經email 左你了,希望你有時間應我 thanks ! !
2017-03-03 00:46:16
Sorry呀我開唔到 可唔可以email比我或者google drive ? 已經email 左你了,希望你有時間應我 thanks ! !

2017-03-03 00:53:39
近呢個月有睇bbc 6mins vocab同grammar
算補到下英文底 但關於時事既字同新聞接近無 係咪唔應該做argumentative essay?
2017-03-03 01:22:15

2017-03-03 01:24:10
近呢個月有睇bbc 6mins vocab同grammar
算補到下英文底 但關於時事既字同新聞接近無 係咪唔應該做argumentative essay?

argumentative essay算最易
2017-03-03 01:24:41
例如"On the other hand"個the字係咪要發"de"音
2017-03-03 01:26:22
例如"On the other hand"個the字係咪要發"de"音

2017-03-03 01:28:46
例如"On the other hand"個the字係咪要發"de"音


2017-03-03 01:31:00
想出個中文筆記 將自己四年補習心血公開出黎
2017-03-03 01:35:08
想出個中文筆記 將自己四年補習心血公開出黎

留名 支持

要有時間 返工忙到嘔 今年真係難啲
會開個live 解晒啲問題
2017-03-03 01:37:20
近呢個月有睇bbc 6mins vocab同grammar
算補到下英文底 但關於時事既字同新聞接近無 係咪唔應該做argumentative essay?

argumentative essay算最易

懶人咁問一問 5**範文係邊個word檔到
2017-03-03 08:44:57
請問AL UE邊個section岩DSE學生做

Section A同Section E


UE Reading題型唔同
2017-03-03 08:57:31

It is immoral for those affluent guys to have the extravagant wedding. Try to imagine this sense: when those businessmen, stars and powerful guys are enjoying tasty food and expensive drinks, watching the performance of famous singers, the poor families are suffering from the winter, the lack of food and water. You may wonder whether what I have said is a fact, I can promise that such terrible pictures happen in our world every day. ***Upon the closer watching, how do they can still enjoy that high-priced food? There is no reason that we have such enjoyments when some of us are living so hard.*** Due to the suffering of the poor, why don’t we just put that unnecessary money on the charity, instead of the immoral wedding? Without that money, the sweet couple can still have a remarkable and memorable night for the cornerstone of their life and receive even more blessing from the poor helped by their kind donation.

***....... *** 當係評價咁樣可以嗎? 謝謝

How can they still enjoy先啱
唔係put money on the charity
係donate money to the charities
2017-03-03 08:58:22
近呢個月有睇bbc 6mins vocab同grammar
算補到下英文底 但關於時事既字同新聞接近無 係咪唔應該做argumentative essay?

argumentative essay算最易

懶人咁問一問 5**範文係邊個word檔到

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞