測量(GP, BS, QS)討論區12


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CommonUser 2020-01-10 16:52:56
硬筆書法 2020-01-10 17:22:22
分工問題姐 arch夠可以學埋engine野取代埋engine 實行自己一個人一腳踢 但咁咪做死佢

如果你想分工 搵個人專門負責睇住盤數 預budget 落標 包r頸claim錢claim期
叫呢個人做qs, arch, engine, 收銀定打雜又有乜分別
硬筆書法 2020-01-10 17:30:22
同埋client都想有check and balance 搵第二班人睇住個荷包 唔好俾arch畫個世界奇觀出黎起到over budget

亦都想有搵一班同design揀料無關既人負責tender 保證公平唔會圍標
皮膚差 2020-01-10 20:02:01
Arch可以做哂Qs bs野不如摺左qs bs佢 留返LS同GP
我愛李一桐 2020-01-10 20:25:33
成日講到archi打天下咁 其實十個archi 9個run project+畫圖都就黎死 最好一個做曬

你試下入則/入標果陣 去屋宇署建築署同班官講Qs Bs係可以摺左佢

咁多qs做到site PM甚至大判ceo級又唔講
一半charter bs係政府做呀sir位屌人又唔講

偏偏qsbs 友就成日講測量無用
Khwchan888 2020-01-11 00:00:04
Because most of them did not want to do the paper work.
waterwaterbottle 2020-01-11 01:41:17
我覺得有冇G仔 offer 唔太緊要
如果間 私人 firm 有野學既話,落手做係學到野多d
呢幾年 G 仔同私人 firm pass rate 差唔遠
保羅帶bra拿 2020-01-11 12:00:14
短髮車厘龜 2020-01-11 16:25:18
短髮車厘龜 2020-01-11 16:27:33
短髮車厘龜 2020-01-11 16:29:05
皮膚差 2020-01-13 09:08:27
唔係 師兄我鳩Up sorry
SmartW 2020-01-13 11:24:12
prokofiev 2020-01-13 17:31:04
prokofiev 2020-01-13 17:31:34
prokofiev 2020-01-13 18:00:07
My friend John works as an accounting manager at hilton. If he takes the job at big 4 he'll be eight thousand dollars a month better off but he's still better off now than he was three years ago when he was working below everybody else in the department. He thinks a junior accountant position is beneath him. If he hadn't taken the CPA exam he wouldn't be working as an accounting manager now. If he'd pursued a career in sales rather than accounting his salary would be much lower. If it wasn't for his uncle's referral his career wouldn't take over now and he wouldn't start earning a lot of money. He's been having a crush on this girl named Jo but Jo has a boyfriend. His friend said "I don't blame you. She's quite attractive" but he's beginning to realise he has no.place in her scheme of things. He's just being a doormat sl I told him to forget her. She's just not worth it. His uncle said "you would be better off without her" His mum said "you'll be better off without her" He's a science fiction fan. He said "if starships really would exist I would quit my job and spend the rest of my life roaming the universe" Recently his sister married her high school sweetheart. Her father felt she was marrying beneath her though. Her auntie too feels her husband is beneath her. She enjoys socializing with the better off. Last monday john was away on a business trip to Hokkaido. After his trip I said "if you should go there again can you get me a pack of white lover cookies please?" He's a computer expert. Hos cousin has to write a report which is due on Tuesday but he's having problems with his computer. If john would go and fix his cousin's computer he'll be so thankful for his help" His cousin also has exams next week so he's better off revising at home over the weekend. His favourite fighter Dan has won his retirement fight lately. He's deeply grateful to his coaches and thankful that he has got a job as a colour commentator after he retires from the sport. All the fans wanna see randy versus Fred. If Fred will sign a contract with the organisation Dana will make the fight happen. After randy read the terms and conditions of the contract dana's assistant said "if you would just sign here please" John's brother is a concierge in a hotel. I said "if it'll make you happy I'll come to stay for a night as company for you while your colleagues are away" By the end of the next century scientists will have invented starships. As I'm fascinated by the science of starships I'm going to ask professor chan about it. I'm gonna wait for him outside the lecture room at twenty to seven. He'll have finished his lecture. I thought about phoning him at five to three but my friend said "Don't phone him now. He will not have finished his lecture yet" It's true that he wouldn't have finished teaching yet. Last sunday john threw a party. As some of us wanted to watch the news I said "if I could turn the tv on please" He then said "sure. if you would switch to the news" I saw joey yung live twice at the hong kong Colosseum twice with my friends which was marvelous and unforgettable. It was a worthwhile concert that was compelling enough to see again. I remember we were late. I said "look at the time. The concert will have begun" It was quarter past eight. the concert would've started by then.
prokofiev 2020-01-13 19:04:06
my friend has gp exams. one down two to go
prokofiev 2020-01-13 21:18:43
My friend Alfred will be giving a birthday party tomorrow but alas I can't attend because I got work to do. When he invited me at first I said "we'll see" He's making the most elaborate preparations for the party. My cousin asked "how are the party preparations going?" Jane is assisting with the party preparation. Peter is assisting in making preparations for the party as well. Alfred and his friends are sharing tje preparation between themselves so it isn't too much work. Joe has received a commission to write an article on Picasso for an art magazine. Hes doing research in preparation for the article. His girlfriend is assisting in the preparation of the research. His favourite fighter John will be fighting Alex for the heavyweight title in February. Championships like this require proper preparation. The poster and the promo video are in preparation. Hes foing careful preparation for the fight as he didn't perform well in his last fight because he did no preparation for it. Alex didn't seem to have done much preparation for his last fight too. He almost lost it so this time he's doing thorough preparation for it including grappling, wrestling and kickboxing as well as cardiovascular training. Sparring regularly is ideal preparation for a fight. You cannot fight a high level fighter without adequate preparation. Amy is making preparations for her ski trip to Kagoshima. She's also making preparations to meet her favourite band X Japan in Okinawa. So she's preoccupied with these preparations. Preparations are being made for next week's ski festival. The organizations who organize it have announced that preparations for the ski festival are well under way. Chicago Bulls will be playing against Houston Rockets in a playoff game next month. Playing in the playoff season needs adequate preparation. The poster and the promp video for the playoff season are in preparation. The players in Bulls are doing thorough preparation for the playoff game as they didn't perform well in their last four games because they did very little preparation. The players in Rockets didn't seem to have done much preparation in their last game against LA Lakers as well so this time they're doing meticulous preparation for it including passing, free throw shooting, three point shooting, dunking, blocking, getting rebounds and stealing as well as cardio training. Training six hours a day is good preparation for the playoff season. You cannot play against a high level team without adequate preparation.
福來邨傻鳩 2020-01-13 23:16:38
工料測量師 2020-01-14 02:45:37
工料測量師 2020-01-14 02:45:54
工料測量師 2020-01-14 02:46:05
工料測量師 2020-01-14 02:46:29
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞