Nexus/Pixel 系列討論區(8) 有買趁手

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2018-01-31 17:33:16
2018-01-31 17:34:39
Google 食佢夾棍掛
2018-01-31 17:40:12
2018-01-31 17:50:42
2018-01-31 18:45:24
有無人聽whatsapp錄音同聽電話果時個mon會熄左 之後著唔番???
2018-01-31 19:33:11
配備自家處理器外,還預裝 Android 9.0 系統,新一代 Google Pixel 3 曝光!

在昨晚就有外媒傳出消息,稱HTC 已宣佈與Google簽訂合作協議書,並且會在未來的 Google Pixel 手機上配備自家研發的處理器。不過除了這項交易消息外,今早有外媒再給出了新一代 Google Pixel 3 的消息,除了提及到 Google 的自研芯片還有就是大家期待的 Android 9.0 系統。

其實在這之前就一直有消息,Google Pixel 3 會配備高通最新的旗艦處理器 Snapdragon 845,不過現在更確切的消息是,這款手機會採用 Google 自己最新研發的 SoC 芯片,而且連 CPU/GPU 也是自主研發。這樣 Google 就可以降低對高通的依賴,並像 Apple 一樣部署安全更新,同時讓舊款的機型軟件更新周期變得更長。

另外從手機的發佈時間來看,新一代 Pixel 預計會在今年的9月或10月發表,而且從第一代開始手機都是首發 Android 新系統,今年的 Android 9.0 也不例外。再說 Google 官方都已經給出了Google I/O 大會的舉辦日期,而且就連新系統的一些特性也都已經曝光。
2018-01-31 19:33:34
2018-01-31 20:24:30
2018-01-31 20:25:07
2018-02-01 00:40:57
原來係mon貼問題 thanks
2018-02-01 10:49:21
想問下而家買pixel1代好唔好,我見$3200 128GB,我部nextbit又收收地皮
2018-02-01 13:14:27
邊度買 小心係二手/翻新
2018-02-01 13:17:56
LG settles bootloop lawsuit with $425 in cash or a $700 rebate toward a new LG phone

Last summer, LG faced a class action lawsuit over bootloop issues with its G4, V10, V20, Nexus 5X, and G5 smartphones. The lawsuit reached a settlement today, with LG offering afflicted device owners in the suit either $425 in cash or a $700 rebate toward a future LG device, according to Android Police. The issue, related to manufacturing defects on LG’s end, meant some owners of those devices were left with inoperable phones or phones that were stuck in a never-ending reboot cycle, hence the bootloop name.

If you’re a class member, you’ve either been contacted by the firm representing the class action suit or will be in the next couple of days to file a claim before February 12th. If you didn’t join the class already, unfortunately you’re out of luck and won’t be able to receive the settlement.

Still, it’s one of the larger settlements we’ve seen for a suit like this against a phone company, and it’s nice to see that LG is making some (legally enforced) amends to customers.

2018-02-01 13:22:22
2018-02-01 13:23:25
2018-02-01 16:08:05
2018-02-01 16:33:39
2018-02-01 18:51:58
2018-02-01 19:38:28
6p up完lag到核爆
2018-02-02 01:14:53
2018-02-02 01:41:27
最遲Pixel 3應該有
2018-02-02 14:15:05
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