Nexus/Pixel 系列討論區(7) 齊齊換Pixel 2

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2017-11-28 22:09:07
無眼睇, intelliGLASS 寄啲野到左,但完全錯撚晒

岩岩拆左XL2既黎睇, 中間網點黎既,都唔係全貼合

2017-11-28 22:11:36
無眼睇, intelliGLASS 寄啲野到左,但完全錯撚晒

岩岩拆左XL2既黎睇, 中間網點黎既,都唔係全貼合


2017-11-28 22:17:44

咁巴打己經收到$400 email + promo code ? 應該4星期先有的

我早買所以得home mini,如冇意外應該聽日會運到嚟

巴打果時有冇指明要US bank's card?

我send左email去google cs,佢return 左封咁既email過黎
Congratulations on your purchase of Pixel 2 ! I am sure that it will be a great experience.

I understand that you are inquiring about the Google store credit. I am glad to inform you that you are eligible for the Google Home Mini as well. It generally takes 4-6 weeks from the delivery date of your Pixel phone to receive the promo codes. Since we are still in the time frame, I assure you that there is no reason to worry. You can treat this email as a confirmation of the same. We have recently started to send out the promo codes and you should receive it soon.

If in any case, you do not receive the promo codes, please reply to this email and we can take it further.


應該得米. 巴打點做架,可否教路?

但佢無mention 過google store credit

字面上: "as well" 應該係有埋credit 咁解.

2017-11-28 23:15:04
oreo 8.1 preview
2017-11-28 23:34:09

咁巴打己經收到$400 email + promo code ? 應該4星期先有的

我早買所以得home mini,如冇意外應該聽日會運到嚟

巴打果時有冇指明要US bank's card?

我send左email去google cs,佢return 左封咁既email過黎
Congratulations on your purchase of Pixel 2 ! I am sure that it will be a great experience.

I understand that you are inquiring about the Google store credit. I am glad to inform you that you are eligible for the Google Home Mini as well. It generally takes 4-6 weeks from the delivery date of your Pixel phone to receive the promo codes. Since we are still in the time frame, I assure you that there is no reason to worry. You can treat this email as a confirmation of the same. We have recently started to send out the promo codes and you should receive it soon.

If in any case, you do not receive the promo codes, please reply to this email and we can take it further.


應該得米. 巴打點做架,可否教路?

但佢無mention 過google store credit

字面上: "as well" 應該係有埋credit 咁解.

2017-11-28 23:47:12

咁巴打己經收到$400 email + promo code ? 應該4星期先有的

我早買所以得home mini,如冇意外應該聽日會運到嚟

巴打果時有冇指明要US bank's card?

我send左email去google cs,佢return 左封咁既email過黎
Congratulations on your purchase of Pixel 2 ! I am sure that it will be a great experience.

I understand that you are inquiring about the Google store credit. I am glad to inform you that you are eligible for the Google Home Mini as well. It generally takes 4-6 weeks from the delivery date of your Pixel phone to receive the promo codes. Since we are still in the time frame, I assure you that there is no reason to worry. You can treat this email as a confirmation of the same. We have recently started to send out the promo codes and you should receive it soon.

If in any case, you do not receive the promo codes, please reply to this email and we can take it further.


應該得米. 巴打點做架,可否教路?

但佢無mention 過google store credit

字面上: "as well" 應該係有埋credit 咁解.

2017-11-29 00:18:18
2017-11-29 02:19:05
買pixel 2行貨係咪一定要上網買 再係美帝轉運至香港?

2017-11-29 03:57:00
買pixel 2行貨係咪一定要上網買 再係美帝轉運至香港?


香港有代理既話 你就唔洗專登美國買啦
2017-11-29 09:28:09
買pixel 2行貨係咪一定要上網買 再係美帝轉運至香港?


香港有代理既話 你就唔洗專登美國買啦

2017-11-29 10:29:31
買pixel 2行貨係咪一定要上網買 再係美帝轉運至香港?


香港有代理既話 你就唔洗專登美國買啦


Nexus 5x 行貨都係要寄返美國?
2017-11-29 11:00:24
但要100 credit買咩好?
vr? google wifi?
2017-11-29 11:03:13
但要100 credit買咩好?
vr? google wifi?

睇死佢完左個cyber Monday 就會加翻價
2017-11-29 11:44:35
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機
2017-11-29 11:49:40
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做
2017-11-29 11:52:53
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做

2017-11-29 11:59:35
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做

入到FASTBOOT即係唔係硬件死啦, 又唔係部機著都著唔到.
試下刷factory image,
2017-11-29 12:03:56
買pixel 2行貨係咪一定要上網買 再係美帝轉運至香港?


香港有代理既話 你就唔洗專登美國買啦


Nexus 5x 行貨都係要寄返美國?

行貨都想寄返去美國既話, 你買行貨做乜
2017-11-29 12:15:15
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做

入到FASTBOOT即係唔係硬件死啦, 又唔係部機著都著唔到.
試下刷factory image,

5X 通病的確有部分人係可以喺一段時間內入到 fastboot,一樣係硬件問題
請睇頭 post
2017-11-29 12:16:19
買pixel 2行貨係咪一定要上網買 再係美帝轉運至香港?


香港有代理既話 你就唔洗專登美國買啦


Nexus 5x 行貨都係要寄返美國?

行貨都想寄返去美國既話, 你買行貨做乜

2017-11-29 12:31:49
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做

入到FASTBOOT即係唔係硬件死啦, 又唔係部機著都著唔到.
試下刷factory image,

5X 通病的確有部分人係可以喺一段時間內入到 fastboot,一樣係硬件問題
請睇頭 post

sideload 緊個Factory image 部機自己熄左 failed
宜家連recovery mode 都入唔返
係咪要刷左個Recovery mode?
2017-11-29 12:42:24
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做

入到FASTBOOT即係唔係硬件死啦, 又唔係部機著都著唔到.
試下刷factory image,

5X 通病的確有部分人係可以喺一段時間內入到 fastboot,一樣係硬件問題
請睇頭 post

sideload 緊個Factory image 部機自己熄左 failed
宜家連recovery mode 都入唔返
係咪要刷左個Recovery mode?

2017-11-29 12:42:43
部5x 頭先用用下死埋開唔到機
要入recovery mode 洗機先開得返部機

更正, 原來洗完機都係開唔返部

宜家入到fastboot mode, 仲有咩可以做

入到FASTBOOT即係唔係硬件死啦, 又唔係部機著都著唔到.
試下刷factory image,

5X 通病的確有部分人係可以喺一段時間內入到 fastboot,一樣係硬件問題
請睇頭 post

sideload 緊個Factory image 部機自己熄左 failed
宜家連recovery mode 都入唔返
係咪要刷左個Recovery mode?

順便換做 Pixel 2
2017-11-29 13:12:00
Here's How Much the Pixel 2 Camera Improves with Android 8.1,news-26185.html

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞